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The Truth of the Matter.

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Postby Eliko » Thu Feb 14, 2008 7:07 pm

Off to a party, Good-Night Folks. :wink:
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Postby FreeSpirit » Thu Feb 14, 2008 9:39 pm

Oracle wrote:
Expatkiwi wrote:It is very sad when we allow our clothes to dictate our thoughts and actions ..... :(

That's not a very sensible thing to say; nothing to do with clothing, it has the same meaning as the UK armed forces saying 'When You Take The King's Shilling', meaning when you sign on the dotted line you've made a commitment.
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Postby Eliko » Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:40 am

FreeSpirit wrote:
Eliko wrote:Had Bush and Blair presented the events of the past, the atrocities of Saddam (of which we know there were many) as the reason for their actions, I am sure they would have attracted considerable support, (mine for sure).

Had they made it known that the 'Oil' was the primary consideration since Saddam was likely to hold the West to ransom on account of his control of it, THAT would also have probably been an acceptable reason for the conflict.

Eliko haven't you always maintained that what goes on in any country is the business of that country and know one elses regardless of what goes on in that country.

Surely your above remarks are a reversal of your recently stated views.

Not really, unless your addled brain is unable to decipher the meaning of what is written. :wink:
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Postby RichardB » Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:54 am

Bloody Heck Eli Ko

Thought you were leaving us??

Good luck and best wishes wherever you're going and come back soon mate
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Postby Eliko » Fri Feb 15, 2008 2:01 am

RichardB, I am due to leave on the 18th of this month, my itinerary suggests that I will be away for about 3 months ending in the UK at the end of April.

I will be back in Cyprus in early May and (hopefully) will be able to make some contact during my absence.

Best Wishes to you and yours. Eliko. :wink:
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Postby FreeSpirit » Fri Feb 15, 2008 3:03 am

Eliko wrote:
FreeSpirit wrote:
Eliko wrote:Had Bush and Blair presented the events of the past, the atrocities of Saddam (of which we know there were many) as the reason for their actions, I am sure they would have attracted considerable support, (mine for sure).

Had they made it known that the 'Oil' was the primary consideration since Saddam was likely to hold the West to ransom on account of his control of it, THAT would also have probably been an acceptable reason for the conflict.

Eliko haven't you always maintained that what goes on in any country is the business of that country and know one elses regardless of what goes on in that country.

Surely your above remarks are a reversal of your recently stated views.

Not really, unless your addled brain is unable to decipher the meaning of what is written. :wink:

What upsets you Eliko is that you pass coments that are ludicrous ie 'What goes on in a country is nobodys business outside that country' meaning despots like Pol Pot, Saddam, Idi Amin, Stalin, Hitler are quite legitimate in their actions and nobody has a right ot interfere, then you get rude, upset and spit the dummy out when you are reminded that you've contradicted yourself later.
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Postby Eliko » Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:15 am

FreeSpirit, you are a most tiresome man, if you are unable to interpret the meaning of that which is written, you should not comment on it.

Were you able to understand (which sadly you are not) you would discover to your own surprise that my comments make perfect sense.

A few moments of thinking time before you launch your usual diatribes would be of great advantage to you I'm sure. :wink:
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Postby Oracle » Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:22 am

Eliko wrote:FreeSpirit, you are a most tiresome man, if you are unable to interpret the meaning of that which is written, you should not comment on it.

Were you able to understand (which sadly you are not) you would discover to your own surprise that my comments make perfect sense.

A few moments of thinking time before you launch your usual diatribes would be of great advantage to you I'm sure. :wink:

Thoughtful new signature ... like it! :D

Did you have a good time at the party, Eliko?
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Postby Eliko » Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:03 am

Oracle wrote:
Eliko wrote:FreeSpirit, you are a most tiresome man, if you are unable to interpret the meaning of that which is written, you should not comment on it.

Were you able to understand (which sadly you are not) you would discover to your own surprise that my comments make perfect sense.

A few moments of thinking time before you launch your usual diatribes would be of great advantage to you I'm sure. :wink:

Thoughtful new signature ... like it! :D

Did you have a good time at the party, Eliko?

Good Morning Oracle, thank you for your approval of my new signature, I fear the meaning may escape one or two of our more belligerent members. :lol:

I did have a very nice time at the party, it was something of a farewell event organized by those who will arrange my affairs during my absence.

3 more days and I will be departing. :cry:

I WILL try to keep a foot in the door during the coming months. :wink:
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Re: The Truth of the Matter.

Postby Eliko » Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:20 pm

FreeSpirit wrote:
Stout wrote:My children bought me a P.C. for a Xmas present and gave me some advice which led me to join this forum in late December.

I found myself in amongst people of many nations with many different views about matters which to me seemed quite obvious.

I withdrew from the forum because I did not feel comfortable with the constant abuse directed from one member to the other and have since spent time in reading, rather than writing my own views.

I would now like to make some comments which I hope will not attract abuse, in fact I cannot see how they can if thought about.

My first offering is on the subject of Iraq:-

George Bush is now known to have used the events of 9/11 as an excuse to attack Iraq.

His real objective was to gain control of the oil fields of the nation and that is common knowledge.

In human terms, the unlawful action against that nation has led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, regardless of how they may have occurred after the event or by whose hands.

Millions of that country's people have been made homeless or have been displaced as a result of the attack upon that nation.

The situation in Iraq is now far worse for the people than it was under the regime of Saddam Hussein, that is an obvious fact.

Without resorting to abuse or referring to events which may or may not have taken place in Iraq before the attack, I wonder if any member has any real evidence to contradict the above comments.

My own view is that they are all proven to be true and that is why I cannot understand where the necessity to create arguments and abuse each other on account of them comes from, unless the members are only interested in argument for the sake of it, in which case there can never be a resolution to any problem.

Just a few pointers.
1) 911 was not the reason for the coalitions action, Fact!
2) The true issue was oil but not to control supply but to maintain supply.
3) They are not all proven to be true regarding blame and figures regarding fatality figures.
4) Todays conditions are mainly caused by outsiders.

FreeSpirit, how on earth can you present the comments you have in the manner you have and expect any credit for them?.

If your contention is that 9/11 was NOT the reason for the US actions and suggest that the TRUE issue was connected to the OIL, are you not confirming the fact that the unlawful attack WAS based on lies?. (we are ALL in agreement on that point, so what is yours?)

Are we to assume then that your apparent fondness for bullying (which you have yourself indicated) allows you to accept the fact that the US could be accused of the same tactics?.

With regard to the number of deaths resulting from the action and subsequent reaction to the unlawful attack, it does not matter HOW the deaths occurred, the fact is that they are all a result of such attack and therefore are attributable to it.

Iraq is now in a worse state than it was PRIOR to the attack, do your comments suggest that you are now contented with the outcome of the actions imposed upon an innocent nation by those proven to be guilty of fabrication in order to justify such attack?.

There is a story in the 'Fables of Aesop' which sums up the attitude of George and Tony quite nicely :- "The Wolf and the Lamb", the moral being.

"Any Excuse Will Suit A Tyrant" :wink:
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