Stout wrote:FreeSpirit wrote:Stout wrote:FreeSpirit wrote:Stout wrote:FreeSpirit wrote:Now I know there's no such thing as evolution.
Stout you don't live in Wareham Dorset do you?
No, I live in North London, I dont really understand the question though, is there a reason for asking ?.
Just thought you may have come from down that way.
Thats funny, when I joined the forum you sent me a welcome on my pm, I told you where I came from then 29th Dec ?, I think you was called southerner then which is also funny as you come from the north. I am looking through some of your past posts now and I think I will have a bit to say to you soon guvna.

Wow Stouts thrown a wobbly in his enclosure, missing your hero already? go and groom someone.
That is not a woobbly mate, it justs goes to prove what kind of a person you are that can wish a person well and then forget about what you learned about them. You are not the sort of person I would like to have much to do with, I like people who you can depend on, people with a bit of depth to them, if you know what I mean.

So you looked through my past forums and came up with the same type of fabrication as your mate as I said elsewhere if you must quote me make sure you quote me in full and not a selctive misconstrued part, otherwise you will be correctly named as a liar and mischief maker.
No matter what you say liars like you always trip themselves up.
Remember you pathetic snot; quote in full, the actual piece, or not at all.