Kikapu wrote:Lets just step back a little
Egg Head and start from the beginning to once again remind and explain things to you, if you have enough
Grey Matter or in your case,
Egg Whites left in your head. The whole conversation was started by IDIOTS saying there is no such thing such as a "CYPRIOT" and what I have been telling IDIOTS like you is, if you are born in Cyprus, no matter which part, or anywhere around the world, you are a Cypriot, providing you have family roots that is from Cyprus. Once one is declared a CYPRIOT, then one can, if one wants to, can clarify their ethnicity by saying Turkish or Greek Cypriot. If you come from Cyprus, then you are a CYPRIOT first, then TC or GC. Now, is that so hard for you to understand.??
If you do not accept being a CYPRIOT first, then you also reject ever having arrived to Cyprus from the past as well as rejecting of ever having had any Family Roots in Cyprus, so if that is your position
Egg Head, then you are a Mongolian, since that's where your origins are from. I accept being a CYPRIOT first because that's where my roots are for the past 400 years in Cyprus and Turkish Cypriot next, because that is what my ethnicity is.
Stop trying to act clever. It's not
becoming of you.
BTW, are you excited in meeting your fellow creature from the Arizona Desert yet.??
Soon you will be able to see your true image and reflection.!!
I hope I'm not doing too much of an injustice to the Arizona Desert creature by comparing it to you.
Oh well,
Shit Happens.