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Erdogan's Visit Leaves German Conservatives Fuming

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Wed Feb 13, 2008 10:37 am

tessintrnc wrote:What would happen in the Uk where there are huge "foreign" communities with their own unique cultures if ones culture suddenly had to be abandoned? Take a look at Chinatown in London, supermarkets that sell nothing but chinese goods, resteraunts, clubs etc. And Kilburn, a huge Irish community offering the Irish language, resteraunts pubs dancing classes etc!!! It happens all the time - so why should Turkish immigrants be discriminated against?


What the hell are you talking about. Did the Germans prevent the Turks in Germany from practicing anything they wanted.............NO.

The Turks have everything they want. They have their Religion, Language, Music, social clubs, shops and customs, except for Honour Killings, which is just a little bit too extreme for the Germans since the WWII. What Erdogan wants, is to introduce Turkish into the German society and into their schools and Political Arena. The problem for Erdogan is, the second generation Turks have become Westernised and have adapted to the German society, just as you are adjusting to Cypriot Society. If the Turks wants to run their own private Turkish Schools, and I'm sure they do, no one is going to stop them, but at the same time, the German Government is not going to finance these institutions. The Turks came to Germany on their free will for better life. Most are enjoying better life than they would have had, had they remained in Turkey. Germany or any other country is not going to allow Turkey to "Turkify" their country as they have done in Northern Cyprus. Turks in Germany, specially the second and third generation who are German citizens still have their heritage with them, but slowly but surely is becoming less and less. This is the choice the Turks are making themselves. It is only natural. What Erdogan is worried about, if more Turks become like Germans, then who is going to send money back to Turkey to help with their economy, as well as losing support from the German Turks towards Turkey in the future, and most women will stop wearing Head Scarfs. Turkey is making more enemies with the West than she can afford at a time, when she wants more from the West than other way around.

In California we have/had Spanish being taught in Schools along with English. That wasn't bad as a second Language, but what happened next, was to teach Spanish kids their lessons in Spanish only and about History of Mexico. In short, the Spanish speaking kids were not learning the English Language adequately as well as falling behind on every other level in comparison with other kids who were being taught in English and about America in general, just because Spanish speaking parents and their leaders wanted to do what Erdogan was suggesting in Germany. It was a complete failure at the cost of the American Tax payers, and on top, the Spanish speaking kids left schools uneducated. I'm not sure if the practice still goes on, but there were calls to abolish this practice, and the calls were coming from the Mexicans themselves, because it served no purpose at all to learn Spanish and Mexican History when their lives are in the States. There is nothing stopping the Mexicans to teach their kids anything they want, but do it privately and don't put the burden on the State. This was all done of course to win the Mexican votes in elections, but it was a disservice for the Mexican kids who were left behind academically.

Germany is right to tell Erdogan to go and take a leap and leave their system alone.
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Postby Eric dayi » Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:51 pm

tessintrnc wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:Here we go, another forum where the Greeks and GCs prove their racism and hate for anything Turkish. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Lemme see now:

The Greeks go to any country in the world and keep their culture and language and religion.

But because of the GCs and Greeks hate and they want us Turks and TCs to forget our religion, culture and language.

The same f**king thing as they want in Cyprus.

Erdigan said "Integrate but do not forget who you are and where you came from", this is only seen "bad" by the Turk hating Greeks/GCs. The Germans who do not want Turkey in the EU for their own political reasons, are only using what he said as an excuse.

Thank God the island is partitioned and we do not have to live under Greek rule or we would be forced to forget our Turkishness and become Greeks.

Stick your reunification up where the sun don't shine, side f**king ways.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Exactly, I agree with you.Here in our TRNC there are English schools set up for the children of English speaking residents - whats wrong with that? Wherever people live in the world why should they not be proud of, and remember where they originate from?


The Greeks and GCs have their own Churches, community centres, shops and every thing else here in the UK and most of them hate the British people with a vengeance supposedly because of what the Brits did in Cyprus. They hate anything Turkish and would love to see the Turks just disappear from the face of the earth. The racist idiots do not want to give us TCs/Turks the same rights as the Greeks/GCs want for themselves.

These people on here are idiots who use any old excuse to show their hate and racism. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby Nikitas » Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:54 pm

Erdogan said:

"we are against assimilation and that we need to draw bold lines between assimilation and integration. I want to repeat here once more -- assimilation is a crime against humanity,"

The man is a clown. The things he claims are crimes against humanity are EXACTLY what Turkey imposed on its minorities who are not recently imported, but have been there for centuries. Armenian and Greek schools in Turkey must teach the WHOLE SYLLABUS IN TURKISH. Religious affairs are under the direct control of local administrators, buildings cannot even be repaired without government approval. This schmuck now wants Germany to provide foreign language schools so he can maintain a trojan horse in the heart of Europe.

