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Do TC's want a United Cyprus or Partition

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby zan » Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:16 am

humanist wrote:Miltiades
They will tell Turkey that they are not going to be swallowed up and relinquish their Cypriotness , Zan will and some others will too but the majority of T/Cs want to remain T/Cs and this is where we can help to preserve the T/C .

Dear Miltiades, a year ago or so I would have agreed that we could help TC's with their struggle, having been on this forum for probably over a year and experiencing the hate and discrimination towards the GC's, I hold a different opinion and that is, you can lead a horse to water but cannot make it drink, they are in their own mess and if they are overtaken by mainland Turks well that is of their doing. As some TC's on here argue there is no problem and are happy to go with Turkey and what it dishes out for them. Am now concerned about the fight to keep my country and not let the Turkish army swallow what is mine.

Having said that I am always willing to advocate for any Cypriot to return to their home and claim their home and property, sadly that is not reciprocated by those Cypriots living in the occupied North of my country. Wo find it offensive calling them compatriots and one can hardly be a compatriot if the notion is not reciprocated.

I wonder if Sampson felt the same way when he lead the women and children into concentration camps and the men to their deaths....I wonder if he thought they were ungrateful and didn't reciprocate his love and affections...... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: Think about what you are selling before you hate the customer......After all...The customer is always right 8) 8) 8)
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Postby zan » Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:19 am

repulsewarrior wrote:miliades, Dr.,

I think you are being unfair to Zan.

The Republic which Zan speaks of is in flux, our Constitution is not clear and it was under negociation until Sampson brought us to his childish brink.

Since then much has to be learned by both sides equally and the feelings of guilt have become much further repressed.

However, I respect Zan's stamina, the energy he has and his passion, even if I find that at times his efforts may reach too far. he is not wrong. We are lucky that a person like Zan is with us, for the dialog and the debate which we were unable to do in any manner only a few years ago. what must be done has not begun, yet its need is looming. And again I will suggest my proposal may be a good place, for us at least, to start.

Thank you RW...Not so much for the defense, although that too is appreciated, but for understanding and giving me hope that there are people out there who know right from wrong...... :)
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Feb 17, 2008 6:24 am

zan, miliates is not wrong either, his compassion is laudable, and he feels the same frustration, that we do not agree.

...but in all the chaff I read, even eric cares for what is right or wrong, we have not yet learned how to drive these powerful forces together, we all suffer from the adversarial regimes that are around us, and this idea of dialog (the power of the internet) is still quite new, that's all.
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Re: Do TC's want a United Cyprus or Partition

Postby Expatkiwi » Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:10 am

GeorgeV97qaue wrote:Hi TC's I really would like to know what you really want?

I get the feeling most of the real TC's would like a United Country which is prosperous and then you have the TC's that want to be turkish and are looking for their own state mention no names (Zan, Eric).

Just be honest please!

The way I see it if you do want partition then you should be made to pay the GC's for the land they have lost give us back the land that you were prepared to give when the annan plan was on the table and get on with your life.

We should then revoke all TC's citizenship for the Rebublic of Cyprus. Look down the border and you can continue being told what to do by Turkey and live side by side with all your settlers.

You know, I asked several people in ATCA this very question quite some timne ago. The majority said that bottom line, they want to live in a place where they and their decendents can live decently, in dignity, and prosper. The answer did continue in which it was said that they could not be sure of this in a unitary state, given the historical emnity between Greek and Turk. So, the answer is - unless it can be shown that they can live the way they want in a unitary state, partition is the only safe course they can see. Personally, I cannot fault that logic.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Feb 17, 2008 11:47 am

repulsewarrior wrote:zan, miliates is not wrong either, his compassion is laudable, and he feels the same frustration, that we do not agree.

...but in all the chaff I read, even eric cares for what is right or wrong, we have not yet learned how to drive these powerful forces together, we all suffer from the adversarial regimes that are around us, and this idea of dialog (the power of the internet) is still quite new, that's all.

