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Life Magazine - 28th Feb 1963 - Limassol Resistance!!!

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby T_C » Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:43 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
T_C wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Nikitas wrote:Deniz,

On the GC side we had organizations that started after 1960, funed by the Americans, whose purpose was to protects us from the communist threat. Being a full time patriot in the early 60s was a full job for some, and it was those guys who later participated in the clashes.

Well, we do know how the Americans are ggod at Civil Wars. They do not care one Iota.

As BK mentioned in another post, the pics on the Kophinou road are our cousins (real ones) and are farmers and shepherds of that village. They did not atack any GC village but defending their own. Like wise I expect the GCs to defend their own villages in case of attack.

Oh whatever deniz. Do you really believe they had to defend their own villages? Come on man, they chat so much shit.

Dont get upset TC. Its my way of pointing out that we had a right to defend ourselves. What I am saying is under the circumstances, wouldnt they do the same? What do they expect us to do. They neednt have to defend as it was us undr attack and not them. Please dont misunderstand my point.

I know..sorry Deniz I just get pissed off because sometimes we try to be considerate but some of them only throw it back in your face and use it against you. :shock:

I just don't get how we're supposed to unite when they clearly don't care about our side of the coin. I so, so wish they could REALLY see things from our perspective for once, but they don't and probably never will.... :(
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:48 pm

T_C wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
T_C wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Nikitas wrote:Deniz,

On the GC side we had organizations that started after 1960, funed by the Americans, whose purpose was to protects us from the communist threat. Being a full time patriot in the early 60s was a full job for some, and it was those guys who later participated in the clashes.

Well, we do know how the Americans are ggod at Civil Wars. They do not care one Iota.

As BK mentioned in another post, the pics on the Kophinou road are our cousins (real ones) and are farmers and shepherds of that village. They did not atack any GC village but defending their own. Like wise I expect the GCs to defend their own villages in case of attack.

Oh whatever deniz. Do you really believe they had to defend their own villages? Come on man, they chat so much shit.

Dont get upset TC. Its my way of pointing out that we had a right to defend ourselves. What I am saying is under the circumstances, wouldnt they do the same? What do they expect us to do. They neednt have to defend as it was us undr attack and not them. Please dont misunderstand my point.

I know..sorry Deniz I just get pissed off because sometimes we try to be considerate but some of them only throw it back in your face and use it against you. :shock:

I just don't get how we're supposed to unite when they clearly don't care about our side of the coin. I so, so wish they could REALLY see things from our perspective for once, but they don't and probably never will.... :(

From what I have seen, some do, most dont and one or two pretend to know and understand and one or two really know and understand. It seems the only ones we can trust are the ones that openly hate us. At least with them we know where we stand. What a shame.
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Postby T_C » Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:06 pm

Yes, people like Sotos and Kifeas for instance at least have reasons to be pissed off since they have left things behind in the north. But the KKK nationalists like Phoenix are the disease of the Cyprus problem and they should be exposed for what they are and flushed out of the government so we can build a better future together. But as usual the GCs will continue being easily duped by these morons, and they'll look at us with suspicion FOREVER. :shock:

How many TCs were there to see Denktash resign in the picture Tim posted the other day? Will there be just as much GCs trying to get rid of Papadopulous....I hope so...but we shall see....
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:11 pm

T_C wrote:Yes, people like Sotos and Kifeas for instance at least have reasons to be pissed off since they have left things behind in the north. But the KKK nationalists like Phoenix are the disease of the Cyprus problem and they should be exposed for what they are and flushed out of the government so we can build a better future together. But as usual the GCs will continue being easily duped by these morons, and they'll look at us with suspicion FOREVER. :shock:

How many TCs were there to see Denktash resign in the picture Tim posted the other day? Will there be just as much GCs trying to get rid of Papadopulous....I hope so...but we shall see....

Good point. The GCs need to weed out the rotten amongst themselves. The problem is that the 'GC next door' are so gullible, they will swallow anything the right wing throw at them.

Over and out, till tonite.
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Postby Natty » Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:05 pm

Oracle wrote:
Natty wrote:Hi TC, how are you? Thanks for uploading the article, it's always interesting to read about people's personal experiences of the Conflicts that happened in Cyprus...I keep looking at the picture with the women and children in the van, they look so scared and confused...Very sad...:(

I too was affected by this sad photo ...

But T_C's thread is about glorifying TCs which continued the ongoing oppression of Cyprus.

In true propaganda style, he threw in emotive images to increase the sympathetic response to the photos of the Terrorist Turk-TCs that he is trying to portray as Heroes.

How can anyone expect us to acknowledge these descendants of the invaders, who continue their battles to oppress and eliminate the native population of Cyprus, as heroes?

If they are your heroes, then you are a traitor to Cyprus.

Oracle I was simply commenting on past suffering. If you notice I didn't write about the fighting and the resistance itself (to be honest with you I hadn't heard of this event before), but what I did pick up on (as you did yourself) was the image of the women and children, these people in my eyes represent the suffering of all Cypriots. I mean those women and children could have been GC's during the invasion running away from their village. Innocents caught up in war...

I don't want to comment too much about your views on Turks and TC's, but I will say that even though I can see where you're coming from, I don't think it’s right to pigeon hole all TC's and brand them with the name ‘traitor’. Of course there are those that have always gone against independence and the state, and fought for partition, and there are those who supported those actions, but there are also moderates, people who just want to get on with their lives, who I believe are just stuck in the middle. I mean, if you have one side screaming that you are traitors and another side screaming that you are traitors and that if you join with the other side all that will happen is suffering, suffering and more suffering, then to whom do you turn? To whom do you put your trust in? I don’t think anything can be achieved by alienating a whole community, it happened in the past and I can only hope that it doesn’t happen in the future, that past mistakes will be learned from, but hey that is just my humble opinion….

