purdey wrote:The question was originally quoted from a press report,not mine.Domino effect ? UK recession,British tourists,vast spending by Cypriots on credit card,credit..Do any of these ring bells.Is Cyprus so isolated that it does not function from foreign investment,the tourist pound.
The second question was based on the above,I was not asking someone to provide a financial report,but as always abuse wins the day,no discussion just abuse.
I agree Purdey abuse is pointless,
There is the other problem of the building, properties are still being planned built and sold without any consideration to the ever present water crisis, There is simply not enough, I read a report in the Cyprus mail a few days ago, which was written by an expert, himself a cypriot which paints a very bleak future for Cyprus.
It is time to wake up and open your eyes to what is happening around you. There is a global recession coming and there is climate change. We can no longer pretend that this is someone else's problem. It is here and now.