Typical Turkish mentality, what is mine is mine and what is yours is also mine. But Germany is not Cyprus, it is strong enough to say that magic word that Eric Dayi considers the apogy of debate- fuck off.
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Postby GreekForumer » Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:00 pm

Eric dayi wrote:The racist idiots do not want to give us TCs/Turks the same rights as the Greeks/GCs want for themselves.

What rights are you talking about ?

Be specific or point me to thread that discusses them.
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Postby Eric dayi » Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:14 pm

Kikapu wrote:
tessintrnc wrote:What would happen in the Uk where there are huge "foreign" communities with their own unique cultures if ones culture suddenly had to be abandoned? Take a look at Chinatown in London, supermarkets that sell nothing but chinese goods, resteraunts, clubs etc. And Kilburn, a huge Irish community offering the Irish language, resteraunts pubs dancing classes etc!!! It happens all the time - so why should Turkish immigrants be discriminated against?


What the hell are you talking about. Did the Germans prevent the Turks in Germany from practicing anything they wanted.............NO.

The Turks have everything they want. They have their Religion, Language, Music, social clubs, shops and customs, except for Honour Killings, which is just a little bit too extreme for the Germans since the WWII. What Erdogan wants, is to introduce Turkish into the German society and into their schools and Political Arena. The problem for Erdogan is, the second generation Turks have become Westernised and have adapted to the German society, just as you are adjusting to Cypriot Society. If the Turks wants to run their own private Turkish Schools, and I'm sure they do, no one is going to stop them, but at the same time, the German Government is not going to finance these institutions. The Turks came to Germany on their free will for better life. Most are enjoying better life than they would have had, had they remained in Turkey. Germany or any other country is not going to allow Turkey to "Turkify" their country as they have done in Northern Cyprus. Turks in Germany, specially the second and third generation who are German citizens still have their heritage with them, but slowly but surely is becoming less and less. This is the choice the Turks are making themselves. It is only natural. What Erdogan is worried about, if more Turks become like Germans, then who is going to send money back to Turkey to help with their economy, as well as losing support from the German Turks towards Turkey in the future, and most women will stop wearing Head Scarfs. Turkey is making more enemies with the West than she can afford at a time, when she wants more from the West than other way around.

In California we have/had Spanish being taught in Schools along with English. That wasn't bad as a second Language, but what happened next, was to teach Spanish kids their lessons in Spanish only and about History of Mexico. In short, the Spanish speaking kids were not learning the English Language adequately as well as falling behind on every other level in comparison with other kids who were being taught in English and about America in general, just because Spanish speaking parents and their leaders wanted to do what Erdogan was suggesting in Germany. It was a complete failure at the cost of the American Tax payers, and on top, the Spanish speaking kids left schools uneducated. I'm not sure if the practice still goes on, but there were calls to abolish this practice, and the calls were coming from the Mexicans themselves, because it served no purpose at all to learn Spanish and Mexican History when their lives are in the States. There is nothing stopping the Mexicans to teach their kids anything they want, but do it privately and don't put the burden on the State. This was all done of course to win the Mexican votes in elections, but it was a disservice for the Mexican kids who were left behind academically.

Germany is right to tell Erdogan to go and take a leap and leave their system alone.

Erdogan said "integrate but do not forget where you came from" you daft bastard. You integrated into western life but you are still proud of being a "Cypriot" so why shouldn't we TCs/Turks do the same?

Calling the Turks "Mongols" and now this crap from you really goes to prove that you really aren't a real TC, or you are the biggest f**cking self hating retard alive.

Your racism, hate and what ever you say about the Turks/TCs ain't gonna change a single thing but will hurt you for the rest of your miserable life and I hope you have a long life so that you can suffer longer.

Stick to what you do best, get on your knees and do your belly dancing monkey act for the Greeks and the GCs and swallow what ever they push in your mouth.

Retard. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:22 pm

Eric dayi wrote:Erdogan said "integrate but do not forget where you came from" you daft bastard. You integrated into western life but you are still proud of being a "Cypriot" so why shouldn't we TCs/Turks do the same?

Calling the Turks "Mongols" and now this crap from you really goes to prove that you really aren't a real TC, or you are the biggest f**cking self hating retard alive.

Your racism, hate and what ever you say about the Turks/TCs ain't gonna change a single thing but will hurt you for the rest of your miserable life and I hope you have a long life so that you can suffer longer.

Stick to what you do best, get on your knees and do your belly dancing monkey act for the Greeks and the GCs and swallow what ever they push in your mouth.

