shahmaran wrote:To be honest I'm not totally aware of what Emre did or did not do, since i find football to be equally boring like the Olympics. And i cant imagine him being any more smarter than his fellow fanatic Bagdatis or whatever.
However i still don't find it credible that people can comment on a literature that they have never read about.
It is just not convincing and far too easy to claim without knowing.
I think we have exhausted this subject and will never reach an agreement until you know more about Turkic literature. I have at least studied some Western literature and Philosophy to have an idea in order to make a comparison and find it fascinating yet it doesn't stop me from wanting to learn about other cultures.
I guess it is just my personal opinion.
so you don't like soccer and the Olympics, but you have a special interest in tennis?...
Could it be, the reason that whatever emre said is not known to you, was because it didn't receive the same fanfare as to what Bagdatis said because calling someone a nigger was not applicable to the turks but what Bagdatis said was?