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Erdogan's Visit Leaves German Conservatives Fuming

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby shahmaran » Thu Feb 14, 2008 9:03 am

alexISS wrote:
Oracle wrote:
alexISS wrote:
shahmaran wrote:There has been a few posts here before with articles about the rights of the Thracian Turks, specially about how they are not allowed to elect their own Mufti, i am not making it up. I had posted a selection of articles on the matter before and i seriously cannot be bothered to go find it now.

There we go again... the muftis cannot be elected by the people, they have judicial authority and must therefore be appointed by the government... as in Turkey! Why don't you comment on the numbers posted by Nikitas, why is the Greek minority of Turkey vanished while the Turks of Thrace increase their numbers?

Because Turkey has an expansionist policy which precludes the presence of any other Nations, but their own .... :roll:


I know, I was asking just to read Shahmaran's excuse :wink:

Come on Alex, i really thought you knew better than agreeing with this cyber baboon. :roll:

Where has Turkey "expanded" exactly?

And if you are going to start babbling on about the so called "invasion" of Cyprus then please don't bother.

I have enough eye witnesses to tell you otherwise.

Do you?
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Postby shahmaran » Thu Feb 14, 2008 9:10 am

The Turkish population in Thrace can increase for many reasons, why did they increase all over Europe?

Probably for the same reason, and the decrease of it in Turkey can also be due to many other reason, Turks leave Turkey too you know. But i know you are referring to the Istanbul Pogrom, i thought we had agreed that it was the doing of an evil government who got punished for it, the whole world has anyways so deal with it and move on, you have also admitted that the invasion of Turkey by Greece was the doings of a puppet government.

You burnt down our cities, raped and looted at will to make up for your spectacular defeat, and we have also moved on.

So, any more shit you want to try to stick on us?

You can try throwing Phoenix, she will definitely stick! :lol:
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Postby Nikitas » Thu Feb 14, 2008 9:25 am

Shah, the criticism regarding the treatment of ethnic Greeks who also happen to be Turkish citizens has been leveled at Turkey by the EU and the EU parliament. If you think it is shit, it is your opinion, and you are entitled to it.

The exodus of the Greeks of Istanbul, Imvros and Tenedos did not happen in wartime.It happened during the late 50s and later as a direct result of specifi policies.Things like increased taxation on the Greeks, restriction of inheritance, prohibition on property transfers and a myriad little tricks to force them out. The islands of Imvros and Tenedos were turned into open prisons and convicts were allowed to roam freely.

These were tricks to accomplish via indirect ways what could not happen directly due to the Lausanne treaty.

Erdogan two weeks ago made a public statement inviting the Greeks of Istanbul to return. As they are entitled to do since they are Turkish citizens and their property cannot be legally expropriated. So Erdogan does not share your view that this area of criticism is "shit".

To this day Turkey has not altered the laws affecting these people who are officially Turkish citizens.
The theological school in Halki has been closed since 1971 and Erdogan is still thinking about opening it. And as you might have heard this closure has met EU criticism over the lack of religious freedom.
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Postby alexISS » Thu Feb 14, 2008 9:45 am

shahmaran wrote:The Turkish population in Thrace can increase for many reasons, why did they increase all over Europe?

Probably for the same reason, and the decrease of it in Turkey can also be due to many other reason, Turks leave Turkey too you know. But i know you are referring to the Istanbul Pogrom, i thought we had agreed that it was the doing of an evil government who got punished for it, the whole world has anyways so deal with it and move on, you have also admitted that the invasion of Turkey by Greece was the doings of a puppet government.

You burnt down our cities, raped and looted at will to make up for your spectacular defeat, and we have also moved on.

So, any more shit you want to try to stick on us?

You can try throwing Phoenix, she will definitely stick! :lol:

Don't compare the pogrom and the systematic deportation of Greeks from Turkey to the WWI events, that's lame. When you replaced your "evil government" did the Greeks return? Did you give them back their properties? No, your "evil government" had conveniently done your dirty work and you were ok with it. Did Greece retaliate by deporting the Turks of Thrace, either in the 50s or the 70s, during the Turkish invasions? No. That's the difference between a European state and a military regime.
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Postby alexISS » Thu Feb 14, 2008 9:50 am

shahmaran wrote:
alexISS wrote:
Oracle wrote:
alexISS wrote:
shahmaran wrote:There has been a few posts here before with articles about the rights of the Thracian Turks, specially about how they are not allowed to elect their own Mufti, i am not making it up. I had posted a selection of articles on the matter before and i seriously cannot be bothered to go find it now.

