GorillaGal wrote:webbo wrote:GorillaGal wrote:i just read in another thread that Bubbles is not a cypriot, greek or tyurkish, which is what i thought. (it's sometimes difficult to keep so many forum members straight). i wonder if bubbles was in cyprus in 1974? all i know is that if i was forced to flee my home, never to return, had friends or family killed or tortured/raped, perhaps witnessed some atrocities, i don't think i would come out of that ever trusting the perpatrators again. i know i continue to struggle with certain nationalities myself, being a New Yorker post 9-11 events. i do not consider myself racist at all, but i know i will keep a safe distance from certain peoples.
In all fairness GG, you do not know about my life and that is how I will keep it.
I can see your point re 1974, but some people harbor very deep hatred and racist feelings. Some parents - and I have said only some not all - really do teach their children to hate the Turks (I cannot say what goes on in the North of the island as I live in the South!) You cannot honestly think that this is a way forward? Surely?
Bubbles x
you are finally getting the point!!!!!! i don't know about your life, so i shouldn't judge you? that is the whole idea as far as Phoenix is concerned as well.
and yes, it may not be right for a parent to pass on thier racist feelings to thier children, but what kind of a parent would you be if you didn't warn your children about the people who hurt you and your family before you were born?
i grew up in a household with a grumpy old german grandfatehr who served in WW1 and learned to hate thge italians. my best friend was italian, and although i heard it all, it did not affect the way i feel towards them.
No gori, you are not getting the point at all.
You do judge me by what I write, whether you agree with my opinions or not.
Educate your children definitely, and state your points by all means - I am all for that. It was her blatant racist comments on just about every post that I have a problem with. We all have feelings and views over several issues, whether it is about our fellow countrymen, the French (seeing as how everyone is under the misconception that we hate the French!), the growing number of immigrants, different religion etc.
We are not perfect by any means and alas, it is human nature to feel this way. We are naturally influenced by our parents but to teach them such hatred and racism is a no-go
Going by your remark regarding teaching your children history, why stop at 1974?
Bubbles x