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State terrorism and racism in Greek South Cyprus.

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State terrorism and racism in Greek South Cyprus.

Postby Eric dayi » Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:21 am

The xenophobia and racism in Greek South Cyprus has no boundaries.

What sort of ANIMALS are these GC "police" who even beat up a woman so badly that she ends up being taken to hospital in an ambulance? :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:

And as if that wasn't enough the senior "Policeman" at the scene tries to arrest an eyewitness under false charges too but chickens out in the end.

And we are supposed to surrender to these people and let them rule us and trust them to uphold our rights as TCs? Thanks but no bloody thanks. :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:

Agent provocateur?
By Jean Christou

VIDEO clips have surfaced on YouTube from last Sunday’s demonstration outside the Interior Ministry, which show a plainclothes policewoman apparently pretending she had been attacked by protesting immigrants.

One of the clips shows the woman, earlier photographed with uniformed and other plainclothes officers some distance from the demonstrators, somehow ending up on the ground screaming that she’d been attacked, although there was no one near her except other plainclothes officers.

The amateur video was shot by an EU citizen at the demonstration during which KISA general secretary Doros Polycarpou was taken away by police after he protested over their demands to shut down the music.

Not only have clips of the incident been posted on YouTube, but a website entitled “Police State’ has also been launched at, where they can be viewed with commentary.

The maker of the video, who himself was threatened with arrest during the demonstration, said it was clear the female plainclothes officer was acting as an agent provocateur.

“The last video on display shows a plainclothes policewoman lying on the ground. I witnessed this incident and agree with the blog’s author, that this lady deserves an Oscar… She pretended to have been hurt by one of the asylum seekers who was subsequently beaten up by plainclothes policemen and ended up in hospital as a result,” the man told the Sunday Mail yesterday.

“I was told that it is not the first time the Cyprus police have used such tricks. These are shameful tactics, especially in a European Union country.”
The man, who wished to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, said Polycarpou had agreed to shut off the music and was just wrapping up with one more song following the speeches.

It was then that police started grabbing the sound equipment and subsequently dragged Polycarpou from the area when he protested that they were not causing any nuisance to anyone.

“It was clear they just wanted to arrest him and this was an excuse,” said the eye witness.

“While all this was happening and I was filming it, I suddenly saw the lady with short hair lying on the ground all on her own. It was obviously pretend,” he said. “As soon as she lay down, two male plainclothes officers, one with a track suit and sunglasses, ‘came to her rescue’. Then they accused the Iranian lady in the red jumper who was later taken to hospital in an ambulance.”

During the fracas when the female police officer was making the accusation against the protesters, a voice on one of the clips, mostly likely Iranian due to the accent, could be heard saying: ‘It’s not true. It’s not true”. Another voice was shouting: “No she fainted.”

The eyewitness said he had been shocked by the events, which had prompted him to let others know what had happened. He also attempted to make his feelings known to police at the scene.

“Disgusted by what I had seen, I approached the senior police officer in charge and told him – in my bad Greek that sounds Eastern European – that I felt like I was in a dictatorial regime (I named an example for him) and that I had not expected this from an EU Member State,” the man said.

“He told me: ‘I am arresting you because you attacked me.’ I invited him to proceed with the arrest and he instructed one of his assistants to hold me. I had been held for about one minute or so when my wife approached the senior officer and told him that she was going to report this immediately to my embassy. When the officer realised that we were talking about an EU diplomatic representation in Nicosia, he quietly disappeared, thus ‘signalling’ to his assistant to release me. Shameful double standards.”