(I don't think I've ever been accused of being a traitor to Cyprus before, it’s taken me slightly aback, I must admit.. :oops: )
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Postby Natty » Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:32 pm

T_C wrote:
Natty wrote:Hi TC, how are you? Thanks for uploading the article, it's always interesting to read about people's personal experiences of the Conflicts that happened in Cyprus...I keep looking at the picture with the women and children in the van, they look so scared and confused...Very sad...:(

Hi Natty, I'm good thanks and I hope you are too (?) :D

I agree with you, when I got it I couldn't stop looking at it either. And it didn't make me feel angry towards GCs or anything (well the nationalists a little) but it was interesting to read. :)

Why I'm pretty good thanks TC! :D

It's definitely a hard hitting image. As I said to Oracle, for me it kind of epitomizes all of the suffering that many Cypriots within all the communities had/have experienced at some point. It's like that film of Agios Amvrosios that bill cobbet uploaded the link to, it just makes you realise how sad the whole situation is, how one minute your attempting to live a normal life and the next minute everything just gets flipped upside down and shaken up, and normal seems so far off…
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Postby Oracle » Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:35 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Nikitas wrote:Three men with shotguns guarding the Kofinou road. So the casualties caused by high powered rifles were figments of the imagination. The arrest of the boat off Kokkina loaded with arms was also a figment of the imagination. The intense machine gun and mortar fire that stopped the charge at Kokkina did not happen.

Perhaps it is time to cut the crap in here? Irregulars on both sides were arming themselves to the teeth after 1961 getting ready for a showdown which finally came in 1963. This pretense of innocence by either side is insulting our intelligence.

Nikitas, Oracle is using that pic for her argument. The position is definitely for defence purposes. I agree that both sides were arming themselves. The TCs justifiably. The RoC already had a force with which to annihilate the TCs, in the shape of Grivas and the National Guard.

Deniz ... I got that picture from T_C's post. :lol:

And how can a sniper position like that depicted, be considered for defence purposes. :? :?

Take off those Rose-Tinted-Turk-Specs!
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Postby Natty » Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:38 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:
What would you like darling? A Greek coffee, a Turkish coffee or a Cypriot coffee?

love this true

Thanks replusewarrior, it was my grandmother actually that said it a while back; I remembered it when I came to write my signature and I just had to use it. She definitely has a good sense of humour, that’s for sure!

I’m trying to remember what I eventually chose, I think I may have gone for something a bit different and exotic and chosen the Turkish coffee that day, it’s nice to give ‘new’ things a try, don’t you think? :wink:
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Postby Oracle » Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:44 pm

T_C wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Natty wrote:Hi TC, how are you? Thanks for uploading the article, it's always interesting to read about people's personal experiences of the Conflicts that happened in Cyprus...I keep looking at the picture with the women and children in the van, they look so scared and confused...Very sad...:(

I too was affected by this sad photo ...

But T_C's thread is about glorifying TCs which continued the ongoing oppression of Cyprus.

In true propaganda style, he threw in emotive images to increase the sympathetic response to the photos of the Terrorist Turk-TCs that he is trying to portray as Heroes.

How can anyone expect us to acknowledge these descendants of the invaders, who continue their battles to oppress and eliminate the native population of Cyprus, as heroes?

If they are your heroes, then you are a traitor to Cyprus.

What are you talking about? You are such an idiot, I kinda feel sorry for you. :?

The TCs in the photos WERE heroes. They all died defending their homes and kicking the nationalist GCs arses despite being outnumbered.

The nationalist racists like Oracle/Phoenix are such idiots, they're a disgrace to their people. As soon as they see a bit of evidence they don't like they FREAK OUT like loons and they're so transparent. You lot have ISSUES! These people are blatantly in denial, and they're dangerous....

I asked to have explained how invaders could be regarded as heroes ... instead you opt for the get-out-clause of attacking me ... good going T_C ... you have stooped as low as the rest when unable to discuss. :roll:

Why start a thread if you cannot answer questions ... but resort to attacking posters. :?

T_C ... Emotive colourful words and photos are not enough ... what is your proposal / argument / defence / hypothesis?
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Postby Oracle » Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:49 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
T_C wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Nikitas wrote:Deniz,

On the GC side we had organizations that started after 1960, funed by the Americans, whose purpose was to protects us from the communist threat. Being a full time patriot in the early 60s was a full job for some, and it was those guys who later participated in the clashes.

Well, we do know how the Americans are ggod at Civil Wars. They do not care one Iota.

As BK mentioned in another post, the pics on the Kophinou road are our cousins (real ones) and are farmers and shepherds of that village. They did not atack any GC village but defending their own. Like wise I expect the GCs to defend their own villages in case of attack.

Oh whatever deniz. Do you really believe they had to defend their own villages? Come on man, they chat so much shit.

Dont get upset TC. Its my way of pointing out that we had a right to defend ourselves. What I am saying is under the circumstances, wouldnt they do the same? What do they expect us to do. They neednt have to defend as it was us undr attack and not them. Please dont misunderstand my point.

How could you be defending yourselves when you were the descendants of invaders and had the easy-option of joining your motherland ... :roll:

Clearly you wanted to continue the invasion and fought for the perpetuation of the occupation .... so no-way are you heroes!
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