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P.M.s to Phoenix ....

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Postby webbo » Sun Feb 10, 2008 6:25 pm

GorillaGal wrote:
webbo wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:i just read in another thread that Bubbles is not a cypriot, greek or tyurkish, which is what i thought. (it's sometimes difficult to keep so many forum members straight). i wonder if bubbles was in cyprus in 1974? all i know is that if i was forced to flee my home, never to return, had friends or family killed or tortured/raped, perhaps witnessed some atrocities, i don't think i would come out of that ever trusting the perpatrators again. i know i continue to struggle with certain nationalities myself, being a New Yorker post 9-11 events. i do not consider myself racist at all, but i know i will keep a safe distance from certain peoples.

In all fairness GG, you do not know about my life and that is how I will keep it.
I can see your point re 1974, but some people harbor very deep hatred and racist feelings. Some parents - and I have said only some not all - really do teach their children to hate the Turks (I cannot say what goes on in the North of the island as I live in the South!) You cannot honestly think that this is a way forward? Surely?

Bubbles x 8)

you are finally getting the point!!!!!! i don't know about your life, so i shouldn't judge you? that is the whole idea as far as Phoenix is concerned as well.

and yes, it may not be right for a parent to pass on thier racist feelings to thier children, but what kind of a parent would you be if you didn't warn your children about the people who hurt you and your family before you were born?
i grew up in a household with a grumpy old german grandfatehr who served in WW1 and learned to hate thge italians. my best friend was italian, and although i heard it all, it did not affect the way i feel towards them.

No gori, you are not getting the point at all.
You do judge me by what I write, whether you agree with my opinions or not.
Educate your children definitely, and state your points by all means - I am all for that. It was her blatant racist comments on just about every post that I have a problem with. We all have feelings and views over several issues, whether it is about our fellow countrymen, the French (seeing as how everyone is under the misconception that we hate the French!), the growing number of immigrants, different religion etc.

We are not perfect by any means and alas, it is human nature to feel this way. We are naturally influenced by our parents but to teach them such hatred and racism is a no-go

Going by your remark regarding teaching your children history, why stop at 1974?

Bubbles x 8)
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Re: P.M.s to Phoenix ....

Postby miltiades » Sun Feb 10, 2008 6:40 pm

Eric dayi wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:
alexISS wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:It wasn't just her parents who taught her her racism and hate against anything Turkish, she also learned it in the school, university and even in the church.

Do you mean like the way they teach young Turks to slit the throats of their sisters in case their uncle rapes them to preserve the family "honor"? Or how they teach you the burn-the-Patriarch-mock-up techinque? Save it, you WISH your miserably failing educating system was anything close to the Greek one. Now go protest with the rest of your gray wolves pack because a bunch of girls wearing headscarves are about to dissolve your precious kemalist secular state. Pathetic.... :lol:

good point , alexiss. this was my point in one of the otehr threads. no one knows the things phoenix has seen or experienced in her life to cause this dislike of turks, but it's not up to me to judge. i have better things to do with my life than worry about what other people do with theirs. i think CY would be alot better off if everyone worried more about themselves and thier families rather than their neightbors or even forum members think or do.

Both of you have absolutely no idea of what the hell you are talking about but you talk just to make a noise and to hear your voices.

GG, if you have better things to do in your life what the hell are you doing getting mixed up in this thread or any other thread that has to do with Cyprus? Why do you worry what other are saying and not restrict your worries to yourself and your family? Or are you getting mixed up and agreeing with racists because maybe you are another Turk hater yourself?

The only bad thing that happened to "phoenix" and other racists Greek/GC idiots in and outside of this forum is that racism was pushed down their throats by their parents, schools, society and even their Church. And if you want to justify their racism then you are no better than they are.

re headscarf: You agree with the racist alexiss about wearing of headscarves in Turkey without even maybe realising that it is also against the law in many EU countries.

BTW, just to educate you and others wearing headscarves are no longer against the law in Turkey. Now we will see the racist and Islam haters come back and accuse Turkey again of being a "deep Muslim" country and that it has no place in a Christian EU just because it now allows the wearing of headscarves.

What I am interested in is to see what you will say when the racist idiots again accuse Turkey of being a "deep Muslim" country.

you have no idea what you are talking about, eric..... i have both greek, cypriot and turkish friends. i dated a turk or two in my life. (they are great kissers by the way!) and i am in love with a GC. so don't tell me i don't belong here, or that i don't know what i am talking about.
are you suggesting that the events of 1974 wree made up in hollywood, like when we landed on the moon? i suppose you still believe the world is flat?
racism is one thing, if you just don't like another culture or race for whatever reason, but to actually be apart of a war, or witness mass crimes by one society on another.... that is a totally different thing. i am sorry your mind is too closed to see that.

