Mr Ince told BRT that it’s been revealed during their discussions with the Chief of the Turkish Cypriot Desk in the European Union Andrew Rasbash that some regulations within the Green Line Regulation could be implemented before the elections in South Cyprus.
He said that these regulations could soon be implemented, making it possible to sell honey and fish being produced in the North to the South.
As part of his contacts in Brussels, the Chamber President also met with the Slovenian Commissioner for Enlargement Tamara Weigern Pozar – whose country holds the EU Term Presidency.
Mr Ince said that the Commissioner told them that the Direct Trade Regulation could be taken to agenda if a candidate – who supports the process – wins the elections in South Cyprus.
`It was a very pleasing development for us to see that Slovenia – which had earlier said that it would not be supporting the Regulation during its term Presidency – is working on ways of widening the regulation on direct trade.
In Holland, members of the delegation met with Turkish businessmen at the Second European-Turkish Businessmen Summit in Maastricht and the European Parliament’s Rapporteur on Turkey Ria Omen-Ruijten.
In a speech at a dinner given as part of the Summit, Mr Ince called on Turkish businessmen in Europe to invest in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
Today, the delegation will come together with representatives of Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Commerce in London.
The delegation will meet with the team Leader of the Cyprus Team of the Europe Directorate General of the British Foreign Office Simon Horner tomorrow.
Regular ferry services between Latakiya and Gazimagusa have been resumed.The ferry services organized by the Akgünler Maritime Company are being carried out twice a week with a ship flying the Turkish flag.
The services were launched last October with a ship carrying the Georgian flag but they were halted after the intervention of the Georgian authorities under pressure from the Greek Cypriot Side.
Regular ferry services between Gazimağusa port and Syria's Latakia port are being carried out on Thursdays and Saturdays.