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The 100's of villages that were burned down

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby zan » Mon Feb 11, 2008 10:43 am

DT. wrote:
Above list proves how you were misleading the world again. how come 100% TC's villages are in this list.
Below map shows the locations of the TC's that forum their own adminstration after 1963 attacts to TC's villages.

The above map was forumed when the below listed Turkish Cypriots villages were attact by the GC's in 63-64.
Some of the villages were empty at 55-58 EOKA attacks. This map will paste later on .
These villages were left by the Turkish Cypriots to protects themself and move to the enclaved areas . What happened to their houses and lands?

SOrry Halil, but i need to butt in here for my good friend Zan.

Hey Zan!!! Did they get the map wrong on this one as well?

Right lets do this one more time...hands up those of you who make out this territory to be 3%?[/quote]

Did you understand what was written or what??? :roll: :roll: You GR and Ruffpealla are doing the worst job I have ever seen in my life.. :roll: ..I think you know what I am talking aout :wink:

Clerides worked it out and so did the news papers.......I want you now to make this 3% an official challenge so we can sort that out as well......This time I have the reports...Give it a go big boy...

I also expect a massive apology from Miltiades for joining in the attack on how many TC villages were attacked and destroyed.

Thank you to Halil and Deniz for finding these facts and posting them here. This is more important for those decent GC people to read and take in and to see how the "RoC" has been cheating them all these years.
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Postby halil » Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:02 am

(c) Government Welfare. Salaries and Grants

From December 1963 the government ceased to pay Social Insurance Benefits to Turkish-Cypriots, and the Turkish-Cypriots stopped paying contributions to the scheme.[21] In February 1966 the government resumed payments to some Turk-Cypriot beneficiaries whose entitlement had been established before December 1963. While the government refused to pay arrears to Turk-Cypriots for the period December 1963 to February 1966 it was willing to consider the cases of Turk-Cypriot claimants who could be freely visited by a government inspector and who had fully paid the necessary contributions. These provisions excluded the majority of the Turkish-Cypriot community.

Turkish-Cypriot spokesmen argued that Turk-Cypriot s who were civil servants had been coerced by Greek-Cypriot armed irregulars to leave their posts in December 1963. They demanded that these civil servants be put back on the government's pay-roll and that their salaries should be back-dated to December 1963. The government maintained that the Turk-Cypriot civil servants originally quitted and remained absent from their posts or orders from their own community's leaders, and that in these circumstances they were considered to have resigned from their posts.

Since the fighting of December 1963, the government had withheld an annual grant of ,400,000 to the Turkish-Cypriot Communal Chamber which had been payable under the provisions of the 1960 Constitution. The Turkish-Cypriot Leadership also claimed that the Cyprus Inland Revenue Department had failed to pay the Turkish-Cypriot Communal Chamber the Income Tax which the Department had collected, by delegation and on behalf of the Chamber, from members of the Turkish-Cypriot community for 1963. Turkish-Cypriot leaders further claimed that their community paid a large amount of indirect taxation (Customs and Excise Duties, Licensing Fees etc.) from which they were getting no benefits at all. The government for its part readily admitted that the Turkish-Cypriot community was paying indirect taxation but since records were not kept on a communal basis it was impossible to verify the amount of their contribution. In any case, the government declared that its records showed that any Turk-Cypriot credits were more than offset by their debts. However, the main reason why the government withheld funds from the Turkish-Cypriot community was that it did not intend to finance 'rebels' committed to the overthrow
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Postby halil » Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:04 am

3. Movement: Political Manoeuvres

Following the Tylliria battle, the Makarios government renewed its campaign to win support for its case in the United Nations. The Greek-Cypriot approach to the international community was that Cyprus, as a full member of the United Nations, was completely independent and must therefore not be subjected to threats of intervention by other states.

