Hi Alex,
brother wrote:
K1 - 1
K2 - 1
K3 - 1
These are the "official languages" questions. You reject both the Annan Plan and the alternative proposals I put forwrd. Is there another alternative you would like to suggest?
Yes, all children should from school starting age take both Greek and Turkish till they are ready to leave school and goto university or whatever.
My daughter is 5 years old and speaks english and turkish but also her GC teacher with our encouragement is teaching her greek also.
brother wrote:
L1 - 3
L2 - 1
L3 - 1
These are the economy questions. You found the alternatives I suggested unacceptable. Could you explain your reasoning on this, I would be curious to know.
I felt L1 hit the nail on the head but L2 was trying to take control over the two constituent states affairs which i feel was not required, and L3 i felt the tc need more time before that can happen, not from day one as they are not financially strong enough and i feel that a lot of underhand dealings could happen like a foriegn investor using a tc name to show 30% ownership but he controls it all hence the tc is a puppet.
brother wrote:
A14 - 1
A15 - 2
A16 - 1
A17 - 2
A18 - 2
A19 - 1
A20 - 1
A21 - 2
A22 - 2
A23 - 1
These are the "motives" questions. You didn't record any primary motives, only secondary. Are there any options I forgot to include?
No it was fine but if i think of anything i will get back to you.
This on the whole was a decent survey and i did enjoy answering all the questions but i do not see how it can be shortened as all questions are relevant one way or another, well done mate.