I am afraid your mind is too closed to see what and why it all started in Cyprus GG, I was there in 1963 and saw it with my own eyes, were you at the moon landing to tell us that it really happened?

I doubt very much that "phoenix" was even in Cyprus in 1963 or in 1974 and her racism and hate comes from reading Greek and Ottoman history like most of the racist Greeks and GCs in this forum. Because they can't take "revenge" on the Ottoman they not want to take their 500 year old anger out on us TCs and are angry and frustrated that Turkey did not/does not allow them to.

If you want to talk about mass crimes perpetrated on us TCs by the GREEKS and GCs together then start talking about 1963 through to 1974 and not just what allegedly the Turks did in 1974.

BTW, I never said you don't belong here I just asked you what you are doing here if you are not interested in what others say. :wink:

Well Mr Bloody foreigner you are wrong.Phoenix told us that she was born in 1958 , now how old did you say you were to remember events in 1963 ?
How about these mass crimes against the T/Cs from 1963 to 1974 , did we not already covered the 7 years prior to the invasion and had the figures posted !!
I believe in total from 1967 to just prior to the invasion , ten or so Cypriots became the victims of communal conflict.
Do you want to publish your own figures , go ahead Mr Foreigner and do so.
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Postby GorillaGal » Sun Feb 10, 2008 6:51 pm

webbo wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:
webbo wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:i just read in another thread that Bubbles is not a cypriot, greek or tyurkish, which is what i thought. (it's sometimes difficult to keep so many forum members straight). i wonder if bubbles was in cyprus in 1974? all i know is that if i was forced to flee my home, never to return, had friends or family killed or tortured/raped, perhaps witnessed some atrocities, i don't think i would come out of that ever trusting the perpatrators again. i know i continue to struggle with certain nationalities myself, being a New Yorker post 9-11 events. i do not consider myself racist at all, but i know i will keep a safe distance from certain peoples.

In all fairness GG, you do not know about my life and that is how I will keep it.
I can see your point re 1974, but some people harbor very deep hatred and racist feelings. Some parents - and I have said only some not all - really do teach their children to hate the Turks (I cannot say what goes on in the North of the island as I live in the South!) You cannot honestly think that this is a way forward? Surely?

Bubbles x 8)

you are finally getting the point!!!!!! i don't know about your life, so i shouldn't judge you? that is the whole idea as far as Phoenix is concerned as well.

and yes, it may not be right for a parent to pass on thier racist feelings to thier children, but what kind of a parent would you be if you didn't warn your children about the people who hurt you and your family before you were born?
i grew up in a household with a grumpy old german grandfatehr who served in WW1 and learned to hate thge italians. my best friend was italian, and although i heard it all, it did not affect the way i feel towards them.

No gori, you are not getting the point at all.
You do judge me by what I write, whether you agree with my opinions or not.
Educate your children definitely, and state your points by all means - I am all for that. It was her blatant racist comments on just about every post that I have a problem with. We all have feelings and views over several issues, whether it is about our fellow countrymen, the French (seeing as how everyone is under the misconception that we hate the French!), the growing number of immigrants, different religion etc.

We are not perfect by any means and alas, it is human nature to feel this way. We are naturally influenced by our parents but to teach them such hatred and racism is a no-go

Going by your remark regarding teaching your children history, why stop at 1974?

Bubbles x 8)

i do not judge you, i am just suggesting you are judging phoenix, and am wondering what gives you the right to do so. i am sorry, i thought you were finally "getting it."

and BTW, i do not recall phoenix ever telling us what exactly she tells her son....
yes, i have read phoenix's many posts (not all of them, i have a life too!) and yes, she sometimes adds remarks that are anti-turkish, but in a light, almost joking way. i find her posts have an amusing little twist to them. i am sorry you are too concerned with passing judgment to see the humor in it.
lighten up!
you have attacked her in so many threads of recent, i am tired of this constant bickering. you wanna jump down someones stupid remarks, go after that aidin guy. phoenix is harmless.

and now, ladies and gentlemen of the forum, i am off to my life again, logging off to do some work, and help a friend in need.
have a good rest of a sunday.
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Postby suzie-q » Sun Feb 10, 2008 9:02 pm

Bubbles gori mou "gorakia"
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Re: P.M.s to Phoenix ....