This approach was supported by the Soviet Union because it wanted to prevent an expansion of NATO influence in the Eastern Mediterranean. A Cyprus - U.S.S.R. Aid Agreement was signed on 30 September 1964.[23] Support was also forthcoming from non- aligned countries who viewed Cyprus as being the unwilling pawn of the neo-colonialist power struggle. On 10 October 1964, a declaration adopted by the "Second Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non-Aligned Countries", held at Cairo, called on all states to respect the sovereignty, unity, independence and territorial integrity of Cyprus, and to refrain from intervening in Cypriot affairs.[24]

On 26 March 1965, Mr. Galo Plaza, the United Nations Mediator on Cyprus tabled his report.[25] His main recommendations were that: (1) Cyprus should remain an independent State and voluntarily renounce its right to choose union with Greece; (2) the island should be demilitarized with the question of the British sovereign bases being set aside for further consideration; (3) there should be no partition but Turkish-Cypriot rights should be guaranteed by the United Nations and supervised by a United Nations Commissioner in the island; (4) a settlement must be the outcome of talks between the communities in Cyprus; (5) the problem could not be resolved by attempting to restore the situation which existed before December 1963.

The report broadly supported the position of Greece and the Makarios government. Both accepted it as a basis for negotiations, although it was clear they would never voluntarily renounce enosis.[26]

The Turkish government and the Turkish-Cypriot Leadership rejected the report on the grounds that the Mediator had exceeded the terms of his mandate, to promote an agreed settlement, by setting out his personal observations and recommendations without first securing the agreement of all parties to the dispute.[27] This reasoning may have been technically correct, but there is little doubt that the Turkish government and the Turkish-Cypriot Leadership would have accepted the Mediator's report if it had been more sympathetic to their position. The resulting deadlock forced Plaza to resign his position on 22 December 1965, so that United Nations mediation might continue under another appointee. The Makarios government however refused to accept another mediator. It stated that if Turkey was permitted to force the mediator's resignation simply because his views were not to its liking, it would follow that the institution itself was under- mined and could no longer be relied upon to function objectively 28 and effectively. The Secretary-General, as an alternative, and with the consent of all affected parties, enlarged the functions of his special representative in Cyprus so as to have 29 quasi-mediational responsibilities.

On 18 December 1965, the Makarios government secured the adoption of a United Nations General Assembly resolution which appeared to support its claim for the unfettered independence of Cyprus, and to discount the Turkish claim to the right of 30. intervention based on the Zurich-London treaties of 1959.[30] It was, in fact, a restatement of the Cairo declaration of October 1964. The way had been prepared for this resolution by a declaration of minority rights, circulated in the United Nations by the Greek-Cypriot representatives, which followed very closely the recommendations of the Mediator's report. The Greek-Cypriot government had also given a great deal of publicity to its pro- posed plans for the rehabilitation of Turkish-Cypriot refugees, and the easing of the economic blockade against the Turkish- Cypriot community.

Greeks and Greek-Cypriots regarded the passing of this resolution as the most heartening political development in the Cyprus question since the creation of the Cyprus republic. Turks and Turk-Cypriots regarded the adoption of the resolution as the most serious foreign policy set-back for years. While Greek-Cypriot representatives lobbied for unfettered independence abroad, at home Greek-Cypriot leaders continued to assure their community that they were dedicated to enosis. This concurrent agitation for independence and union with Greece was not contradictory as far as the Makarios government was concerned. The international acceptance of unfettered Cypriot sovereignty was seen as the most effective means of preventing a Turkish intervention. The Cypriot people would then be free to exercise their right of political self-determination in a plebiscite which would arm President Makarios with a democratically achieved mandate to declare the union of Cyprus with Greece (i.e. in accordance with the Akritas Plan).

While the United Nations resolution of 18 December 1965 was greeted by Greek-Cypriots as a successful culmination of their diplomatic offensive, the voting record of that resolution suggests that their conclusion was overly optimistic.[31] The roll-call vote showed 47 states in favour, 5 opposed and 54 abstentions. Those in favour were largely non-aligned underdeveloped countries which could not offer any material support to the Greek-Cypriot cause. Those voting against the resolution were the United States, which was anxious to retain Turkey as a NATO ally; Albania, presumably because of its hostility to any expansionist plans of Greece; Turkey, and her two military allies, Iran and Pakistan.