Im afraid your analysis is totaly wrong , more so when you state the ridiculous that Eric Cares ?? He is a fascist a Cypriot hater a bloody foreigner whose allegiance is not to the T/Cs ( look how he treats Kikapou ) but to TURKEY .
As far as your comments on Zan , let me ask you to compare my position and that of his , start with his signature , is this a man who wants the best for Cyprus or a man who is full of hatred . No Sir , You are totally wrong.
I spread the message of reconciliation , I blame the fanatics on both sides , the partitionists and the Unionists , I blame the extremists whose allegiance lies with Turkey and Greece. I consider the future generation of Cypriots and I'm dead scared as what will happen if the extremists , people like Zan , Eric Pauul , Phoenix , Alexander , Paliomeho and VP WERE TO WIN THE DAY . ,Make no mistake , the future generations will face conflict because to days extremists are far too shortsighted to see ahead.
The refuse stubbornly to recognise realities , such reality is that the ROC is the ONLY LEGAL ENTITY ON THIS ISLAND. They audaciously promote the occupied part , ( I use the word occupied as per the UN and EUROPEAN positions on the matter ) as a the Only legal entity in Cyprus .!! It is absurd and sad that they have allowed their hatred , unlike Bir and Kikapu , to cloud their judgement .
As far as the correct name for Cyprus , which Zan thinks is not ROC but Cyprus Republic !!! here is part of the opening agreements of Zurich:
Zurich Agreement
Documents Agreed (original in French text) and initialed by the Greek and Turkish Prime Ministers at Zurich on February 11, 1959:

"""""The State of Cyprus shall be a Republic with a presidential regime, the President being Greek and the Vice-President Turkish elected by universal suffrage by the Greek and Turkish communities of the island respectively.

The official languages of the Republic of Cyprus shall be Greek and Turkish. Legislative and administrative instruments and documents shall be drawn up and promulgated in the two official languages.

The Republic of Cyprus shall have its own flag of neutral design and colour, chosen jointly by the President and the Vice-President of the Republic.

Authorities and communities shall have the right to fly the Greek and Turkish flags on holidays at the same time as the flag of Cyprus.

The Greek and Turkish communities shall have the right to celebrate Greek and Turkish national holidays.
The President and the Vice-President shall be elected for a period of 5 years.

in the event of absence, impediment or vacancy of their posts, the President and the Vice-President shall be replaced by the President and the Vice-President of the House of Representatives respectively.

in the event of a vacancy in either post, the election of new incumbents shall take place within a period of not more than 45 days................

And more and more , clearly the official name is The ROC .
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Postby zan » Sun Feb 17, 2008 1:59 pm

miltiades wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:zan, miliates is not wrong either, his compassion is laudable, and he feels the same frustration, that we do not agree.

...but in all the chaff I read, even eric cares for what is right or wrong, we have not yet learned how to drive these powerful forces together, we all suffer from the adversarial regimes that are around us, and this idea of dialog (the power of the internet) is still quite new, that's all.

Im afraid your analysis is totaly wrong , more so when you state the ridiculous that Eric Cares ?? He is a fascist a Cypriot hater a bloody foreigner whose allegiance is not to the T/Cs ( look how he treats Kikapou ) but to TURKEY .
As far as your comments on Zan , let me ask you to compare my position and that of his , start with his signature , is this a man who wants the best for Cyprus or a man who is full of hatred . No Sir , You are totally wrong.
I spread the message of reconciliation , I blame the fanatics on both sides , the partitionists and the Unionists , I blame the extremists whose allegiance lies with Turkey and Greece. I consider the future generation of Cypriots and I'm dead scared as what will happen if the extremists , people like Zan , Eric Pauul , Phoenix , Alexander , Paliomeho and VP WERE TO WIN THE DAY . ,Make no mistake , the future generations will face conflict because to days extremists are far too shortsighted to see ahead.
The refuse stubbornly to recognise realities , such reality is that the ROC is the ONLY LEGAL ENTITY ON THIS ISLAND. They audaciously promote the occupied part , ( I use the word occupied as per the UN and EUROPEAN positions on the matter ) as a the Only legal entity in Cyprus .!! It is absurd and sad that they have allowed their hatred , unlike Bir and Kikapu , to cloud their judgement .
As far as the correct name for Cyprus , which Zan thinks is not ROC but Cyprus Republic !!! here is part of the opening agreements of Zurich:
Zurich Agreement
Documents Agreed (original in French text) and initialed by the Greek and Turkish Prime Ministers at Zurich on February 11, 1959:

