phoenix wrote:Sega wrote:phoenix wrote:I don't have a clue what this thread is about .... and I don't care as I hate all cars ...........But my son was quick to point out today, on the way to school, that there are 5 Porsches in what is a fairly typical village in Cyprus.
In the UK we lived in a city of 90,000 and saw 3 local ones ....

It's all to do with priorities. If one eats the best quality foods, wears the best clothes, has a well paid job, lives in a wealthy area, takes his children to the best school (maybe even private) etc. it would then be normal for him to drive a Porsche or a Ferrari. However, if that person lives in a run down apartment wearing horrible smelly clothes being unshaven and then he gets in a Porsche then you think something is not right. I guess you might say that particular individual has no priorities.
Well I guess this is a very prosperous Cypriot village then ....

They seem to think so
You have not understood what I am trying to say. Most people who drive these elegant vehicles have completely got their priorities wrong.
In the UK
(only mentioning it because you mentioned it first) you would see a person with nice clothes
(i.e. blazer and tie) maybe some cologne getting into a luxury car, and you would say he's a business man, he's hard working. Sometimes those cars would be company cars.
Were as in Cyprus, you would see a person maybe wearing jeans with white marks on their backside and a half torn shirt, looking nothing like a business man getting into a luxury car, and you would think whaaa!!! In most cases it has given to him/her by their parents with the aid of the bank.
Sometimes a luxery vehicle is needed for your work, but in most cases it's just another materialistic way to stand out.