Oracle wrote:Great ...who is going to temper BCN and FreeSpirit now that Eliko is gone ....
Stout it's up to you.
Eliko has never been able to temper me, he constantly misconstrues what has been written to the point where he blatantly lies.
This is one of my responses on another thread regarding Darfur
Freespirit wrote:The African nations are supposed to be sorting that out as far as I know so why should the US get involved?
[quoteEliko]Good Heavens FreeSpirit, are you implying that what goes on in another country is 'None of our business?'

My response was quite obvious to even the most limited amongst you; put simply the "African Union had been assigned to intervene", a force made up from African Nations was to act as a peacekeeping force. how can that be misinterpretated the way that Eliko did other than the proven fact that it is typical of him.
Liars such as Eliko always trip themselves up as I have just shown.