Postby Eric dayi » Sun Feb 10, 2008 9:37 pm

miltiades wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:
alexISS wrote:
Eric dayi wrote:It wasn't just her parents who taught her her racism and hate against anything Turkish, she also learned it in the school, university and even in the church.

Do you mean like the way they teach young Turks to slit the throats of their sisters in case their uncle rapes them to preserve the family "honor"? Or how they teach you the burn-the-Patriarch-mock-up techinque? Save it, you WISH your miserably failing educating system was anything close to the Greek one. Now go protest with the rest of your gray wolves pack because a bunch of girls wearing headscarves are about to dissolve your precious kemalist secular state. Pathetic.... :lol:

good point , alexiss. this was my point in one of the otehr threads. no one knows the things phoenix has seen or experienced in her life to cause this dislike of turks, but it's not up to me to judge. i have better things to do with my life than worry about what other people do with theirs. i think CY would be alot better off if everyone worried more about themselves and thier families rather than their neightbors or even forum members think or do.

Both of you have absolutely no idea of what the hell you are talking about but you talk just to make a noise and to hear your voices.

GG, if you have better things to do in your life what the hell are you doing getting mixed up in this thread or any other thread that has to do with Cyprus? Why do you worry what other are saying and not restrict your worries to yourself and your family? Or are you getting mixed up and agreeing with racists because maybe you are another Turk hater yourself?

The only bad thing that happened to "phoenix" and other racists Greek/GC idiots in and outside of this forum is that racism was pushed down their throats by their parents, schools, society and even their Church. And if you want to justify their racism then you are no better than they are.

re headscarf: You agree with the racist alexiss about wearing of headscarves in Turkey without even maybe realising that it is also against the law in many EU countries.

BTW, just to educate you and others wearing headscarves are no longer against the law in Turkey. Now we will see the racist and Islam haters come back and accuse Turkey again of being a "deep Muslim" country and that it has no place in a Christian EU just because it now allows the wearing of headscarves.

What I am interested in is to see what you will say when the racist idiots again accuse Turkey of being a "deep Muslim" country.

you have no idea what you are talking about, eric..... i have both greek, cypriot and turkish friends. i dated a turk or two in my life. (they are great kissers by the way!) and i am in love with a GC. so don't tell me i don't belong here, or that i don't know what i am talking about.
are you suggesting that the events of 1974 wree made up in hollywood, like when we landed on the moon? i suppose you still believe the world is flat?
racism is one thing, if you just don't like another culture or race for whatever reason, but to actually be apart of a war, or witness mass crimes by one society on another.... that is a totally different thing. i am sorry your mind is too closed to see that.

I am afraid your mind is too closed to see what and why it all started in Cyprus GG, I was there in 1963 and saw it with my own eyes, were you at the moon landing to tell us that it really happened?

I doubt very much that "phoenix" was even in Cyprus in 1963 or in 1974 and her racism and hate comes from reading Greek and Ottoman history like most of the racist Greeks and GCs in this forum. Because they can't take "revenge" on the Ottoman they not want to take their 500 year old anger out on us TCs and are angry and frustrated that Turkey did not/does not allow them to.

If you want to talk about mass crimes perpetrated on us TCs by the GREEKS and GCs together then start talking about 1963 through to 1974 and not just what allegedly the Turks did in 1974.

BTW, I never said you don't belong here I just asked you what you are doing here if you are not interested in what others say. :wink:

Well Mr Bloody foreigner you are wrong.Phoenix told us that she was born in 1958 , now how old did you say you were to remember events in 1963 ?
How about these mass crimes against the T/Cs from 1963 to 1974 , did we not already covered the 7 years prior to the invasion and had the figures posted !!
I believe in total from 1967 to just prior to the invasion , ten or so Cypriots became the victims of communal conflict.
Do you want to publish your own figures , go ahead Mr Foreigner and do so.

The fact is and remains that you Greeks and GCs started a war to genocide us TCs in Cyprus so that you can have your ENOSIS. You are now whinging, whining and crying buckets full because you failed. Whether "only 10" ten died in the last 7 years before Turkey kicked your arse and put a stop to your genocide or 1000 died makes no difference to what you Greeks and GCs attempted.

You are still trying to turn the whole of Cyprus into a Greek island but senile old gits like you are too stupid to achieve what you failed at when you were younger.

In case your senile old two cent brain can't work it out "phoenix" was only 5 years old in 1963 and it is very unlikely that she remembers a lot about
1963 if anything at all. Apaprt from that you stupid senile old git, I said "I doubt very much that "phoenix" was even in Cyprus in 1963 or in 1974 " and never mentioned her age or implied that she wasn't born then but as per usual your senile old brain played tricks on poor senile old git, when I have time I'll try and feel sorry for you. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: P.M.s to Phoenix ....