Source: ... 8&cat_id=1

You can watch the videos here: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:19 am

Every single topic you initiated has had as the only purpose to satisfy your perverted hatred against the G/Cs .You are a pathetic creature that has one and only purpose on this forum Spread hatred.
Have you ever shown the slightest remorse at the actions of the fanatics that are partly responsible for Cyprus's problems, fanatics like you whose allegiance is not to Cyprus but to a foreign country.Eric my boy you are a first class trouble maker and a fanatic. Dont you dare call your self a Cypriot mate , Anatolian yes but Cypriot , dont make me laugh.
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Postby Expatkiwi » Tue Feb 05, 2008 7:05 am

miltiades wrote:Every single topic you initiated has had as the only purpose to satisfy your perverted hatred against the G/Cs .You are a pathetic creature that has one and only purpose on this forum Spread hatred.
Have you ever shown the slightest remorse at the actions of the fanatics that are partly responsible for Cyprus's problems, fanatics like you whose allegiance is not to Cyprus but to a foreign country.Eric my boy you are a first class trouble maker and a fanatic. Dont you dare call your self a Cypriot mate , Anatolian yes but Cypriot , dont make me laugh.

Eric has more integrity than a lot of people on this forum, Militades.
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Postby Marz » Tue Feb 05, 2008 7:11 am

You telling me Turkish police are any better?
What about the guy shot in the head for climbing a pole to take down a Turkish flag?
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Postby utu » Tue Feb 05, 2008 7:29 am

Marz wrote:You telling me Turkish police are any better?
What about the guy shot in the head for climbing a pole to take down a Turkish flag?

I saw that footage on the internet. A group of demonstrators entered the buffer zone and one person was shot as he tried to climb up a flagpole in order to tear down a Turkish Cypriot flag. Not exactly the most pleasent scene to watch. Rather gruesome.

But there begs the question of why people would take such a risk to do so. The buffer zone is there to prevent clashes, so if there is encroachment into the zone by one side, isn't the other side going to react? I'm certainly not condoning the shooting, but surely the possibility of such a reaction would have been considered by the protest organizers? Crossing the Green Line would have been seen as a blatant challenge.
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Postby Eliko » Tue Feb 05, 2008 7:37 am

miltiades, the comments made by Eric dayi are the result of his assessments of a particular incident.

Whether or not the incident actually occurred is a moot point, your response is perfectly understandable.

The pity is that both sides of the divide are apt to rely on such purposely advertised events, thus ensuring that ill-feeling is maintained at a suitable level by the opposing factions.

It is the 'Behind the Scenes' activities which should be of more concern to ALL Cypriots at this particular time, whilst these MINOR incidents are occupying the thoughts of the people affected by them, MAJOR events are taking place in the halls of power.

Too late will the ordinary Cypriots become aware of such changes that will, as is usual, probably be of little benefit to THEM, but of great advantage to those who are instigating the ill-feelings.

I have seen much suffering in this world miltiades, I have observed how easily the ordinary people of many nations can be manipulated to do the bidding of those that control them, the end product is ever the same, nothing gained for the common individual my friend. :wink:
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Postby Marz » Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:01 am

i guess they took the risk not realising it could lead to the situation it did becasue they were unarmed. Soldier could have let him take it down, theyll just put another one back up, after that they were shooting all over the place not at people but over them to scar tehm away, i know a cousin of mine was there.
But Eric comes here to tell of of crap to justify his hatred, first of all the heading to his post is wrong, whats racism got to do with it?
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Postby utu » Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:10 am

Marz wrote:i guess they took the risk not realising it could lead to the situation it did becasue they were unarmed. Soldier could have let him take it down, theyll just put another one back up, after that they were shooting all over the place not at people but over them to scar tehm away, i know a cousin of mine was there.
But Eric comes here to tell of of crap to justify his hatred, first of all the heading to his post is wrong, whats racism got to do with it?

You had a cousin there that day? Did you think he was acting rather foolishly entering the buffer zone and crossing the Green line? That flag would have had to have been flying on the north side of the line. I'm not deeply into flags and symbols as a lot of people on this forum evidentally are, but personally, I would not like anyone climbing a flagpole in front of me and tearing down either the Canadian Flag or the British Columbia flag.
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Pot calling kettle ......

Postby phoenix » Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:20 am

It never ceases to amaze me how much emphasis the Turks put by a bit of youtube evidence" ...

Adjudicate by youtube video ... it must be admissible ... Your Honour! :roll:
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Postby Marz » Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:25 am

yea he was foolish, but he thought it was fun to be there, i dont give a shit about flags either, but killing someone over it is too extreme, maybe a bashing would be more tolerable.
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