Insan wrote: It is true that after 1987 when Denktash was frustrated by Kyprianou's intansigence; the deeds given to settlers.
Is that an excuse, a reason, a justification or what? So whenever we felt frustrated with Denktash intrangidence we should donate your properties to the Pontians?
Thieves exist in all countries, nations and communities.
I know but what respectable states do is put them in prison, not allow their General to blackout the whole Karpasia peninsula until he is finished looting the tomb with 2.5 tons of pure gold and jewlery by moonlight. I am sure you know he details.....
Giving some plot of GC lands to young TCs to build their homes and giving deeds to settlers developed as a consequence of the circumstances of North. If there had been no embargos and exchange of properties achieved; young TCs would be able to purchase land to build their homes. Settlers would be able to purchase land and build their homes. Furthermore the pure TC population of North would have been no less than 250.000. Less number of TCs would have migrated and therfore less number of settlers would have been able to come to North. More number of TCs would have returned abroad to their homeland.
And then you would live happily ever after, on our properties, on our land, and us looking like fools wondering why you don't even care for a solution.In fact the only solution you would then be interested is our signature for good friendship and forget about everything.
Now you answer me Pantelis. Did some GCs loot the TC properties when TC fled to enclaves? Did some GCs loot TC properties afterwards 1974? Assume it was GC community under embargoes in South and substantial amount of land and properties in South belonged to TCs. Would the situation in South be any different than the current situation in North? You know the answers of these questions well but what you are trying to do is simply propaganda.
Perhaps the situation could be worse. You know why? Because that is what illegality brings about? The people loot the properties and the illegal state loots the rest. However the RoC state never looted TC properties neither before nor after 1974.
until pro-reunification TCs revolt and ask a Germany style reunification.
They will not need to revolt. Simply do what EU will ask them to do otherwise parasi yok.
116 mosques and shrines destruyed by GC extremists. Could GC leadership protect historical heritage belong to TCs in South?
Insan I ve gone through the list of mosques that you originally said they were destroyed. Then in your list you say they were desecrated. Desecrated how? Someone walked with shoes inside or someone stolen the icons? As far as I know a mosque is just an empty space.
For your information all the mosques I can recognise in Nicosia are in perfect condition: the Omerige, the Bayraktar (now they will even put night surrounding lights on it because it's EU herritage something) the Peristerona the Akaca (akaci?) the Dali mosque (man there are still TCs living there what are you talking about?) the Larnaca mosque ruined?? What are you talking about, there is even a TC Hoca there who prays go see him ask him yourself. I saw him in the summer when muslims living in Larnaca went there to pray.
Sorry Insan you have to decide if the moques were destroyed or desecrated and then explain us what was exactly their desecrating, did we for example turned them into sheepcotes, or into cazinos, or into shopping malls. You did turn our Ayia Sophia into a shopping mall in Nicosia didn’t you?
PS. You does not mean you personally. It means some people of your community and some from the regime.