iceman I had the same reaction at first but it is for real!
Firstly sega being a muslim is not all about praying all day and going to a medresa.
To make sure you get a better outlook I'm not going to answer the questions directly.
Let's start with the times of the collapsing ottoman empire, in the times of the ottoman empire there was a system which diffrentiated between it's subjects by religion , there was not a strong perception of national identity for turks. Towards the fall of the empire national identity started to become more and more important as the british started to take control over the middle east. After the ottomans lost with the germans in world war 1, the british took control of istanbul with no force at all. ( 100's of thousands of turks died at gallipoli, defending the straits leading to istanbul ). At this time turks were really pissed at their sultan for signing the sevr agreement with the allies. During this time a man named "Mustafa Kemal" ( later named "Ataturk" meaning father turk ) who was then a general in the army, was sent by the sultan to trabzon by boat to counter resistance towards allied resistance at this time Mustafa Kemal was already a national hero in the hearts of many turks for winning the battle for gallipoli. What Ataturk did was exactly the opposite he in time became the leader for the resistance against all the allied forces who had invaded anatolia ( British,French,Italian,Greek ) . If we fast foward a bit, in the end after many bloody battles across the land Ataturk was able to free his people. The problem was that the nation had been living in a non-western style so he started to transform it. Religion was abig problem because through out the centuries had interpreted all sorts of crap from the Kuran, making up their own rules which had by now become tradition. Ataturk started the process of reforming the new born Turkey to make it part of the west. He officially proclaimed Turkey a secular state, changed laws to comply with modern western standards, changed the alphabet to latin letters closed all
medrases , introduced western clothing and so on..... . Sega whil all this stuff was going on in Turkey the same changes were welcomed by TC's as well.
Getting back to the questions madrases are illegal in Turkey and Cyprus.
In the north and Turkey you are only allowed to marry
one wife. The reason being there aren't enough woman to go around in 5 to one ratio

Your last question about differences in culture, to understand this you have to know the demographics of Turkey. The problem in Turkey is that the east of the country is much more poorer than the west also the ethnic balance differs alot as well. Usually people from eastern Turkey are much more religious than others. In the east there are many people of Kurdish or Arab origin ( most of the ones in Cyprus are form the east ) they come here to earn better money and TC's need them because they work for shit money.
I suggest you read this wiki link to get a better uderstanding