It had become increasingly obvious to the Soviet Union by mid-1965 that Greek-Cypriot protestations about independence were in fact only part of a plan designed to achieve enosis, a by- product of which would undoubtedly be an expansion of NATO influence in the Eastern Mediterranean. Russia therefore withdrew much of its support from the Makarios government. Even before the Cyprus-U.S.S.R. Aid Agreement lapsed on 23 August 1965, the Soviet Union had assured Turkey that it supported the Turkish contention that the constitutional structure of Cyprus must be based on a partnership between the two communities, rather than on a majority-minority status. The Russians had also hinted that they would support a federal, independent Cyprus.[32]

Following the adoption of the General Assembly resolution on Cyprus in December 1965, Turkey and Turkish-Cypriot leaders launched their own diplomatic offensive to counter the Greek-Cypriot advantage. Firstly, they endeavoured to strengthen the accord which was already being developed between Turkey and Russia. Secondly, western support was enlisted by publicizing the fact that the largest Greek-Cypriot political party was communist (i.e. AKEL) and that the Turkish-Cypriot community should be supported to counter its influence. Turkey also emphasized that it was a more strategically important NATO partner than Greece. Thirdly, Turks and Turk-Cypriots sought to enlist support from Muslim countries on the basis of a common religious heritage and the Greek-Cypriot desecration of mosques. The National Guard unwittingly aided this campaign when it prevented Turk-Cypriots from visiting the Tekke of Hala Sultan near Larnaca and allowed this shrine to fall into disrepair. Finally, the Turkish and Turk-Cypriot representatives sought to convince non- aligned governments that the Greek and Greek-Cypriot aim was not to ensure the independence of Cyprus but rather to foster the expansion of a neo-colonialist Greece. By June 1966, seven of those states which had voted for the General Assembly resolution on Cyprus six months earlier had made declarations against interpreting their vote as supporting enosis.[33]

The Greek Army's coup on 21 April 1967 led to the diplomatic isolation of Greece, and to increased international opposition to any moves which would facilitate enosis. A priority of the Greek colonels' foreign policy programme was to improve Greek- Turkish relations. The Makarios government continued to maintain that the constitutional order in Cyprus must be negotiated by Cypriots themselves; nevertheless, it supported the opening of a Greek-Turk dialogue in September 1967 as a means of regaining the political initiative. A number of restrictions of the Turkish- Cypriot community were removed to facilitate these talks, and to support the Greek-Cypriot position during the October debates in the General Assembly. Turkish-Cypriots in Limassol and Paphos Districts were allowed to purchase items from the government's list of strategic materials. Hala Sultan Tekke was re-opened, a number of checkpoints were removed from main roads, and CYPOL searches of Turkish-Cypriots entering the Nicosia enclave were speeded up. A general amnesty was even offered to the Turkish- 34 Cypriot ' rebels'.[34]

In light of this apparent easing in inter-communal tensions, it may seem anomalous that by mid-November 1967 the National Guard had launched their largest offensive since the Kokkina battle of August 1964, and that an invasion of Cyprus by Turkey was imminent. Nevertheless, three years of diplomatic manoeuvring had done nothing to remove the cause of inter-communal tension: the Greek-Cypriot demand that all Cyprus must be politically united with Greece; the Turk-Cypriot determination that they and their land would not be included in such a union.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:04 am

zan wrote:
DT. wrote:
Above list proves how you were misleading the world again. how come 100% TC's villages are in this list.
Below map shows the locations of the TC's that forum their own adminstration after 1963 attacts to TC's villages.

The above map was forumed when the below listed Turkish Cypriots villages were attact by the GC's in 63-64.
Some of the villages were empty at 55-58 EOKA attacks. This map will paste later on .
These villages were left by the Turkish Cypriots to protects themself and move to the enclaved areas . What happened to their houses and lands?

SOrry Halil, but i need to butt in here for my good friend Zan.

Hey Zan!!! Did they get the map wrong on this one as well?

Right lets do this one more time...hands up those of you who make out this territory to be 3%?

Did you understand what was written or what??? :roll: :roll: You GR and Ruffpealla are doing the worst job I have ever seen in my life.. :roll: ..I think you know what I am talking aout :wink:

Clerides worked it out and so did the news papers.......I want you now to make this 3% an official challenge so we can sort that out as well......This time I have the reports...Give it a go big boy...

I also expect a massive apology from Miltiades for joining in the attack on how many TC villages were attacked and destroyed.

Thank you to Halil and Deniz for finding these facts and posting them here. This is more important for those decent GC people to read and take in and to see how the "RoC" has been cheating them all these years.[/quote]
Listen trouble , Miltiades has already conceded that many T/Cs had to abandon their villages and seek refuge in safe areas. I blame always the fanatics , and my definition of fanatics is precisely people such as you make no mistake about it , you are just as dangerous as Sampson was.
You have one agenda and that is the continuation of the conflict that started in the 60s. G/Cs and T/Cs would trust me and would be happy to live next door to me but I doubt very much that any G/C would want to be anywhere you with your malicious and hateful views. Don't give me bullshit I read you like a book and you are a 100% fascist and a fanatic. Look at you signature is that suppose to be a constructive approach ??
No mate you are a fanatic the same as the EokaB and Grey Wolves , all a bunch of lunatics that should be shipped out to join their respective third world nations and allow us to enjoy our Cyprus.
Have you ever considered a gesture of reconciliation , you would be surprised how many would reciprocate.
Can you also confirm YOUR official figures of :
Number of G/C refugees following 1974 invasion and number of G/Cs that have returned to the North since.
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:14 am

To keep a sense of balance, this is the house where I grew up in. Now , the residents are refugees from Yialousa. I went to visit them, but being Sunday, they were out visiting other relatives elsewhere.
I regretted not being able to meet these people. Had I the opportunity, I would have hugged them, for what that is worth. The Inner courtyard and the buildings with stables and storehouses were all gone. The front rooms remain. The small 'attached building was my grandfathars 'Kafenion' where he ran his business of being the Mouhktar. Later it was used as the kitchen. I can still see my grandfather sitting on his chair in the shade in front of his house, chatting to everybody passing along the dusty road (now asphalted). The Electricity poles were not there then. The blue and white decoration did not bother me at all. This summer I will try and visit again and definitely not on a Sunday. I wonder what happened to the Giant olive jars (Pithoi?) in which I was once trapped. I hope they were not smashed like others were.


On the previous pic, in the background you can see the Stavrovouni. It was our timepiece. The morning mist, in which it was draped indicated the time to get up and go to pick fresh figs for breakfast, the different shadows telling the time of the day. (honestly, I did have my own wristwatch).
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Postby zan » Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:21 am

miltiades wrote:
zan wrote:
DT. wrote:
Above list proves how you were misleading the world again. how come 100% TC's villages are in this list.
Below map shows the locations of the TC's that forum their own adminstration after 1963 attacts to TC's villages.

The above map was forumed when the below listed Turkish Cypriots villages were attact by the GC's in 63-64.
Some of the villages were empty at 55-58 EOKA attacks. This map will paste later on .
These villages were left by the Turkish Cypriots to protects themself and move to the enclaved areas . What happened to their houses and lands?

SOrry Halil, but i need to butt in here for my good friend Zan.

Hey Zan!!! Did they get the map wrong on this one as well?

Right lets do this one more time...hands up those of you who make out this territory to be 3%?

Did you understand what was written or what??? :roll: :roll: You GR and Ruffpealla are doing the worst job I have ever seen in my life.. :roll: ..I think you know what I am talking aout :wink:

Clerides worked it out and so did the news papers.......I want you now to make this 3% an official challenge so we can sort that out as well......This time I have the reports...Give it a go big boy...

I also expect a massive apology from Miltiades for joining in the attack on how many TC villages were attacked and destroyed.

Thank you to Halil and Deniz for finding these facts and posting them here. This is more important for those decent GC people to read and take in and to see how the "RoC" has been cheating them all these years.

