What sort of ANIMALS are these GC "police" who even beat up a woman so badly that she ends up being taken to hospital in an ambulance?

And as if that wasn't enough the senior "Policeman" at the scene tries to arrest an eyewitness under false charges too but chickens out in the end.
And we are supposed to surrender to these people and let them rule us and trust them to uphold our rights as TCs? Thanks but no bloody thanks.

Agent provocateur?
By Jean Christou
VIDEO clips have surfaced on YouTube from last Sunday’s demonstration outside the Interior Ministry, which show a plainclothes policewoman apparently pretending she had been attacked by protesting immigrants.
One of the clips shows the woman, earlier photographed with uniformed and other plainclothes officers some distance from the demonstrators, somehow ending up on the ground screaming that she’d been attacked, although there was no one near her except other plainclothes officers.
The amateur video was shot by an EU citizen at the demonstration during which KISA general secretary Doros Polycarpou was taken away by police after he protested over their demands to shut down the music.
Not only have clips of the incident been posted on YouTube, but a website entitled “Police State’ has also been launched at http://kratosdikeou.blogspot.com/, where they can be viewed with commentary.
The maker of the video, who himself was threatened with arrest during the demonstration, said it was clear the female plainclothes officer was acting as an agent provocateur.
“The last video on display shows a plainclothes policewoman lying on the ground. I witnessed this incident and agree with the blog’s author, that this lady deserves an Oscar… She pretended to have been hurt by one of the asylum seekers who was subsequently beaten up by plainclothes policemen and ended up in hospital as a result,” the man told the Sunday Mail yesterday.
“I was told that it is not the first time the Cyprus police have used such tricks. These are shameful tactics, especially in a European Union country.”
The man, who wished to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, said Polycarpou had agreed to shut off the music and was just wrapping up with one more song following the speeches.
It was then that police started grabbing the sound equipment and subsequently dragged Polycarpou from the area when he protested that they were not causing any nuisance to anyone.
“It was clear they just wanted to arrest him and this was an excuse,” said the eye witness.
“While all this was happening and I was filming it, I suddenly saw the lady with short hair lying on the ground all on her own. It was obviously pretend,” he said. “As soon as she lay down, two male plainclothes officers, one with a track suit and sunglasses, ‘came to her rescue’. Then they accused the Iranian lady in the red jumper who was later taken to hospital in an ambulance.”
During the fracas when the female police officer was making the accusation against the protesters, a voice on one of the clips, mostly likely Iranian due to the accent, could be heard saying: ‘It’s not true. It’s not true”. Another voice was shouting: “No she fainted.”
The eyewitness said he had been shocked by the events, which had prompted him to let others know what had happened. He also attempted to make his feelings known to police at the scene.
“Disgusted by what I had seen, I approached the senior police officer in charge and told him – in my bad Greek that sounds Eastern European – that I felt like I was in a dictatorial regime (I named an example for him) and that I had not expected this from an EU Member State,” the man said.
“He told me: ‘I am arresting you because you attacked me.’ I invited him to proceed with the arrest and he instructed one of his assistants to hold me. I had been held for about one minute or so when my wife approached the senior officer and told him that she was going to report this immediately to my embassy. When the officer realised that we were talking about an EU diplomatic representation in Nicosia, he quietly disappeared, thus ‘signalling’ to his assistant to release me. Shameful double standards.”
Source: http://www.cyprus-mail.com/news/main.ph ... 8&cat_id=1
You can watch the videos here:
