Kifeas wrote:My entire thesis is based on the bi-zonal (Constituent state) equality and not on the communal (ethnic) equality. I think this was made very clear from the very beginning (political equality of the two Constituent states.) I just do not understand how you didn’t take note of this from the beginning. I personally would have never agreed on a political equality based on ethnic community lines (i.e. one based on ethnicity) .
The we will not be able to live in the same country. Very simple. This is why we have moved into partition talk. Simply second best for both of us. (Our first bests are not the same do not get me wrong. They both involve living together but under different constitutional rights.
Kifeas wrote:Now if the 25% of GCs seems too much and you are afraid it will bastardise your Constituent state’s ethnic purity, we can decrease this percentage but simultaneously we have to decrease the territory percentage accordingly (i.e. below 25%.) If you want 0% of GCs participating in your constituent states senator’s elections, then 0% of GCs will settle within TCCS but subsequently territory goes down to 18%.
How many times I have said it. I am not interested in purity of the state. For I care you can be more than TCs in northern state. What I care about communal equality, which you already said are not willing to give. That is why even 1960 agreements were acceptable for me. If I was interested in pure TC state, I would not accept 1960 agreements would I.
The other option you have said where no GC settles in TC state and territory goes down to 18% is acceptable for me. As long as we can guarantee that the GCs that settle in TC state after the solution, in the 18% would participate certain federal elections in GC state.
Kifeas wrote:I simply do not discuss political equality purely based on ethnic lines. Only based on Constituent state residency, like in the rest of the world, and in the USA, since you lived there.
Call me a chauvinist if you like but simply I do not accept Atatürk’s motto that "one Turk equals the whole world," or 18% of TCs equal 82% of GCs.
Again with the one liners that you have picked up from the trash bins of history to supposedly make your argument better, but it has no relationship to the subject at hand. You are really reducing the quality level of debate with these kind of word plays. Yes I have lived in USA and I could have easily emigrated there as well. But I choose not to because all my family was in Cyprus. If I was living in USA I would not ask for communal equality as well. In fact I know that it is a very strange and may be incomprehensible desire for you guys. But the recent history of Cyprus between GCs and TCs actually forces me to ask for this.
There simply a big time trust issue between us guys. I can safely say this to you. If we could have managed to make RoC live as a joint government for 40 years and after 40 years GCs come up with exact same 13 points to change in the constitution, there would not be that big of rejection on those points from TCs and they might evern be accepted by TCs. Because we could have probably built that trust in each other, so I would not be needing all those constitutional guarantees.
In the same manner, I am also willing to accept clauses in any agreement that we reach that forces us to reconsider the communal equality clauses in the constitution in lets say every 15 years. And may be in 15 or 30 years TCs would trust GCs again so they will not be needing those guarantees in the constitution. But before trust is built between us we will not accept a solution without communal equality.
Kifeas wrote:My formula gives you an almost communal equality, you just fail to realise it because you continue to see everything with TC vs GC (ethnic) glasses and anything not 100% pure looks bad to you. You (most TCs) have been conditioned (spoiled) to look at things through this monomaniac narrowly defined spectrum.
We are not talking now about 1960 agreements. It is an entirely different issue. We are not any more in the 1960’s but in year 2005 and members of the E.U. We either see the world with modern eyes or call the quits. We do not go back to this, unless we go directly to the 1960 constitution in the fashion which I described yesterday.
May be. But we had our reasons in history to do so. And as I have said it takes time too trust somebody and before that trust is established I would only do politics in the mindset of “hope the best but expect the worst”. That is why we need equality. It is not that we are more natioanslistic than you guys, or it is not that we loveour ethnicty more than you guys. It is just that we are scared that you guys are too natioanlistic so the only way to defend oursleves is to do this. You may not believe these things that I have said, but trust me that is waht the majority of TCs think. ( I can safely talk for the majority of TCs on this matter,

And quite honestly being in EU does not provide me the necessary guarantees and trust in you as well. We have seen what happened at the close by neighbor of EU, in Bosnia. EU did not the shit. And at some outposts of EU, in Cyprus, European Powers would come to our help if something again happens. I do not believe so.
Kifeas wrote:Annan Plan gave you pure communal equality along ethnic lines. Senate was formed on the basis of ethnicity. That is why it was rejected by GCs.
Annan Plan did not give us pure ethnic equality. It still needed only 1/4 (and 2/5) of TCs to decide on issues not the majority of issues. I understand why it was rejected by GCs, and I respect their point if view, but unfortunately it does not do any good to me.
Kifeas wrote:To make it more simple.
Instead of what you are asking, which is:
18 = 82
Left side of the equation is the TC community and right side is the GC community
I propose
(18+6) = (82-6)
left side of equation is the TCCS and right side of the equation is the GCCS
What I am asking is 1 community = 1 community. In my eyes it does not matter that one community is 1/4 of the size of the other community. It is OK in EU to have RoC = Germany but it is not OK, in Cyprus to have TC community = GC community.
And please spare me the whole argument of one is inter-country the other one is intra-country. It is the concepts of equality we are talking about.