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Life Magazine - 28th Feb 1963 - Limassol Resistance!!!

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby MR-from-NG » Thu Feb 14, 2008 7:31 pm

If there is one line of truth in that paper I will change my name to Nikos Sampson. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Feb 14, 2008 7:50 pm

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Postby T_C » Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:01 pm

bill cobbett wrote:As has been suggested best not to bring up the past and work towards a better future otherwise we end up in a pointless tit for tat blame game. Here's the tat. See what I mean?


''Sun reporter Iain Walker sends a shock report from Cyprus on the Turkish invaders

'My fiance and six men were shot dead. The Turkish soldiers laughed at me and then I was raped.

'The Turkish soldiers cut off my father's hands and legs. Then they shot him while I watched.

'They shot the men. My friend's wife said 'Why should I live without my husband?' A soldier shot her in the head.

A HORRIFYING story of atrocities by the Turkish invaders of Cyprus emerged today. It was told by weeping Greek Cypriot villagers rescued by United Nations soldiers.

THEY TOLD of barbaric rape at gunpoint ... and threats of instant execution if they struggled.
THEY TOLD of watching their loved ones tortured and shot.

The villagers are from Trimithi, Karmi and Ayios Georhios, three farming communities west of the holiday town of Kyrenia, directly in the path of the Turkish Army.

They had been trapped since the fighting began two weeks ago and were only evacuated to Nicosia by the UN on Saturday. And today at a Nicosia orphanage they told me their tales – simply and without any prompting.

A 20-year old girl in a pretty yellow and white dress sat under a painting of Jesus tending his flock as she described how she was raped.

She had been visiting her fiance who worked in a hotel near Kyrenia when the Turks attacked. For the first 24 hours she sheltered with other villagers in a stable until they were discovered by Turkish soldiers. She then watched as her fiance and six other men were shot dead in cold blood – only a few minutes after they had been promised that they would not be harmed.

She said: ''After the shooting, a Turkish soldier grabbed me and pulled me into a ditch. I struggled and tried to escape but he pushed me to the ground.

''He tore at my clothes and they were ripped up to my waist. Then he started undressing himself.

"Another Turkish soldier who was watching us had a nine-month-old baby in his arms and, trying to save myself, I shouted that the baby was mine.

''But they laughed at me and threw the baby to the ground. I was then raped and I fainted soon after.

''When I came to my senses I saw 15 other soldiers standing round watching. The first soldier was taking off my watch and engagement ring. Others were going to rape me - when one of them objected and told them not to be animals.

''I will never forget him for saving me. He was quite unlike the rest - more like an Englishman with blond hair and blue eyes. He spoke to me in English.

''He helped me to my feet and said, 'All is OK now.'

''The others tried to stop him, but he pulled out his gun and pushed his way through and gave me back to the other women.

''When I had recovered, after a few hours, I went to where the bushes had been burned by the shelling and rubbed charcoal over my face and hands, so I would be ugly and they would not do that to me again.''

The girl, too ashamed to reveal her name, added: ''I cannot put into words the horror I feel at what happened to me. I think I would have preferred it it they had shot me.''

Mrs Elena Mateidou, aged 28 was awakened by Turkish soldiers at Trimithi.

She said: ''My husband and father were told to take off all their clothes and they walked us down a dry river bed.

''Then the soldiers separated the women and children and ushered us behind some olive trees. I heard a burst of shooting and knew that they had been killed.

''Later they took us back to the village with our hands tied behind our backs. Two soldiers took me into a room in a deserted house where they raped me.

"One of them held a gun to my head while it was happening and said if I struggled he would shoot.

''Afterwards, a soldier took off my wedding ring and wore it himself.''

Mrs Mateidou added: ''I saw another woman being pulled into a bathroom where she too was raped.

''Later I went back to the olive groves and found the bodies of my husband and father along with five other men. My father had been stabbed and my husband shot in the belly.''

Later, United Nations soldiers brought the villagers food. ''The Turks took it away and ate it themselves said Mrs Mateidou.

Another woman who had been an intended rape victim was Miss Phrosa Meitani, aged 32.

She said: ''When I saw what was happening, I ran as quickly as I could. I saw the soldiers pointing guns at me, but I was too frightened to care.

''I hid in the olive groves and tried to get back to where I had been separated from my father.

''I watched from the bushes as they cut off his hands and legs below the knee with a double-edged cutting knife.

''At first he screamed, and beat at them with his fists, but then he became quiet and did not utter a word. Then they shot him in the stomach while I watched.

Farmer Christos Savva Drakos, 51, saw his wife and two sons murdered.

''I was watering my orchard when the bombs started to explode,'' he said.

''With the rest of the village we tried to run away through the groves and river beds but the Turks caught us and we surrendered.

''They searched us but no one had a gun.

''The the shooting started. It was one by one to start with and I heard my 16-year-old boy Georgios saying in a calm voice 'Daddy, they have shot me.'

''I pulled him down and we fell behind a rock, He died there in my arms. ''An officer had been attracted by the shooting and he ran up to see what was going on.

