FreeSpirit wrote:Eliko wrote:At the most, it was a cowardly and murderous attack upon an innocent and sleeping nation, the carnage that has resulted is without precedent (unless you compare it to the annihilation of the Red Indians of course) in the annals of military atrocities, if such a thing exists.
Sleeping alright; permanently in the case of the millions slaughtered by Saddam.
Everything was alright after the glorious Liberation until the terroists started pouring in and carrying out their cowardly deeds.
FreeSpirit, had you taken the time to READ what Stout submitted, you would possibly have noticed (although I seriously doubt it) that a request was made by him that there should be no references made to events PRIOR to the unlawful attack upon Iraq.
I think the man is seeking some insight to the conditions that are NOW prevelant in that stricken land in order that he may learn something positive about where the truth of the matter lies.
I hardly think 'Pearl Harbour' is of interest to him, he probably wasn't around at that time, YOU however, seem to be stuck in those days, you know, the days when the general population were not allowed the luxury of thinking and reaching intelligent conclusions.
Some, even to this very day, are quite unable to READ and DIGEST what is before them plainly in their OWN language.