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A Just Proposal

Propose and discuss specific solutions to aspects of the Cyprus Problem

does this proposal satisfy our needs?

it is a good idea toward ending the impasse, i like it, but it hasn't a chance
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it is a stupid idea, because Cyprus cannot be united, it is a waste of time
I would endorse this solution, and I would vote for it in another referendum
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there are other solutions that are better, toward ending our isolation from each other
Total votes : 17

Re: A Just Proposal

Postby kurupetos » Sat Oct 20, 2018 9:37 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...humour me bill, are you still reading?

(i hope you are still writing)

...have you (re)read my manifesto?.

The poor goblin is still locked in the dungeon of London sewage. :(
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Re: A Just Proposal

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Oct 21, 2018 5:01 am

...indeed, i ask who are our heroes?

In all of this, we know that at the hands of "Greeks", and "Turks", those not "Greek", or not "Turk", were made to disappear, or murdered ruthlessly; let's never forget those who died, died for "being" Cypriots.

...thus the debate has never found a solution because it is flawed, not being based on Truth, but on the intentions of the parties hostile. It is not between Greeks and Turks, the Problem. It never has been. Cypriots exist. And they remain despite the decades outside of this debate. It is they, the other half, their victims, that have as their adversary, "Greeks" and "Turks", no different, the same. It is they the world should not forget, and remember.

Nothing will take back the shame of Cypriots who witnessed the Intolerance of such madness. But, to take back the intention of Enosis is not hard, if under the one Flag of Cyprus we have, we stood. If we dared to fly this Flag everywhere. And wherever we went, we carried this Flag with us. Someone will die, you say; the first, for this Flag? I don't think so, many more have died already.

But now more than ever though, our leadership need inspiration, Cypriots everywhere need to express their concern. A flag, this Flag, by flying it wherever they may look is a good beginning.

We are not "Greeks", we are not "Turks", we are in effect what "they" are not, if we are to be Free. ... nds-truth/
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Re: A Just Proposal

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jul 31, 2019 8:41 pm

...greetings, eh.

...interesting, re-read.

cheers. occurs to me how useful the 'new post notices' we got, were.

...anyway, this is for kurupetos, and anyone who doubts he is Cypriot; errolz may find this topic interesting too.
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Re: A Just Proposal

Postby Lordo » Thu Aug 01, 2019 11:59 am

rw a just proposal was 1960 where we would get on fine and gc leadership went on a venture to destroy roc and join it with griiis. a just proposal was 2004, even griis supported it as well as un but your president went on tv unopposed for 2 hours and cried his eyes out making the fools believe that if they say no now they will be able use eu to get a better deal. and there are fools today that still belive such stupidity even after 15 years of no better deal or even any deal.

i mean how can you make an agreement with such stipid people and live togehter. it isimpossible.

a just proposal will be exchange of properties with market valaues of today , and sepertate the two states but both in the eu. now that will work.
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Re: A Just Proposal

Postby Kikapu » Thu Aug 01, 2019 12:31 pm

Lordo wrote:rw a just proposal was 1960 where we would get on fine and gc leadership went on a venture to destroy roc and join it with griiis. a just proposal was 2004, even griis supported it as well as un but your president went on tv unopposed for 2 hours and cried his eyes out making the fools believe that if they say no now they will be able use eu to get a better deal. and there are fools today that still belive such stupidity even after 15 years of no better deal or even any deal.

i mean how can you make an agreement with such stipid people and live togehter. it isimpossible.

a just proposal will be exchange of properties with market valaues of today , and sepertate the two states but both in the eu. now that will work.

Your proposal is rubbish on many fronts for the GCs, just as was the 2004 Annan Plan. Your proposal is like saying, "Heads I win, tails you lose". BTW, Greece's suppport for the AP was only make believe and was not real. EU membership was the ultimate goal for the RoC, so the end did justify the means for Greece and the RoC.
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Re: A Just Proposal

Postby Maximus » Thu Aug 01, 2019 1:28 pm

Lordo wrote:
a just proposal will be exchange of properties with market valaues of today , and sepertate the two states but both in the eu. now that will work.