There we go again... the muftis cannot be elected by the people, they have judicial authority and must therefore be appointed by the government... as in Turkey! Why don't you comment on the numbers posted by Nikitas, why is the Greek minority of Turkey vanished while the Turks of Thrace increase their numbers?

Because Turkey has an expansionist policy which precludes the presence of any other Nations, but their own .... :roll:


I know, I was asking just to read Shahmaran's excuse :wink:

Come on Alex, i really thought you knew better than agreeing with this cyber baboon. :roll:

Where has Turkey "expanded" exactly?

And if you are going to start babbling on about the so called "invasion" of Cyprus then please don't bother.

I have enough eye witnesses to tell you otherwise.

Do you?

Cyber baboon? There are many people who qualify for this title, Eric comes to mind first, but (the) Oracle is a well educated and highly contributing member of this forum, whose posts are much more than personal attacks and swearing, which is all your pal does
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Postby GreekForumer » Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:32 am

shahmaran wrote:Where has Turkey "expanded" exactly?

Turkey annexed the Republic of Hatay in 1939.

It was well known that Turks made up only 40% of the population, but Turkey (with the help of France) cheated to obtain 22 out of 40 seats in the Parliament and subsequently vote to join Turkey.

Robert Fisk wrote:US power games in the Middle East
4 April 2007

Aanjar was in fact given by the French to the Armenians after they were forced to leave the city of Alexandretta in 1939 - the French allowed a phoney referendum there to let the Turks take over in the vain hope that Ankara would fight Hitler - and Aanjar's citizens hold their title deeds. But receiving threats that they are going to be ethnically cleansed from their homes is - for Armenians - a terrible reminder of their genocide at the hands of the Turks in 1915. Lebanon likes its industrious, highly educated Armenians who are also represented in parliament. But that such hatred could now touch them is a distressing witness to the fragility of the Lebanese state. ... 371575.ece

The Armenians did not form enclaves in Hatay but got the hell out the territory all together, leaving their property behind. Free houses for Turks. Again!

And as you can read above, they still have their title deeds.
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Postby shahmaran » Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:49 am

LOL Alex if Phoenix is your understanding of a "high contributor" that's your problem, i wouldn't have put her and you into the same category but maybe i should. Tho i think even you make more sense then her.

Greek Forumer, you constantly come here with the same story about Hatay, what is exactly the point you are trying to make?

Hatay was under French rule and we took it, so its OK for French to rule and genocide people but not OK for Turkey to include ex-Ottoman lands into the newly established and VERY legal state!

No one cares about your views on Hatay Greek Forumer, its history.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:56 am

shahmaran wrote:No one cares about your views on Hatay Greek Forumer, its history.

Hatay, Pate, its all meze for Shah... :lol:
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Postby alexISS » Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:58 am

shahmaran wrote:LOL Alex if Phoenix is your understanding of a "high contributor" that's your problem, i wouldn't have put her and you into the same category but maybe i should. Tho i think even you make more sense then her.

Please let me know as soon as you decide which category you'll put me in because I'm really anxious to know :lol:

shahmaran wrote:Greek Forumer, you constantly come here with the same story about Hatay, what is exactly the point you are trying to make?

Hatay was under French rule and we took it, so its OK for French to rule and genocide people but not OK for Turkey to include ex-Ottoman lands into the newly established and VERY legal state!

No one cares about your views on Hatay Greek Forumer, its history.

Wasn't it you who asked where has Turkey expanded? Wasn't it a proper answer? Your attempt to justify Turkey's expansionism does not invalidate the accuracy of the reply
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Postby GreekForumer » Thu Feb 14, 2008 11:10 am

shahmaran wrote:Greek Forumer, you constantly come here with the same story about Hatay, what is exactly the point you are trying to make?

You said....
Shahmaran wrote:Where has Turkey "expanded" exactly?

Shahmaran wrote:Hatay was under French rule and we took it, so its OK for French to rule and genocide people but not OK for Turkey to include ex-Ottoman lands into the newly established and VERY legal state!

"OK for French to rule and genocide" ? What ?

The majority (60%) of the people of Hatay did not want ENOSIS with Turkey. But it's OK to by you to make these people Turkish against their will ? Has your Cyprus experience taught you nothing.

Shahmaran wrote:No one cares about your views on Hatay Greek Forumer, its history.

Speak for yourself. There may someone interested to see gross Turkish hypocrisy. The internet is forever.
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