umit07, what you have presented is not supposed to be funny nor do I think it is.
You have been given the opportunity to learn of the emotional (and personal) 'attachment' of a man to a very difficult profession.
When he actually performs the duties required of him by his profession, he has the ability to 'detach' himself from such emotions and that must be extremely difficult.
Any act of execution is carried out in accordance with the laws of of that nation and the subjects are fully aware of the consequences should they fall foul of them, similarly they are aware of which crimes are punishable by the severence of limbs.
It is difficult for WE of a different culture to understand THEIR perceptions, just as it is for THEM to understand OURS.
I personally was struck by the composure of the executioner, he came across as a well informed individual, obviously a family man and devout in his beliefs.
Whether or not WE believe in what HE does is a moot point, certainly not reason for an invitation to ridicule it.
In my considered opinion.