The war started at 2.22 am on Feb 2nd.
The reason for this being that Get Real had made a comment which did not suit him.
It was explained by Get Real that his comment had an "IF" in it which could be seen to mean something different.
Freespirit could smell blood, for the first time in his career he could sense that he might actually be able to win an argument so he carried the point on.
Both Filitsa and Phoenix were drawn into the affray untill the matter came to an end.
The war ended at 12. 19pm, at which time Freespirit slipped up by saying that when he was at school, he and his friends used to stick the heads of little schoolboys down the toilet and flush it.
He has now tried to wriggle out of it by calling somebody else a liar, he does not like the fact that he has exposed himself as a bully and a coward and will do all in his power to change the meaning of what he said.
So, if he is ready to go to war over the word "IF", what do you reckon he is ready to do fo a whole sentence?.
Go to Hell Freespirit, you have trapped yourself with your own words, you have proved you are a bully and a coward and there is nothing you can do about it.
Anyone reading your past posts can see it clear enough, go and change your name again but this time change your brain with it.
And a scummy piece of shit like you has the cheek to call another member a liar, go to hell again you silly old sod.