denizaksulu wrote:T_C wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Nikitas wrote:Deniz,
On the GC side we had organizations that started after 1960, funed by the Americans, whose purpose was to protects us from the communist threat. Being a full time patriot in the early 60s was a full job for some, and it was those guys who later participated in the clashes.
Well, we do know how the Americans are ggod at Civil Wars. They do not care one Iota.
As BK mentioned in another post, the pics on the Kophinou road are our cousins (real ones) and are farmers and shepherds of that village. They did not atack any GC village but defending their own. Like wise I expect the GCs to defend their own villages in case of attack.
Oh whatever deniz. Do you really believe they had to defend their own villages? Come on man, they chat so much shit.
Dont get upset TC. Its my way of pointing out that we had a right to defend ourselves. What I am saying is under the circumstances, wouldnt they do the same? What do they expect us to do. They neednt have to defend as it was us undr attack and not them. Please dont misunderstand my point.
I know..sorry Deniz I just get pissed off because sometimes we try to be considerate but some of them only throw it back in your face and use it against you.

I just don't get how we're supposed to unite when they clearly don't care about our side of the coin. I so, so wish they could REALLY see things from our perspective for once, but they don't and probably never will....