"""""The State of Cyprus shall be a Republic with a presidential regime, the President being Greek and the Vice-President Turkish elected by universal suffrage by the Greek and Turkish communities of the island respectively.

The official languages of the Republic of Cyprus shall be Greek and Turkish. Legislative and administrative instruments and documents shall be drawn up and promulgated in the two official languages.

The Republic of Cyprus shall have its own flag of neutral design and colour, chosen jointly by the President and the Vice-President of the Republic.

Authorities and communities shall have the right to fly the Greek and Turkish flags on holidays at the same time as the flag of Cyprus.

The Greek and Turkish communities shall have the right to celebrate Greek and Turkish national holidays.
The President and the Vice-President shall be elected for a period of 5 years.

in the event of absence, impediment or vacancy of their posts, the President and the Vice-President shall be replaced by the President and the Vice-President of the House of Representatives respectively.

in the event of a vacancy in either post, the election of new incumbents shall take place within a period of not more than 45 days................

And more and more , clearly the official name is The ROC .

You take a document that CLEARLY says "Translated from French" and hold it up as evidence :roll: :roll: :roll:

This post and all your others proves you are an assassin Miltiades. If I had any doubts, each one of your pots tells me that those doubts are not justified...


The coins and official documents said "CYPRUS REPUBLIC" and not a mention of the "RoC". Have a look at this and tell me where you see the "RoC" file:///Users/karatavuk/Desktop/ICL%20-%20Cyprus%20Constitution.webarchive

You and your henchmen have taken our republic by stealth and placed the words "RoC"on our emblem and if we ever dissolve the TRNC/KKTC and ask you for our rights back, as some have suggested, we will not have a leg to stand on and that is exactly what you want. Another year another trap....The first was to get the UN to recognise the only government left in place in 1964 after we were forcibly removed from our positions and then the slow transition from the CYPRUS REPUBLIC to the "RoC" in the hope that no one would notice......Nice try mate.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You are a fake selling us false hope in a false republic.....Shame on you!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: THE ONLY EXTREMIST IS YOU>>>>>A fake unificationist in wolves clothing :roll:
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Postby zan » Sun Feb 17, 2008 2:37 pm

Here is what a real unificationist and peace maker says Miltiades!!!

The Anan Plan
Interview to Afrika newspaper 20/05/2007
I wrote a few articles about the Anan plan. I supported the Anan plan for two reasons. Firstly because I knew that any other plan on the table would not be much deferent than the Anan plan and secondly because I didn’t believe we could have another chance again soon. Was the Anan plan perfect? No. But even the worse plan can work if there is good will.
The referendum should have been cancelled and also the accession of Cyprus Republic in EU so both communities would feel the pressure to negotiate more and come to a final agreement. But this is history. “If” cannot change the past.
If the international community was really interested to solve the problem, they would have stopped the referendum when it became obvious it was not going to bring a positive result. Where they interested in us? I don’t think so. Turkey was always the issue. Samuel Beckett must have studied the Cyprus problem before he wrote “Waiting for Godot”. We are asking the Americans and EU to make plans for us so we can reject them afterwards and blame them for being unfair. It’s a good way not to solve it. We are pretending that we are waiting for Godot but even our waiting is not genuine
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Feb 17, 2008 4:18 pm

I'm sorry both of you feel that way toward each other. I think we can all agree that the original Agreement (Constitution of 1960) is a good place to start. I think that even if the Gorvernment is the legal representative of the State (however it is called) it is in need of reform, and it has been, since 1964. If so, I hope you will join me in the section for Proposals on a Solution, either your own, or on mine.

