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The Battle of "IF".

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Re: The Battle of "IF".

Postby Stout » Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:57 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
Stout wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Stout wrote:Freespirit, no need to copy and paste what you posted, if you look at page 4 of "SAVAGES STRIKE AGAIN", the last comment on that page is the one you made about how WE and CRETINS, which means there were more than one of you "YOUR GANG" and more than once "CRETINS".
You can wriggle which way you like mate, but the truth is you have shown yourself to be a "Bully" a "Coward" a "Ignorant Old Fool" and if you want to use the same way that you accuse others, a "Bloody Liar" and a "Gutless Creep" to boot.
I have looked backover a lot of your posts, I notice that you really depend on the back up of miltiades almost every time, stand up on your own feet mate, be a MAN, you will only drag miltiades down to your scummy level if you dont.
I doubt if miltiades would start back-stabbing Eliko as soon as hes gone even though they were always at each other.
You are nothing but an ignorant old creep, do as Aidan sez and stuff your head down a shitty toilet, it might teach you something, you reckon it was good for those little kids you bullied.
Oh, by the way, Bollocks to you as well !. :twisted: :twisted:

My dear Stout,

I have enjoyed debating with you in the past but I have to question if a naughty schoolchild has obtained your log-in details?

I am surprised at the language and content of your recent posts and quite frankly aligning yourself with lunatic Aidan does you no credit at all.

cyprusgrump, I do not like to use that kind of language, but Freespirit has shown himself to be everything I have said about him, he is ready to tag anyone a liar for no reason and never seems to be able to answer any question without some whinge.
I spent a long time looking back over his and southerners posts, they are the same person, and I found more insults and issue dodging than proper answers.
nearly every time Eliko posted anything, he was in like a shot with his insults, how Eliko kept his cool is a mystery to me, I would have told him to fuck off ages ago.
I am a builder, bad language comes with the terratory when you have to deal with idiots like him.
I think he was out of order in attacking Eliko AFTER the man had gone, bollocks to him again mate, he is a scummy rat and he is welcome to kiss my arse as well.
No offense to you mate, sorry if I have.

You don’t offend me but I fear you have conceded the moral high ground by using such aggressive language…

Not really bothered about that mate, just as long as that snidey old back-stabber knows how I feel about him.
Have a read up of his past posts and you will see what I mean.
I am a straight talking up front man, I just dont like sneaky tricky snidey gits, Freespirit scores on all points. :evil:
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Postby purdey » Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:00 pm

Stout you have let your guard down now.You will be primed,again and again...
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Postby Stout » Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:09 pm

purdey wrote:Stout you have let your guard down now.You will be primed,again and again...

purdey, what Freespirit done was out of order, I think he is a snivelling rat, he proved it and he knows it, all he can do now is wriggle and rant. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Battle of "IF".

Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:10 pm

Stout wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Stout wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Stout wrote:Freespirit, no need to copy and paste what you posted, if you look at page 4 of "SAVAGES STRIKE AGAIN", the last comment on that page is the one you made about how WE and CRETINS, which means there were more than one of you "YOUR GANG" and more than once "CRETINS".
You can wriggle which way you like mate, but the truth is you have shown yourself to be a "Bully" a "Coward" a "Ignorant Old Fool" and if you want to use the same way that you accuse others, a "Bloody Liar" and a "Gutless Creep" to boot.
I have looked backover a lot of your posts, I notice that you really depend on the back up of miltiades almost every time, stand up on your own feet mate, be a MAN, you will only drag miltiades down to your scummy level if you dont.
I doubt if miltiades would start back-stabbing Eliko as soon as hes gone even though they were always at each other.
You are nothing but an ignorant old creep, do as Aidan sez and stuff your head down a shitty toilet, it might teach you something, you reckon it was good for those little kids you bullied.
Oh, by the way, Bollocks to you as well !. :twisted: :twisted:

My dear Stout,

I have enjoyed debating with you in the past but I have to question if a naughty schoolchild has obtained your log-in details?

I am surprised at the language and content of your recent posts and quite frankly aligning yourself with lunatic Aidan does you no credit at all.

cyprusgrump, I do not like to use that kind of language, but Freespirit has shown himself to be everything I have said about him, he is ready to tag anyone a liar for no reason and never seems to be able to answer any question without some whinge.
I spent a long time looking back over his and southerners posts, they are the same person, and I found more insults and issue dodging than proper answers.
nearly every time Eliko posted anything, he was in like a shot with his insults, how Eliko kept his cool is a mystery to me, I would have told him to fuck off ages ago.
I am a builder, bad language comes with the terratory when you have to deal with idiots like him.
I think he was out of order in attacking Eliko AFTER the man had gone, bollocks to him again mate, he is a scummy rat and he is welcome to kiss my arse as well.
No offense to you mate, sorry if I have.

You don’t offend me but I fear you have conceded the moral high ground by using such aggressive language…

Not really bothered about that mate, just as long as that snidey old back-stabber knows how I feel about him.
Have a read up of his past posts and you will see what I mean.
I am a straight talking up front man, I just dont like sneaky tricky snidey gits, Freespirit scores on all points. :evil:

To be honest, I prefer Free Sprit's posts to yours...
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Postby Stout » Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:20 pm

cyprusgrump, that is a matter of choice and you are entitled, at least you are straight about it, thanks. :)
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Postby FreeSpirit » Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:43 pm

Stout wrote:
purdey wrote:Stout you have let your guard down now.You will be primed,again and again...

purdey, what Freespirit done was out of order, I think he is a snivelling rat, he proved it and he knows it, all he can do now is wriggle and rant. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey spout sorry I mean stout here's another naughty word for you "doggy do do's" go tell nadia.
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Re: The Battle of "IF".

Postby FreeSpirit » Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:57 pm

[quote="Stout"]I am a builder, bad language comes with the terratory when you have to deal with idiots like him.

bollocks to him again mate, he is a scummy rat and he is welcome to kiss my arse as well.

Being a builder is no excuse for acting like a foul mouthed moron it also implies all builders have learning difficulties the same as you, I know that this is not the case my Father-in-law was a bricklayer and never resorted to the kind of language and terminology that you use.
Quite frankly It is your family I pity, if you can't prevent yourself from spitting out the dummy in public how can you cope in the cofines of your own home. you really must learn some respect, self control and counting to ten before throwing a tantrum.
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Postby Stout » Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:14 pm

My kids are out of control mate, thanks to you I will be able to quieten them down in future, I'll get a few big labourers to help me hold em down when I give em the Freespirit treatment. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby FreeSpirit » Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:24 pm

Stout wrote:My kids are out of control mate, thanks to you I will be able to quieten them down in future, I'll get a few big labourers to help me hold em down when I give em the Freespirit treatment. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

So typical of the yob culture always someone else to blame, need the help of labourers do you obviously in too much of a drunken stupour to do it yourself.
Why don't you get your friend Nadia to tell the some Fairy stories.
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Postby Oracle » Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:44 pm

Just looking for a tenuous reason to post one of my favourite poems ... and this seems as good an excuse as any ... :D


IF you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!

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