Listen trouble , Miltiades has already conceded that many T/Cs had to abandon their villages and seek refuge in safe areas. I blame always the fanatics , and my definition of fanatics is precisely people such as you make no mistake about it , you are just as dangerous as Sampson was.
You have one agenda and that is the continuation of the conflict that started in the 60s. G/Cs and T/Cs would trust me and would be happy to live next door to me but I doubt very much that any G/C would want to be anywhere you with your malicious and hateful views. Don't give me bullshit I read you like a book and you are a 100% fascist and a fanatic. Look at you signature is that suppose to be a constructive approach ??
No mate you are a fanatic the same as the EokaB and Grey Wolves , all a bunch of lunatics that should be shipped out to join their respective third world nations and allow us to enjoy our Cyprus.
Have you ever considered a gesture of reconciliation , you would be surprised how many would reciprocate.
Can you also confirm YOUR official figures of :
Number of G/C refugees following 1974 invasion and number of G/Cs that have returned to the North since.

I have been posting here for two years now big boy and I started as you say...I make it a point to singe out those that have been engineering he "RoC' to destruction and not the GC people...It is you and the likes of you that come here that do not even have a clue as to the answers you seek but when given them you shut rape. Have you listened to Halil telling you that you are the one doing he most damage by being biased with the information you contest......You are an assassin mate and the more you open your mouth the more I see that is so...You seem to conveniently forget who actually started this thread and has disappeared the moment it was proved wrong by UN reports, albeit snippets. Now T is doing is best to try and divert attention away with this 3% business......The "RoC" is illegal and will not serve the TC people...If you really want to show that you are impartial and want unification then you will show respect to the TCs and acknowledge this...If not then you know what to do with your "RoC"...The Virgin Birth concept is what the UN and the EU are thinking on. That means the dissolving of the "RoC" and the TRNC/KKTC...Live with it and stop trying to blur the edges...We will not accept anything else except recognition.......Now tell me you are a unificationist along those lines and you respect the TCs wishes..... :roll:
Last edited by zan on Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby halil » Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:36 am

below map shows at 55-58 TC's were living in those villages are attack by EOKA and left their places.Some of the villages returned back.Some of them attack again in 63 seconed time.

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Postby halil » Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:43 am

below map shows 63 attacks to Mixed andTurkish Cypriot villages .

next time i will give full list of the TC's villages that left at Southern Part of the island. When the documantery show finishes showing on the BRT tv.
i will paste last conditions of the TC's villages that left at south.They might be good source at the future.

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Postby halil » Mon Feb 11, 2008 12:41 pm

Explore some deserted villages...


The villages of Melandra, Zacharia, Istinjo and Sarama became deserted after the conflict in 1974 and the only inhabitants are now goats, sheep and pigs, tended by local farmers.

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Postby RAFAELLA » Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:04 pm

zan wrote:My My! Just a quick visit and I find he wicked witch of the south has been at it again.......I will have more time tomorrow to reply better but how about this for a start........See you tomorrow I hope RuffPaella :lol: :lol:
I do have a name Zan, its Rafaella. Can you spell it ? R-A-F-A-E-L-L-A :D

zan wrote:On Sept. 10, 1964, the U.N. Secretary-General reported that "UNFICYP" carried out a detailed survey of all damage to properties throughout the island during the disturbances... It shows that in 109 villages, most of them Turkish-Cypriot or mixed villages, 527 houses have been destroyed while 2,000 others have suffered damage from looting. In Ktima 38 houses and shops have been destroyed totally and 122 partially. In the Orphomita suburb of Nicosia, 50 houses have been totally destroyed while a further 240 have been partially destroyed there and in adjacent suburbs."

109 villages, most of them Turkish-Cypriot or mixed villages
Thanks for the information Zan. I hope now you found out more or less how many villages were destroyed, or burned as you claim, since you can not give us an accurate no or list.

kafenes wrote:Zan, what you've posted is completely irelevent to this thread and Rafaella's question. Do you or don't you have a list of the 100 burnt down villages.
Kafenes, waste of time. You should have realised that such a big list does not exist or better say that this part of their propaganda has already collapsed.
They are standing on glass feet, slowly-slowly they will crack and finally when they hit the ground they will come to their senses.
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