Furthermore, although eric is his dependable self as a person (I think) of low self esteem there is no reason to criticise him if you feel you are superior because we all have to never forget that we are all in this together. Afterall, Cyprus is an Island.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Sep 09, 2019 9:28 pm

miltiades wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:zan, miliates is not wrong either, his compassion is laudable, and he feels the same frustration, that we do not agree.

...but in all the chaff I read, even eric cares for what is right or wrong, we have not yet learned how to drive these powerful forces together, we all suffer from the adversarial regimes that are around us, and this idea of dialog (the power of the internet) is still quite new, that's all.

Im afraid your analysis is totaly wrong , more so when you state the ridiculous that Eric Cares ?? He is a fascist a Cypriot hater a bloody foreigner whose allegiance is not to the T/Cs ( look how he treats Kikapou ) but to TURKEY .
As far as your comments on Zan , let me ask you to compare my position and that of his , start with his signature , is this a man who wants the best for Cyprus or a man who is full of hatred . No Sir , You are totally wrong.
I spread the message of reconciliation , I blame the fanatics on both sides , the partitionists and the Unionists , I blame the extremists whose allegiance lies with Turkey and Greece. I consider the future generation of Cypriots and I'm dead scared as what will happen if the extremists , people like Zan , Eric Pauul , Phoenix , Alexander , Paliomeho and VP WERE TO WIN THE DAY . ,Make no mistake , the future generations will face conflict because to days extremists are far too shortsighted to see ahead.
The refuse stubbornly to recognise realities , such reality is that the ROC is the ONLY LEGAL ENTITY ON THIS ISLAND. They audaciously promote the occupied part , ( I use the word occupied as per the UN and EUROPEAN positions on the matter ) as a the Only legal entity in Cyprus .!! It is absurd and sad that they have allowed their hatred , unlike Bir and Kikapu , to cloud their judgement .
As far as the correct name for Cyprus , which Zan thinks is not ROC but Cyprus Republic !!! here is part of the opening agreements of Zurich:
Zurich Agreement
Documents Agreed (original in French text) and initialed by the Greek and Turkish Prime Ministers at Zurich on February 11, 1959:

"""""The State of Cyprus shall be a Republic with a presidential regime, the President being Greek and the Vice-President Turkish elected by universal suffrage by the Greek and Turkish communities of the island respectively.

The official languages of the Republic of Cyprus shall be Greek and Turkish. Legislative and administrative instruments and documents shall be drawn up and promulgated in the two official languages.

The Republic of Cyprus shall have its own flag of neutral design and colour, chosen jointly by the President and the Vice-President of the Republic.

Authorities and communities shall have the right to fly the Greek and Turkish flags on holidays at the same time as the flag of Cyprus.

The Greek and Turkish communities shall have the right to celebrate Greek and Turkish national holidays.
The President and the Vice-President shall be elected for a period of 5 years.

in the event of absence, impediment or vacancy of their posts, the President and the Vice-President shall be replaced by the President and the Vice-President of the House of Representatives respectively.

in the event of a vacancy in either post, the election of new incumbents shall take place within a period of not more than 45 days................

And more and more , clearly the official name is The ROC .

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Re: Do TC's want a United Cyprus or Partition

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Jan 04, 2020 7:02 am ... l-parties/

...more news about the political parties meeting, before elections in the occupied north, possible alliances and common positions established; as Cypriots for Cypriots sounds good.
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