Leffette wrote:How comfortable are you Greek Cypriots to date a Turkish Cypriot. This goes to both males and females??
Will you have to ask your parent's opinion on this one??? Will you go for it???
And one more curious question....is this happening between the Greek Side and the Occupied Side???
Give us some information!
I have previously heard of some stories where both Turkish-Cypriots and Greek-Cypriots fell in love and even got married. I know of two relations that have been with Turkish-Cypriots, so it's not unheard of.
Personally I would prefer to date a Greek-Cypriot female, not because I don't like them, that's not true. It is more to do with integration. It would be more difficult for me to integrate to her family and vice versa. Not to mention that others are not as open to the idea. I am likely to be frowned upon and even isolated in weddings and so forth. It would be like I was asking for a hard life.
Saying this many humans are drawn into danger and live for these moments
(the idea is dangerous, not the people involved). I am Greek-Cypriot for what it's worth, not sure how the situation is for the TC but here in Southern Cyprus there has been a recent craze
(last 4 years).
This crazy involved both females and males going with other races, including but not restricted to Arabs, Phillipino, Chinese, Russians, Georgian, Bulgarian etc. Cypriot women are drawn into the idea of rebelling against their parents and so they proceed with their relationship. Obviously if the person derives from a non-EU country it works to his/her advantage.
In the beginning it was just the elderly that did this, recently it has hit the younger generation. The concept begins when they first enter a cabaret
(brothel) and they're provocatively greeted by these non-nationals. Their taste in women gradually changes. This has nothing to do with the integration of TC and GC people, but more to do with the traditional concepts dissolving.
Of course Turkish-Cypriot women are not like this, saying this, the element of danger is there and similar to the thrill that comes from this danger. Knowing that they are doing something wrong
(I am not saying it is wrong, but they will know it for themselves) fuels such a relationship. What you find is that they do not love each other, but instead love rebelling and creating all the resulting attention.
This idea of it being wrong normally comes from the parents, once the parents/relations accepted it
(v.hard to happen), people would not be doing it for the purpose of it being wrong. So far I have been to around 5 weddings in Cyprus and 2 of them were to non-nationals, and the other 2 were pregnant hence the reason for marriage
(so much for saving yourself). One thing I noticed is that both parties were the same religion. I would suppose religion would also play a big part in the integration of the TC and GC in marital terms.
Talking about myself, I would never ask my parents opinion on my woman and I would not need their blessing for this, after all I am my own man and she is indeed her own woman.
Currently there are hardly any Turkish-Cypriots living in Southern Cyprus and thus I cannot tell you if this is happening. If both sides were to mix we would no doubt see the integration happening, similar to what has being going on with the non-nationals.
I hope this brings light to your questions.
Please note: Not all cases of TC and GC marital integration was due to doing something wrong, some fell in loved with each other's appearance.