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The Truth of the Matter.

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Postby purdey » Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:39 pm

Hussein was a tyrant,he and his party killed and tortured thousands of innocent people.The world stood by and did nothing.I am afraid whatever the justification of invading Iraq they were entering into a no win situation.
We have the same problem in other areas of the middle east,Israel stands firm and will attack any country that threatens it's people.
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Postby Eliko » Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:05 pm

purdey wrote:Hussein was a tyrant,he and his party killed and tortured thousands of innocent people.The world stood by and did nothing.I am afraid whatever the justification of invading Iraq they were entering into a no win situation.
We have the same problem in other areas of the middle east,Israel stands firm and will attack any country that threatens it's people.

Good Morning purdey, you are absolutely right, what a pity the reason for the attack on Iraq was not based on the atrocities of Saddam and based on falsehoods.

The only fly in the ointment for such an option being that the toxins and weaponry used were supplied by the US and Saddam was a great pal of George in those days.

As to Israel, that is entirely another matter, at the very least the conflict that exists there is an agreed one in that both sides have their reasons for engagement.

Obviously Israel is fully entitled to defend itself if they feel threatened or under attack, similarly the Palestinians are entitled to their views.

Why is it that such resistance to aggression is denied the Iraqi?. :wink:
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Re: The Truth of the Matter.

Postby FreeSpirit » Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:00 pm

Eliko wrote:[FreeSpirit, how on earth can you present the comments you have in the manner you have and expect any credit for them?.

If your contention is that 9/11 was NOT the reason for the US actions and suggest that the TRUE issue was connected to the OIL, are you not confirming the fact that the unlawful attack WAS based on lies?. (we are ALL in agreement on that point, so what is yours?)

Are we to assume then that your apparent fondness for bullying (which you have yourself indicated) allows you to accept the fact that the US could be accused of the same tactics?.

With regard to the number of deaths resulting from the action and subsequent reaction to the unlawful attack, it does not matter HOW the deaths occurred, the fact is that they are all a result of such attack and therefore are attributable to it.

Iraq is now in a worse state than it was PRIOR to the attack, do your comments suggest that you are now contented with the outcome of the actions imposed upon an innocent nation by those proven to be guilty of fabrication in order to justify such attack?.

There is a story in the 'Fables of Aesop' which sums up the attitude of George and Tony quite nicely :- "The Wolf and the Lamb", the moral being.

"Any Excuse Will Suit A Tyrant" :wink:

1) The 911 atrocities resulted in the action in Afghanistan not Iraq, Fact. I have always stated that the true reason behind the Liberation of Kuwait followed later by the Liberation of Iraq was oil, if you had read my posts you would already know this

2) Eliko you are a liar I have never indicated a fondness for bullying anywhere, the punishment meted out to a mischief making fellow school pupil by several of us was just and deserved, so typical of you to msconstrue what has been written in other words a mischief making liar.

3) With your tunnel visioned approach you deny the reason behind the bombings, your lie orientated brain goes into pre programmed auto pilot and blames the Liberators for the barbaric acts taking place.

4) In actual fact since the Glorious Liberation Iraq may be having difficulties regarding terrorist from neighbouring countries; but the actual death rate is minute compared to what it was under Saddam.

5) Whilst self righteous moraly bankrupt liars like you pontificated millions died for that I'm sure you will feel very satisfied that you felt very happy and smug kidding yourself that you had stolen the moral high ground.

6) The only people who are contented with the current situation in Iraq are the likes of you who will grab any opportunity to lay blame on the Glorious Liberators.

People like you who have to resort to blatant lies have already lost the plot.
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Postby FreeSpirit » Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:03 pm

purdey wrote:Hussein was a tyrant,he and his party killed and tortured thousands of innocent people.The world stood by and did nothing.I am afraid whatever the justification of invading Iraq they were entering into a no win situation.
We have the same problem in other areas of the middle east,Israel stands firm and will attack any country that threatens it's people.