Retard. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

You speak of Turkey and your mouth seems to drool… if you’re into Turkey and “Turkishness” so much what’s keeping you from going there and getting the whole deal? :?
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Postby halil » Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:24 pm

tessintrnc wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:Here we go, another forum where the Greeks and GCs prove their racism and hate for anything Turkish. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Lemme see now:

The Greeks go to any country in the world and keep their culture and language and religion.

But because of the GCs and Greeks hate and they want us Turks and TCs to forget our religion, culture and language.

The same f**king thing as they want in Cyprus.

Erdigan said "Integrate but do not forget who you are and where you came from", this is only seen "bad" by the Turk hating Greeks/GCs. The Germans who do not want Turkey in the EU for their own political reasons, are only using what he said as an excuse.

Thank God the island is partitioned and we do not have to live under Greek rule or we would be forced to forget our Turkishness and become Greeks.

Stick your reunification up where the sun don't shine, side f**king ways.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Exactly, I agree with you.Here in our TRNC there are English schools set up for the children of English speaking residents - whats wrong with that? Wherever people live in the world why should they not be proud of, and remember where they originate from?

Have a look what Tess says, Don't ignore what she is telling.
People , who are living in ''gecegondu's'' has got more democracy than you have in your mind .Keep telling us that u are living in Switzerland , first of you didn't learn any thing from them.try to learn what is the meaning of the respect and have a some respect to races.While you are defending something you too doing samething.hate man hate........

''Here in our TRNC there are English schools set up for the children of English speaking residents - whats wrong with that? Wherever people live in the world why should they not be proud of, and remember where they originate from? Tess''
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Postby Eric dayi » Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:26 pm

GreekForumer wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:The racist idiots do not want to give us TCs/Turks the same rights as the Greeks/GCs want for themselves.

What rights are you talking about ?

Be specific or point me to thread that discusses them.

You don't have to search, just read any thread and you'll see the hate and racism against anything Turkish/TC/Islam.

Just in case you have a selected memory and only remember things you want to remember, I'll remind you of the genocide attempt you Greeks/GCs tried on us TCs and are trying to "assimilate" us TCs into a Greek society even today instead of keeping to the agreement we both signed.

You took away our rights to be in the Cyprus Republic government at gun point.

You tried to eliminate us TCs for your ENOSIS dream.

You tried to steal our lands and burned down our homes.

You are always whinging, whining and crying buckets full about your rights to self determination but you don't want to give us that same right. You don't even want to share power with us, you only want to turn us into second class citizens in our own country.

Most of you Greeks/GCs including your so called "government" want us TCs to forget our Turkishness while at the same time you talk about "Hellenism" in Cyprus and keeping it alive.

Anything elese you want to know? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby alexISS » Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:27 pm

Eric dayi wrote:Erdogan said "integrate but do not forget where you came from" you daft bastard. You integrated into western life but you are still proud of being a "Cypriot" so why shouldn't we TCs/Turks do the same?

Calling the Turks "Mongols" and now this crap from you really goes to prove that you really aren't a real TC, or you are the biggest f**cking self hating retard alive.

Your racism, hate and what ever you say about the Turks/TCs ain't gonna change a single thing but will hurt you for the rest of your miserable life and I hope you have a long life so that you can suffer longer.

Stick to what you do best, get on your knees and do your belly dancing monkey act for the Greeks and the GCs and swallow what ever they push in your mouth.

Retard. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

What the hell are you? Do you talk like that to everyone you know or just the ones who disagree with you? Can't you for once reply like a stable human being? I pity your wife and kids if you have any, they must hate you more than anyone in this forum
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Postby Eric dayi » Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:30 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:Erdogan said "integrate but do not forget where you came from" you daft bastard. You integrated into western life but you are still proud of being a "Cypriot" so why shouldn't we TCs/Turks do the same?

Calling the Turks "Mongols" and now this crap from you really goes to prove that you really aren't a real TC, or you are the biggest f**cking self hating retard alive.

Your racism, hate and what ever you say about the Turks/TCs ain't gonna change a single thing but will hurt you for the rest of your miserable life and I hope you have a long life so that you can suffer longer.

Stick to what you do best, get on your knees and do your belly dancing monkey act for the Greeks and the GCs and swallow what ever they push in your mouth.

Retard. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

You speak of Turkey and your mouth seems to drool… if you’re into Turkey and “Turkishness” so much what’s keeping you from going there and getting the whole deal? :? would love that wouldn't you dumbo?

We TCs all go to Turkey and you have your Greek island and ENOSIS. DOOOHHHHHH.

You have two hopes of that ever happening, Bob Hope and no Hope.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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