phoenix wrote:GorillaGal wrote:phoenix wrote:GorillaGal wrote:i am not planning anything. like even if i was planning, it wouldn't work out to my benefit, it never does.
my special GC friend won't marry me because i can't have kids. i was trying to point out that we could always adopt. i have a feeling he wouldn't ever want to adopt, but maybe if i pushed the poor little cypriot kids thing, i have no problem with adopting some kids. i always wanted kids, i just would never have any without a partner.
GG there are few reasons why women cannot have children these days.
Have you explored all possibilities?
i had a hysterectomy some years ago, so i am pretty sure there is no possible way i can give birth.i am aware of surogate parenting, which is an option. i was just thinking about ways to fulfill my special friend's wish to have children. but i guess once again, forces work against me. story of my life......
Hysterectomies suck..... too many (male) surgeons opt for them at the drop of a hat ...... still no point crying over spilled milk ....... friends of mine adopted much needed Chinese girl ..... if your GC friend is not willing to go down the road of adoption ..... then forget him as the important thing is to do something together, like raise a child ... and it should be insignificant where that child came from..
Good luck GG
Sometimes yes, but the reality is different, I, for example, want to have my child not some adopted one, if you know what I mean. And I think everybody at some moment in their life, the moment when they are thinking about children, they are thinking about their own.
Probably people that cannot have children are the first to think about adoption.
Anyway, the idea is that someone that doesn't go in the same direction as you is a lost of time. There are a lot of guys on this f***ing planet, so, choose one that goes your way.