Purdey once again a brief but humane view which is very close to my own feelings.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Feb 15, 2008 5:58 pm

You recently renamed yourself to “FreeSpirit” so some of us were under the impression that we were witnessing the glorious liberation of your brain but unfortunately you’ve come back even dumber than before… :( so unless you cut back from junk media like Fox, CNN, ABC, and the like, there cannot be any liberation for you.

And that I might add is the truth of the matter...
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Postby FreeSpirit » Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:13 pm

Get Real! wrote:You recently renamed yourself to “FreeSpirit” so some of us were under the impression that we were witnessing the glorious liberation of your brain but unfortunately you’ve come back even dumber than before… :( so unless you cut back from junk media like Fox, CNN, ABC, and the like, there cannot be any liberation for you.

And that I might add is the truth of the matter...

Go and polish your gun. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: The Truth of the Matter.

Postby Eliko » Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:56 pm

[quote=FreeSpirit] Eliko you are a liar I have never indicated a fondness for bullying anywhere, the punishment meted out to a mischief making fellow school pupil by several of us was just and deserved, so typical of you to msconstrue what has been written in other words a mischief making liar[/quote]

Thank you for your appraisal, I must confess that the act of forcibly shoving a young student's head down a toilet pan and flushing it, would appear to me to be the act of a bully.

You did state that you (and others) performed such an action which actually increases the severity of the act, since there were more of you and your victim was defenceless against such odds, perhaps you should add 'cowardice' to your action.

It would appear therefore, that BETWEEN us, we have all the necessary qualifications to inflict some misery upon our fellow man.

I could conjure up some falsehood and YOU could undertake the 'dirty work', I wonder if the US/UK could make use of our combined talents, they certainly seem to be in concert with that which they have inflicted on the innocents of Iraq. :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:06 am

Get Real! wrote:You recently renamed yourself to “FreeSpirit” so some of us were under the impression that we were witnessing the glorious liberation of your brain but unfortunately you’ve come back even dumber than before… :( so unless you cut back from junk media like Fox, CNN, ABC, and the like, there cannot be any liberation for you.

And that I might add is the truth of the matter...

FreeSpirit , do take notice of GR , GIVE UP LISTENING TO FOX , CNN , ABC and the likes , get the FACTS from radio SAVAGE , ARABIC BULLSHIT , AND MIDDLE EASTERN CRAP !!
Try the Greek stations too , they are just as informative as the Arabic ones !!
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Postby Stout » Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:12 am

How do you manage to keep your cool Eliko, I think you deserve a medal mate, I think the first person to give me a welcome here was southerner and it looks like he changed his name now.
I have read quiet a few of the past posts and the more I read the more I am sure I must get out of the habit of posting. Will you P.M. me, I would like to give you my address and phone number in case you are in town.
Would really like to meet up with you for a drink or even a meal with my family. :)
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Postby Eliko » Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:26 am

Stout wrote:How do you manage to keep your cool Eliko, I think you deserve a medal mate, I think the first person to give me a welcome here was southerner and it looks like he changed his name now.
I have read quiet a few of the past posts and the more I read the more I am sure I must get out of the habit of posting. Will you P.M. me, I would like to give you my address and phone number in case you are in town.
Would really like to meet up with you for a drink or even a meal with my family. :)

Hey thanks Stout, with some difficulty I assure you.

Actually such retorts are quite common, one has to develop the ability to see insult for what it is, a sign of frustration from the other end since they are incapable of an intelligent exchange of views.

The possibility exists that (being of the older generation) the art of conversation and debate was supressed in their childhood, since the only use they would be required for in adulthood would be to serve down the mines or other menial tasks.

We of the next generation, have different perceptions, we can see through insincerity and have the ability to converse and act accordingly without resorting to insult.

Enough said, I will pm you immediately, one should not keep a Gorilla waiting, must say, I admire your avatar enormously. :wink:
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