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Is the Cyprus economy slowing down ?

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Re: Is the Cyprus economy slowing down ?

Postby Get Real! » Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:14 pm

purdey wrote:Is recession on the cards for Cyprus.Are credit sales having a negative impact on the Cypriot population ?

You couldn't have chosen a worse (for you) financial year to pose this daft question. Not only has the RoC managed a surplus but they've also just paid off their foreign debt so go back to sleep.
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:14 pm

Dear Oracle, Sweet thing,

So Cyprus is not part of the Modern world . CUTE.

We in the West are wide awake, and bracing ourselves, by all means go along in your own sweet sleepy way.

SHHH!!! promise not to wake you.
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Postby Oracle » Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:21 pm

Cheshire Cat wrote:Dear Oracle, Sweet thing,

So Cyprus is not part of the Modern world . CUTE.

We in the West are wide awake, and bracing ourselves, by all means go along in your own sweet sleepy way.

SHHH!!! promise not to wake you

So by your definition being part of the Modern World is following like Lemmings ..... into Worldwide Recession just because the USA has screwed up in Iraq / Afghanistan / ? :lol:
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Postby dinos » Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:07 pm

123456 wrote:I think you'll find it's a case of "all of the above".

Threads are routinely hijacked by people who like to multiquote whole pages of posts to simply stick an emoticon on the end. They seem to think that passes for intelligent conversation around here.



You're off the mark - my reply was first for humor (some people here do have a sense of humor) and then some direction to find the desired figures.

What really pisses me off is lazy bastards that demand everyone else to jump at their commands. I could have leveled this response, but chose to do the polite thing and have a laugh about it instead. Now that you somehow seem to be attacking my intelligence, you'll get the direct treatment so that nothing escapes you.

Again - if anybody wants underlying facts and figures, go and do the damned research yourself - quit trying to get others to do your dirty work.
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Re: Is the Cyprus economy slowing down ?

Postby Cheshire Cat » Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:17 am

Oracle wrote:
Cheshire Cat wrote:
purdey wrote:Is recession on the cards for Cyprus.Are credit sales having a negative impact on the Cypriot population ?

Well, all the experts are saying that we are heading at breakneck speed for a WORLDWIDE recession.

So unless Cyprus is on Mars, I guess that includes you guys.

Wake Up!

Worldwide Recessions mean USA / UK / Japan plus a few minor others ... it's not literal :roll:

No two countries have identical strongholds / weaknesses.

If there us a rescession in the U.K. and the rest of Europe, there is no money to spend on luxuries such as holidays, Cyprus relies heavily on tourists for her income, do you agree with that ?
No tourists, no Money, Also there is the problem with the water, where is that going to come from, . Would you want to go on holiday to a country where the water is rationed.? All of this can fuel a recession. It is all a knock on effect.

( if you promise not to be rude to me, then I will not be rude to you Deal)
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Postby purdey » Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:44 am

The question was originally quoted from a press report,not mine.Domino effect ? UK recession,British tourists,vast spending by Cypriots on credit card,credit..Do any of these ring bells.Is Cyprus so isolated that it does not function from foreign investment,the tourist pound.
The second question was based on the above,I was not asking someone to provide a financial report,but as always abuse wins the day,no discussion just abuse.
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:00 am

purdey wrote:The question was originally quoted from a press report,not mine.Domino effect ? UK recession,British tourists,vast spending by Cypriots on credit card,credit..Do any of these ring bells.Is Cyprus so isolated that it does not function from foreign investment,the tourist pound.
The second question was based on the above,I was not asking someone to provide a financial report,but as always abuse wins the day,no discussion just abuse.

I agree Purdey abuse is pointless,
There is the other problem of the building, properties are still being planned built and sold without any consideration to the ever present water crisis, There is simply not enough, I read a report in the Cyprus mail a few days ago, which was written by an expert, himself a cypriot which paints a very bleak future for Cyprus.

It is time to wake up and open your eyes to what is happening around you. There is a global recession coming and there is climate change. We can no longer pretend that this is someone else's problem. It is here and now. :(
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Postby tessintrnc » Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:03 am

I think that as long as jobs stay secure then credit spending will not have a major impact on the economy, but , if the tourist pound is hit hard by recessions elsewhere then I agree that there may be a change in the economy. Cyprus is not in a cocoon, and if tourists stay at home, jobs in the tourist sector will surely be lost - it is then that the credit debts will go unpaid and the banks will start getting nervous.
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