Sega wrote:I theory you should have no problem, after all, the European ID is suppose to work across European countries (including Cyprus).
However, the British government are strict when it comes to immigration and in all circumstances they prefer a passport instead of an ID card.
If your ID card is one of the newer models (on hard plastic with a hologram of a buffalo) then it is likely that you won't have a problem. If on the other hand your ID card is one of the older paper ones, I wouldn't bet on your chances.
It theory you should no problem, but the UK have adopted their own rules when it comes to immigration that somewhat divert from the rest of Europe. If in doubt you can ring up the airport or airlines and see what they say. Legally you should have no problem.
British immigration strict about immigration, hmmmm? It would not appear so judging by the enormous numbers of illegals and vagrants swanning around UK