No it wouldn’t,

A just proposal would be to move the trnc to turkey. You could exchange illegally occupied property in north Cyprus with property in turkey with market values of today.

Any legitimate tc that holds RoC identification documents that wants to be in the eu could just choose to remain in the RoC.

Now that will work.
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Re: A Just Proposal

Postby Lordo » Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:21 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Lordo wrote:rw a just proposal was 1960 where we would get on fine and gc leadership went on a venture to destroy roc and join it with griiis. a just proposal was 2004, even griis supported it as well as un but your president went on tv unopposed for 2 hours and cried his eyes out making the fools believe that if they say no now they will be able use eu to get a better deal. and there are fools today that still belive such stupidity even after 15 years of no better deal or even any deal.

i mean how can you make an agreement with such stipid people and live togehter. it isimpossible.

a just proposal will be exchange of properties with market valaues of today , and sepertate the two states but both in the eu. now that will work.

Your proposal is rubbish on many fronts for the GCs, just as was the 2004 Annan Plan. Your proposal is like saying, "Heads I win, tails you lose". BTW, Greece's suppport for the AP was only make believe and was not real. EU membership was the ultimate goal for the RoC, so the end did justify the means for Greece and the RoC.

you are talking shit again. griik governments of different times have behaved differently. what does even makebelieve support mean even. a bit like your thoughts i guess.

for instance in 1963 they told magariovillos not to propose changes even before implementing the constitution becasue they will not be able to claim it does not work. he ignored them and went ahead with his demands and worse still started the cyprus problem by killing two innocent unarmed tcs in the street.
secondly they advised papadovillos do agree to the 2004 annan plan as it was going to be as good as it gets and he ignored them and despite the fact that he negotiated it promissing the eu and the un that he would support it in a vote, he turned and did what he did and the result is for all to see.

if they had accepted the plan marash and the villages below the nicosi/famagousta highway would have been returned and about 40,000 gcs would be able to return to their properties in the north under northern fereal government, as well as pay compensation worked out by an independent body. it was a win win for all.

lets face it the time has run out and now we only have one choice, two state solution. and it is comming. why do you think nastivillos wants to start talks. to hell with him and his talks. akinci not playing ball is he. he has balls to tell him and chavusoglu to farq offf
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Re: A Just Proposal

Postby Lordo » Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:26 pm

Maximus wrote:
Lordo wrote:
a just proposal will be exchange of properties with market valaues of today , and sepertate the two states but both in the eu. now that will work.

No it wouldn’t,

A just proposal would be to move the trnc to turkey. You could exchange illegally occupied property in north Cyprus with property in turkey with market values of today.

Any legitimate tc that holds RoC identification documents that wants to be in the eu could just choose to remain in the RoC.

Now that will work.

before you make any posts i would suggest that you get your brains checked. do you have any? you are one racist shitbag and a kant to go with it. telling people to leave their land and more somewhere else. that last kant to say that was trump. and we all know what kind of a polished tird he is. all racists will go to hell when they die. and their nether regions will be poked with red hot pokers.
birli birli birli bum

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Re: A Just Proposal

Postby Maximus » Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:37 pm

You should look in the mirror and stop projecting on to others what your side did and continues to do in Cyprus.

ethnic cleansing, stealing homes, refusing democracy, racism in Cyprus, illegal occupation, settler transfer.

The just solution is to reverse it,

You despicable shit bag....
Last edited by Maximus on Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Just Proposal

Postby Lordo » Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:47 pm

Maximus wrote:You should look in the mirror and stop projecting on to others what your side did and continues to do in Cyprus.

ethnic cleansing, stealing homes, refusing democracy, racism in Cyprus

The just solution is to reverse it,

You despicable shit bag....

and there you were saying all tcs should move to terggy. farq off you kant
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