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Postby purdey » Wed Feb 13, 2008 4:49 pm

I have a problem with commenting on some of the threads regarding Iraq.My brother is on his third tour there at the moment.While I tend to agree with some of your comments,I do hear different opinions raised by servicemen and women returning from a tour.
The vast majority of British service personnel would rather be serving in other parts of the world but due to circumstances beyond their control find themselves in Iraq.
I for one will not condem our Armed Services who face death or injury on a daily basis.
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Postby Stout » Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:00 pm

purdey wrote:I have a problem with commenting on some of the threads regarding Iraq.My brother is on his third tour there at the moment.While I tend to agree with some of your comments,I do hear different opinions raised by servicemen and women returning from a tour.
The vast majority of British service personnel would rather be serving in other parts of the world but due to circumstances beyond their control find themselves in Iraq.
I for one will not condem our Armed Services who face death or injury on a daily basis.

Mr Purdey, I doubt if anybody would not feel sympathetic with the fact that your brother is serving in Iraq, we all accept the fact that there is little they can do when under orders, the fact is, it is an unjust and completely useless engagement and has done a lot of harm to the prestige of our armed forces.
George Bush and Tony Blair have much to answer to in forcing the issues which were proven to be false and led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.
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Postby Expatkiwi » Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:34 pm

tessintrnc wrote:I agree with you totally Mr Stout!! But everyone has the right to their opinion and thats why people argue. Some people are so "loyal" to their Government / Country that they do indeed turn a blind eye to the truth.

I think Pontius Pilate's quote says it all: "What is truth?" Truth is so subjective, it is impossible to really disern basic bare facts. Facts quoted here will be interpreted to turn it into 'truth', and the circle goes on...
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Postby Stout » Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:47 pm

Expatkiwi wrote:
tessintrnc wrote:I agree with you totally Mr Stout!! But everyone has the right to their opinion and thats why people argue. Some people are so "loyal" to their Government / Country that they do indeed turn a blind eye to the truth.

I think Pontius Pilate's quote says it all: "What is truth?" Truth is so subjective, it is impossible to really disern basic bare facts. Facts quoted here will be interpreted to turn it into 'truth', and the circle goes on...

I don't know too much about what Pontius Pilate might have said, but a good modern saying seems to fit the pistol quite well, "If you tell a lie, some day it will bite you in the arse!", or something like that.
I think George Bush should be walking hand in hand with Tony Blair raggedy-arsed for a start.
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Postby Expatkiwi » Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:05 pm

I have to reserve my opinion on President G. W. Bush in this forum. As a naturalized American citizen, I have my opinions about him, but when I put on my uniform, he is my Commander-in-Chief. I know a lot of people serving in Iraq. They have their opinions as well.
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Postby Eliko » Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:29 pm

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Postby Oracle » Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:35 pm

Expatkiwi wrote:I have to reserve my opinion on President G. W. Bush in this forum. As a naturalized American citizen, I have my opinions about him, but when I put on my uniform, he is my Commander-in-Chief. I know a lot of people serving in Iraq. They have their opinions as well.

It is very sad when we allow our clothes to dictate our thoughts and actions ..... :(
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Postby Stout » Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:37 pm

Expatkiwi wrote:I have to reserve my opinion on President G. W. Bush in this forum. As a naturalized American citizen, I have my opinions about him, but when I put on my uniform, he is my Commander-in-Chief. I know a lot of people serving in Iraq. They have their opinions as well.

I have been thinking about your comment Expatkiwi, I would not wish to put you on the spot as you are, or give the impression that you are, a serviceman.

As you are obliged to carry out the orders of your superiors, it follows that you must try to justify your own position.

I cannot see how you could be expected to throw any light on the question posed by this topic as it must be a biased answer.

I would have thought it wiser to avoid this topic altogether, the reason for the attack has been exposed as a pack of lies, you cannot be blamed for being so deceived, your only option is to defend the indefensible.

It is not necessary for you to try for any justification, your position is a matter for your own conscience, I hope you are well, you are surely not responsible for the actions of your Commander-in-Chief. :wink:
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Postby Eliko » Wed Feb 13, 2008 10:55 pm

Stout, I think your question is put in such a way that an answer is quite difficult for most members.

I am sure we are ALL well aware of the fact that the attack on Iraq was unlawful and based on lies and deception, that the 'Twin Towers' were in no way connected to Iraq and that the WMD fiasco was revealed for what it was, an excuse to murderously attack an innocent nation.

Hundreds of thousands of innocents have been slaughtered and, regardless of who is now perpetrating the actual killing, the US and UK are primarily responsible for every death resulting in their cowardly attack.

Thousands of servicemen have also lost their lives on account of the lies of their leaders, many thousands more are suffering from horrendous injuries, crippled and maimed for life, suffering mental trauma and even committing suicide on account of the fact that they cannot live with the horrors they have been forced to experience.

Millions of people have been rendered homeless, injured,displaced and dispersed in order that the resources of their nation may be controlled by the aggressors.

Certainly the conditions in Iraq are far worse than they ever were, how could they be otherwise?.

I doubt therefore, if you will receive any comments to support the actions of the US/UK and others, particularly since you have put a restriction on mentioning anything PRIOR to the attack.

The only justification possible is reliant on events that occurred BEFORE the events of 9/11 and they are now seized upon almost daily as an excuse,

There are members who might propose such excuses, my advice is to avoid them, they will only give you a headache with their inane bleatings. :wink:

Incidentally, may I say I admire your avatar, do you really look like that?. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Stout » Wed Feb 13, 2008 11:07 pm

Christ Eliko, you don't pull your punches do you, if I had come out swinging like that I reckon I would have got a different reception, are you a boxer. ?.
I had hoped that someone would be able to tell me something I didn't know about Iraq and thats why I put my questions the way I did.
You are right about people talking about what happened before america went to war with Iraq, most of them say that Saddam was evil and looked for what he got, maybe he did but if that was the case, why didn't Bush and Blair say that the reason was because of his cruelty.
I feel very sorry for all the people who have suffered and I think Bush and Blair should stand trial for war crimes.
I bet you feel the same, you and millions of others mate.
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