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Omer Kose - "18 ears in a bren bag"

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby kafenes » Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:44 am

This ear story was kinda tradition since Ottoman Empire times, especially in Sultan Mehmet 2 period in 15th century..many ears were sent to Istanbul from the Greek Islands and it seems nothing has changed since then...
As Cypriots, all you have to do is to unite and get organised , may be establish an NGO for the rights of ur ears and ur earings too , just to stop this kind of barbarities, otherwise I dont wana imagine what the next organ may replace ears in tht bren bags..

One Turkish soldier who was captured had a 'kompoloi' made of dried female nipples. How barbaric can one get. I hope he got what he deserved. :evil:
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:47 am

karma wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:Hallo Karmacigim, I heard other organs have replaced ears, but till verified, they remain as rumours (I hope they are just that).


tell us about the rumours then, let people know everything, dont keep them for urself only , for the sake of ur own organs, including ur lungs and legs :wink:

My lungs and legs are doing fine. They are still attached to my dear old body. The other one I managed to keep most of. As to the other rumours, it goes far way back to the Eoka days and continued. I dont think people took them very seriously, but something might crop up if true.
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Postby karma » Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:51 am

kafenes wrote:
This ear story was kinda tradition since Ottoman Empire times, especially in Sultan Mehmet 2 period in 15th century..many ears were sent to Istanbul from the Greek Islands and it seems nothing has changed since then...
As Cypriots, all you have to do is to unite and get organised , may be establish an NGO for the rights of ur ears and ur earings too , just to stop this kind of barbarities, otherwise I dont wana imagine what the next organ may replace ears in tht bren bags..

One Turkish soldier who was captured had a 'kompoloi' made of dried female nipples. How barbaric can one get. I hope he got what he deserved. :evil:

Awful, I have no doubt he got what he deserved and he received his karma, but if U can give me the name and if he is still alive I wld be able to prove you tht Im right..
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:53 am

kafenes wrote:
This ear story was kinda tradition since Ottoman Empire times, especially in Sultan Mehmet 2 period in 15th century..many ears were sent to Istanbul from the Greek Islands and it seems nothing has changed since then...
As Cypriots, all you have to do is to unite and get organised , may be establish an NGO for the rights of ur ears and ur earings too , just to stop this kind of barbarities, otherwise I dont wana imagine what the next organ may replace ears in tht bren bags..

One Turkish soldier who was captured had a 'kompoloi' made of dried female nipples. How barbaric can one get. I hope he got what he deserved. :evil:

I hopr they kept the evidence. Pure barbarity, if true.
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Postby petr87 » Mon Mar 24, 2008 5:26 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:I take it that the translation was done by computer,is that right Rafaella???

I was going to translate the Sener Levent article myself,but you beat me to it...Even with the funny translation the chilling story touches you where it hurts most,in the conscience...I had heard this story before...That some mothers,sending their sons to war in Cyprus,demanded Greek/GC ears from them,as a sort of trophy..And some sons no doubt obliged...

No doubt this is a barbaric act...No doubt this should be condemned in the strongest terms...But it should not be an open invitation to brand all Turks "barbaric"...That is very easy to do and it is always counter-productive...Those mothers and those sons proved that as human beings they left a lot to be desired.As mothers and soldiers they were rotten to the core...If there is a hell,as they no doubt believe so,they have guaranteed their place there. What we must do now is to expose all these hideous crimes against humanity,from both sides, take a good look at them,and vow that we as human beings will never let that happen again...

We must be prepared to face the consequences of their actions,and wipe this dirt form our conscience by sincerely apologising to our compatriots
and by vowing that we will do everything humanely possible to make sure such acts of barbarity never takes place in our homeland again... :cry: :cry:

U r so right...i mean not all Turks are to blame for what happened.We were also wrong in some things..We must not be racists.Of course,Turks shouldn't have done what they have done to us.But hey,we cannot blame all for the actions of some cruel people.There is racism towards TCs and racism towards GCs.None of us is better.We are all driven by anger.What happened,unfortunately happened.Both sides must be reasonable!!!!!!!
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Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Mar 24, 2008 5:34 pm

welcome petr87
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Postby petr87 » Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:44 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:welcome petr87

thank you :D
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:17 pm

petr87 wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:I take it that the translation was done by computer,is that right Rafaella???

I was going to translate the Sener Levent article myself,but you beat me to it...Even with the funny translation the chilling story touches you where it hurts most,in the conscience...I had heard this story before...That some mothers,sending their sons to war in Cyprus,demanded Greek/GC ears from them,as a sort of trophy..And some sons no doubt obliged...

No doubt this is a barbaric act...No doubt this should be condemned in the strongest terms...But it should not be an open invitation to brand all Turks "barbaric"...That is very easy to do and it is always counter-productive...Those mothers and those sons proved that as human beings they left a lot to be desired.As mothers and soldiers they were rotten to the core...If there is a hell,as they no doubt believe so,they have guaranteed their place there. What we must do now is to expose all these hideous crimes against humanity,from both sides, take a good look at them,and vow that we as human beings will never let that happen again...

We must be prepared to face the consequences of their actions,and wipe this dirt form our conscience by sincerely apologising to our compatriots
and by vowing that we will do everything humanely possible to make sure such acts of barbarity never takes place in our homeland again... :cry: :cry:

U r so right...i mean not all Turks are to blame for what happened.We were also wrong in some things..We must not be racists.Of course,Turks shouldn't have done what they have done to us.But hey,we cannot blame all for the actions of some cruel people.There is racism towards TCs and racism towards GCs.None of us is better.We are all driven by anger.What happened,unfortunately happened.Both sides must be reasonable!!!!!!!

Welcome petr87. May your stay here be long and happy. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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