I have just spent the most pointless evening of my life having been hijacked by "Bubbles" because she clearly had nothing better to do ... into an inane "discussion".
I posted in my own thread, yet she still managed to tell me what I should be doing, and to top it all she has carried out the cardinal sin.
If I mention my family it is for a real scenario, in context, to a point I make. This sick woman managed to impose her sanctimonious assumptions on me as a parent .... and as much as I would love to retaliate to an extent that would lead to her understanding how evil and low she appears, knowing nothing about me, as I would not deem to mix with such as her in real life, so why here? ... then I realize this is not the place to be for a healthy individual.
Bubbles ... wherever you and your kind are ... is not the place for someone like me.
I love Cyprus and I love my family and it ruins their good name to bring them up with the likes of you around. I do not have time to keep correcting your every misquote, and disgusting twist.
Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you can see where you have landed ... and an evening with Bubbles is akin to falling towards Tartarus.
I used to spend evenings with Tolstoy, Socrates, Dawkins, Einstein .... but tonight I spent the entire evening, unwillingly, exchanging rubbish to try and make some bored housewife understand why I had a worthwhile reason for posting in the style I did. Needless to say, it all went above her head.
No need to justify myself to her. So I won't.
I would like to thank Admin, who have always been a tower of strength when I have sought their guidance ... and no doubt kindly let me off, even when other forumers were screaming censorship for me.
Too many kindly GCs and Greeks ... not necessarily always seeing eye-to-eye with me, but nevertheless, providing support, information, laughs, sympathy and hope .... Special thanks to my dearest friend GR! who has been the reason I have stayed longer than perhaps I should have ... and I know your views on going quietly ... but I cannot do that.

Will miss a few enlightened Brits + others, who clearly love Cyprus and realise how vulnerable it is and how much it needs nurturing.
I may even miss some Turk-TCs ....
Don't bother with accusations of my coming back with another persona ...
I have done it all.

But now I have to get on with my real life in Cyprus.
My business here should keep me interested, enough ... and I hope to open avenues to make a difference to the things I care about.

Lessons learnt:
1. Don't mention those you hate ... the Turks and criminals.
2. Don't mention those you love ... Cyprus and Family
I have nothing to say then except Goodbye ......