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Life Magazine - 28th Feb 1963 - Limassol Resistance!!!

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:47 am

miltiades wrote:Past conflicts were the result of inter communal fighting that was spearheaded by fanatics and motherland bullshitters. The curse of Cyprus , the cancer eating away , its time to leave the past behind and seek solace in reconciliation and forgiveness . We are not as Cypriot people killers , murderers and without a conscience. Let us forget those horrid years , that BOTH sides brought shame on Cyprus , there were no heroes just victims and aggressors .

Putin states TRNC shoudl be recognized EU applying double standrads in case of Kosovo, onle little step at a time.
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Postby DT. » Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:59 am

Viewpoint wrote:
miltiades wrote:Past conflicts were the result of inter communal fighting that was spearheaded by fanatics and motherland bullshitters. The curse of Cyprus , the cancer eating away , its time to leave the past behind and seek solace in reconciliation and forgiveness . We are not as Cypriot people killers , murderers and without a conscience. Let us forget those horrid years , that BOTH sides brought shame on Cyprus , there were no heroes just victims and aggressors .

Putin states TRNC shoudl be recognized EU applying double standrads in case of Kosovo, onle little step at a time.

You keep on mis informing people, and i'm right behind you providing the truth....carry on. I'll follow you to every thread you go to.

Putin: Russia supports Cyprus’ integrity


Russia maintains its position in favour of Cyprus’ and Serbia’s territorial integrity, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated today during a press conference in the Kremlin.

“Are you not ashamed in Europe of the double standards you are applying to settle such problems?” Putin asked the leaders of European states.

His comments came in response to press questions, as it is widely expected that the US and many EU countries plan to recognise an independent Kosovo, which is set to announce a unilateral declaration of independence on Sunday or Monday.

Asked whether there is a contradiction between Russia’s support to UN Security Council resolutions and his statement, President Putin said that his country opts for the observance of the fundamental principles of international law, which are based on respect of the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of states.

“From this point of view we maintain the same approach towards the Cyprus issue and the problem of Kosovo”, Russian President stressed, adding that “there is a relevant resolution providing that Serbia is entitled to territorial integrity and we have respect this. The same applies to Cyprus that must be a united country and we support this state of affairs”.

Putin argued that there is no contradiction, noting that “a contradiction would emerge if in one part of Europe we form relations based on certain rules and in another part we base them on completely different rules to serve the interests of a country or of a group of countries.”

In such a case, this would lead to chaos and it would be scary, Putin concluded.

Cyprus has been divided since the 1974 Turkish invasion. The Turkish Cypriot self-styled regime in occupied Cyprus is recognised only by Turkey and the UN have called on all states not to recognise it, describing it “legally invalid.” ... t=Politics
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Postby Nikitas » Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:09 am

Three men with shotguns guarding the Kofinou road. So the casualties caused by high powered rifles were figments of the imagination. The arrest of the boat off Kokkina loaded with arms was also a figment of the imagination. The intense machine gun and mortar fire that stopped the charge at Kokkina did not happen.

Perhaps it is time to cut the crap in here? Irregulars on both sides were arming themselves to the teeth after 1961 getting ready for a showdown which finally came in 1963. This pretense of innocence by either side is insulting our intelligence.
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:23 am

Nikitas wrote:Three men with shotguns guarding the Kofinou road. So the casualties caused by high powered rifles were figments of the imagination. The arrest of the boat off Kokkina loaded with arms was also a figment of the imagination. The intense machine gun and mortar fire that stopped the charge at Kokkina did not happen.

Perhaps it is time to cut the crap in here? Irregulars on both sides were arming themselves to the teeth after 1961 getting ready for a showdown which finally came in 1963. This pretense of innocence by either side is insulting our intelligence.

Nikitas, Oracle is using that pic for her argument. The position is definitely for defence purposes. I agree that both sides were arming themselves. The TCs justifiably. The RoC already had a force with which to annihilate the TCs, in the shape of Grivas and the National Guard.
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Postby Nikitas » Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:28 am


Grivas came back to Cyprus after the troubles of 1963-4 and the national guard started much later. The people who carried out the fighting were not under Grivas and were not national guardsmen. Check your dates.
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Postby Nikitas » Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:30 am

Some harrowing pictures of the Cyprus conflict were taken by Don McCullin. They show faces of the gunmen. And those faces tell a lot about who and what kind of people participated in the clashes.
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:31 am

Nikitas wrote:Deniz,

Grivas came back to Cyprus after the troubles of 1963-4 and the national guard started much later. The people who carried out the fighting were not under Grivas and were not national guardsmen. Check your dates.

Ok I stand corrected, nevertheless the spirit of Grivas and the Goverment forces and the GC irregulars were always present.
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Postby Nikitas » Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:39 am


On the GC side we had organizations that started after 1960, funed by the Americans, whose purpose was to protects us from the communist threat. Being a full time patriot in the early 60s was a full job for some, and it was those guys who later participated in the clashes.
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:06 pm

Nikitas wrote:Deniz,

On the GC side we had organizations that started after 1960, funed by the Americans, whose purpose was to protects us from the communist threat. Being a full time patriot in the early 60s was a full job for some, and it was those guys who later participated in the clashes.

Well, we do know how the Americans are ggod at Civil Wars. They do not care one Iota.

As BK mentioned in another post, the pics on the Kophinou road are our cousins (real ones) and are farmers and shepherds of that village. They did not atack any GC village but defending their own. Like wise I expect the GCs to defend their own villages in case of attack.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:23 pm

miltiades wrote:Past conflicts were the result of inter communal fighting that was spearheaded by fanatics and motherland bullshitters. The curse of Cyprus , the cancer eating away , its time to leave the past behind and seek solace in reconciliation and forgiveness . We are not as Cypriot people killers , murderers and without a conscience. Let us forget those horrid years , that BOTH sides brought shame on Cyprus , there were no heroes just victims and aggressors .

In principle I agree with you. There is no point in dwelling on the past for its own sake, or engaging in tit for tat. However, collective memories of the past inform the way communities perceive the present. In South Africa, they have created a Truth and Reconciliation Committee, and I think these two concepts go hand in hand. There can be no reconciliation in the present until the truth about the past is faced.

Imagine a right-wing Englishman brainwashed by the Daily Mail into believing that "our boys" are in Iraq to bring freedom and democracy to this benighted country who comes face to face with a Quran-toting Al-Qaeda fanatic who believes that a rerun of the Crusades is being fought in Iraq. What chance do these two people have of finding any common ground? Very few of us have direct experience of events; our views of them are clouded by the way they are narrated to us by others. I think that one serious component of the Cyprus problem is the way that the two communties' views of the past are out of synch.

I think that the view held by the majority of TCs - and I am prepared to stand corrected - can be summarised as, "We would be happy to reunite with the GCs BUT ONLY if we get a serious guarantee that the events ushered in by the bloody Christmas of 1962 will not be repeated". However, if you convey this view to the GC in the street, the response will be, "What bloody Christmas?". There is no collective memory in the other community of these events that loom so large in the TC collective memory.

It is in this light that it is important to establish what really happened in Limassol 44 years ago. Most objective reports I see refer to "a serious escalation of ethnic conflict in February 1964". To the TC collective memory, this was the "Limassol Resistance". It is, in my opinion, important to establish the truth about what happened in this city all those years ago not in order to dwell on past mistakes but in order to create a shared consciousness of the past that will serve as the foundation for a new future.

I for one would be very interested in seeing the text of this article.
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