Postby Get Real! » Sun Feb 10, 2008 10:24 pm

Eric dayi wrote:The fact is and remains that you Greeks and GCs started a war to genocide us TCs in Cyprus so that you can have your ENOSIS.

:shock: For the love of God NO!!!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

On a serious note Eric, if GCs wanted to do that back then you wouldn't have such a big mouth today...
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Postby Filitsa » Sun Feb 10, 2008 10:36 pm

That's the ticket, Miltiades! Boot the belligerent nationalists and racists to their motherlands!
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Postby webbo » Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:44 am

GorillaGal wrote:
webbo wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:
webbo wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:i just read in another thread that Bubbles is not a cypriot, greek or tyurkish, which is what i thought. (it's sometimes difficult to keep so many forum members straight). i wonder if bubbles was in cyprus in 1974? all i know is that if i was forced to flee my home, never to return, had friends or family killed or tortured/raped, perhaps witnessed some atrocities, i don't think i would come out of that ever trusting the perpatrators again. i know i continue to struggle with certain nationalities myself, being a New Yorker post 9-11 events. i do not consider myself racist at all, but i know i will keep a safe distance from certain peoples.

In all fairness GG, you do not know about my life and that is how I will keep it.
I can see your point re 1974, but some people harbor very deep hatred and racist feelings. Some parents - and I have said only some not all - really do teach their children to hate the Turks (I cannot say what goes on in the North of the island as I live in the South!) You cannot honestly think that this is a way forward? Surely?

Bubbles x 8)

you are finally getting the point!!!!!! i don't know about your life, so i shouldn't judge you? that is the whole idea as far as Phoenix is concerned as well.

and yes, it may not be right for a parent to pass on thier racist feelings to thier children, but what kind of a parent would you be if you didn't warn your children about the people who hurt you and your family before you were born?
i grew up in a household with a grumpy old german grandfatehr who served in WW1 and learned to hate thge italians. my best friend was italian, and although i heard it all, it did not affect the way i feel towards them.

No gori, you are not getting the point at all.
You do judge me by what I write, whether you agree with my opinions or not.
Educate your children definitely, and state your points by all means - I am all for that. It was her blatant racist comments on just about every post that I have a problem with. We all have feelings and views over several issues, whether it is about our fellow countrymen, the French (seeing as how everyone is under the misconception that we hate the French!), the growing number of immigrants, different religion etc.

We are not perfect by any means and alas, it is human nature to feel this way. We are naturally influenced by our parents but to teach them such hatred and racism is a no-go

Going by your remark regarding teaching your children history, why stop at 1974?

Bubbles x 8)

i do not judge you, i am just suggesting you are judging phoenix, and am wondering what gives you the right to do so. i am sorry, i thought you were finally "getting it."

and BTW, i do not recall phoenix ever telling us what exactly she tells her son....
yes, i have read phoenix's many posts (not all of them, i have a life too!) and yes, she sometimes adds remarks that are anti-turkish, but in a light, almost joking way. i find her posts have an amusing little twist to them. i am sorry you are too concerned with passing judgment to see the humor in it.
lighten up!
you have attacked her in so many threads of recent, i am tired of this constant bickering. you wanna jump down someones stupid remarks, go after that aidin guy. phoenix is harmless.

and now, ladies and gentlemen of the forum, i am off to my life again, logging off to do some work, and help a friend in need.
have a good rest of a sunday.

Sorry for the late reply. I logged off, took the dog out and then went back to my own life too!!

GG, we are going to have to agree to disagree. I have had PM's agreeing with me regarding her racism - and if I am not mistaken, someone even posted on another thread about it! No humour at all if you ask me. Aidan gets his fair share of stick believe me.

Will leave it there as we are just going around in circles......................

Hope you had a good evening - we did.

Bubbles x 8)
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Postby miltiades » Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:53 am

Filitsa wrote:That's the ticket, Miltiades! Boot the belligerent nationalists and racists to their motherlands!

Filitsa thanks for you condescendinfg remarks !
No one can send these parasites back to their motherlands but at least we can give them this option .
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Postby Filitsa » Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:30 pm

miltiades wrote:
Filitsa wrote:That's the ticket, Miltiades! Boot the belligerent nationalists and racists to their motherlands!

Filitsa thanks for you condescendinfg remarks !
No one can send these parasites back to their motherlands but at least we can give them this option .

I wasn't at all being condescending. It's the ideal solution, but the ideal solution is almost always the most impractical. Thus, the need for compromise.
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