phoenix wrote:Well another day in paradise.![]()
Woke up to sun emerging over eastern hills. Compelled to frolic by the sea, with shorts on ... so warm and pleasant. Then a drive up to Stavros.
Unfortunately ... reality of ever-present Turks had to be explained to ten year old son.
Discussion followed about why if the Turkish army was supposedly on Cyprus to "protect" TCs following the previous Nicosia experience of divided City, flag on mountain etc.
So why do they need to occupy this subsection of the Island when there are no TCs there?![]()
Anyway ... unbelievable snow-ball fight followed in the heights of the hills, before a lovely walk observing Mouflon, baby snakes (again), orchids, almond blossom .... whilst breathing in the freshest cleanest air imaginable to the sound of bird-song.
Hardly any cars seen all day bar a few red-reg plates driven by red-faced visitors.
Phoenix, we are all well aware of your hatred for the Turks, but why do you insist on ramming it down our throats at every opportunity? Believe me, we get the message. This thread is not about the Cyprus problem or the divide, so try staying on track PLEASE!! There is a section for such discussion, or have you conveniently forgotten that again?
I will just add that the 'problem' will never go away whilst there are people like you out there hellbent on keeping it instead of finding a peaceful solution!
There, you have had my two penneth worth and that is all I am saying on that subject.
Bubbles x