''He was furious with his men and ordered them to stop.

''My wife and my other boy Nicos, who was only 13, were dead.

''My friend's wife was terribly badly injured and she told the officer: 'Why should I live without my husband? Shoot me'.

''The officer shrugged his shoulders and walked off and a soldier shot her in the head.''

If the Turkish authorities deny these allegations I will remember the drawn face of that old man cowering in a corner, his body racked with tears.

This elderly man was no actor, or a man ordered to lie for political propaganda.

He was a poor man who had lost everything he ever possessed or loved in the world.

Hotel manager Vassalious Efthimiou was the only survivor in a party of men seized by the Turks.

He said: ''They separated the men from the women and shot the 12 men.

''Those killed ranged from a 12-year-old boy to an old man in his 90's.''

His brother-in-law was shot dead while holding Efthimiou's four year-old daughter, Estella, in his arms.

Today, Estella showed where a bullet had hit her thigh.

Efthimiou saved his own life by snatching his other daughter, Charian, aged two, and running.

He said:''I ran until my legs would carry me no longer, and I fell.

''I managed to make my way back later to a village where all the women were trembling with fear and shock.

''I handed my daughter to my wife and said I must save myself.

''I hid in a deep well in my sister's farm for seven days and nights, sitting on a little bar with my feet in the water.

''When I could not take any more I came up.''

Efthimiou and his 37-year-old wife, Helen, run the Mermaid Hotel at Six Mile Beach, Kyrenia, a popular hotel with British tourists.

PRESIDENT Glafkkos Clerides of Cyprus flew into Athens today and accused Turkish troops of mass murders and rape.

He also claimed about 20,000 Greeks had been forced out of their homes around Kyrenia.

THE TURKS issued a denial.

A spokesman said: ''The Turkish military authorities deny reports of killings and any other atrocities by Turkish troops in any area under Turkish occupation.''

THE SUN SAYS Shame on them
AS THE POLITICIANS vie to take credit for bringing a ''ceasefire'' to Cyprus, reports of appalling atrocities are filtering through from that tragic island. For, while the peace talks went on, Turkish soldiers were killing and terrorising innocent civilians. The behaviour of these troops will shock the world. As they are in Cyprus in the name of Turkey, that nation must immediately take action against the animals that wear its uniform...''

Yes we know the devastation of the invasion. This doesn't justify the way in which Turkey invaded or what they did to the GCs but it's the years PRIOR to the invasion thats always in dispute. And theres quite a number of GCs who are so ignorant that they think this was some fair fight...and not only that but they think that WE started it. :shock:
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Postby Oracle » Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:18 pm

T_C wrote:I'm sure there is Panthman...I've seen many pictures of GCs....that was not the aim of this thread...but we do have some nasty people on the forum who try to propagandise and give out the image that the TCs were traitors and terrorists...this thread is for those people....

I don't hate anyone when I see these pictures...on the contrary, it makes me feel much better proving that Phoenix is a bullshitter... :wink:

T_C you romantic, misguided fool, whom I understand is putting patriotism above reality. Stop dreaming!

In what way do these pictures show you as heroes?

What are these actions that are heroic?

In what way do they nullify that which we have living testimony and proof-perfect, that the TCs are traitors to Cyprus for .... even today ... complying with the Turks to allow the occupation of Cyprus?

Heroes are not those people that invade other countries , for no apparent reason other than to expand their Empire.

Heroes are not those people that create continuing conflicts in their quest to continue dominating that country.

They are just simply invaders.

Back to the drawing board, T_C ...... history will never judge you as the heroes, because of the way you behave.

You want to be a hero very much T-C :? ........ you want to be proud of your people instead of ashamed :? ............
Then get them to do something heroic like kick the cowardly (43,000 :shock: :roll: ) Turkish troops out of Cyprus.
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Postby T_C » Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:21 pm

MEOW! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:24 pm

T_C wrote:MEOW! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: woof woof

...and now I must flyyyyyyyyyyy to eat souvlakia.... :D
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:28 pm

Get Real! wrote:
T_C wrote:MEOW! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: woof woof

...and now I must flyyyyyyyyyyy to eat souvlakia.... :D

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Postby Oracle » Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:31 pm

Get Real! wrote:
T_C wrote:MEOW! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: woof woof

...and now I must flyyyyyyyyyyy to eat souvlakia.... :D

Hhhhmmm ..... a flying dog eating pieces of pig :shock:

What kind of Super-Hero have we here? :?
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Postby T_C » Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:31 pm

Get Real! wrote:
T_C wrote:MEOW! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: woof woof

...and now I must flyyyyyyyyyyy to eat souvlakia.... :D


Enjoy! :)

I'm kinda hungry too now actually. Catch you later people. :D
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Postby iceman » Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:56 pm

Oracle wrote:

In what way do these pictures show you as heroes?

What are these actions that are heroic?

So,your Eoka fighters qualify as heroes for fighting the British (which they outnumbered in Cyprus) but outnumbered Turkish fighters who fought you with home made weapons to save their people from genocide are not heroes???
You need to change your dictionary Phoenix!!
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