Raymanoff wrote:Piratis, i dont have the right to vote... alltho i spent the biggest part of my life here, but anyway... i followed elections closely and from what i can see, elections in Cyprus are the most transparent and fair from what i've witnessed elsewhere. People really do care, amazing... everyone behaved as it was a holiday, all dressed up etc.

But do really ppl care?
I had many conversations with different ppl i know regarding elections and basically everyone voted based on their personal interests. NOt many ppl believed there will be a solution but instead worried about their horafkia on the north to worth millions once north becomes recognized or someone voted Christofias as he would most likely would abolish visas for russian tourists because his business was suffering etc....
First of all I have to agree with you that the elections in Cyprus are transparent and fair. Nobody questions that.
The question is how come the polls got it wrong. Although within the margin of error, almost no poll predicted this order.
You are right that some people just don't care, especially among the younger generations. Combine that with the fact that the demographic which is probably the harder to capture in polls are the soldiers, and the fact that Kasoulides is promising to cut in half the military service immideatly after he gets elected, and I believe we have the reason why Kasoulides not only passed in the second but also came first.
Of course it might be a combination of other reasons as well, but personally I believe this is the factor that played the most.
By the way, I don't think Christofias can abolish visas for Russians since it is something imposed by the EU. If that was possible then Papadopoulos would have done it already. The most Christofias can do is to continue with excuses as to why Cyprus can not enter the Schengen, something that might make visas for 3rd country nationals harder.