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New bicommunal survey

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby turkcyp » Mon Apr 04, 2005 6:55 pm

MicAtCyp wrote:Hmmm quite interesting! With one or two exceptions Turkcyp actually confrmed us that the Anan Plan was tailored to suit the TCs.

I guess only you can deduct from my answers that Annan plan was designed for TCs.

MicAtCyp wrote:Turkcyp, can you explain us why you rejected item C3

C3. Completely makes the property solution a mess. And it has a huge potential of killing bizonality, then why are we giving up our rights from 1960 constitution for an agreement where we are not even getting bizonality.

MicAtCyp wrote:and what your choice for item C4 would be if the money due for compensations would be paid directly by the holder of the property?

C4. Is acceptable. But it is no different than Annan Plan in my eyes but comes with an extra requirements. So that is why I have said I can accept it if it comes down to that. (2 – tolerable if it is necessary)

MicAtCyp wrote:I am also wondering why you rejected item N2, given the fact that you asked so many times in this forum if the Gcs would accept the TCs returning to the 1960 constitution.

Because N2 does not mean TCs would be turning to 1960 constitution but would be TCs turning to current day RoC.

One thing you have to understand is this. In my eyes whatever happened in north after 1974 is in big limbo legally(call it ‘a’) and whatever happened in RoC after 1964 is in big limbo legally (call it ‘b’).

But if we accepts N2, then this means we are only accepting illegality of ‘a’ but making illegality of ‘b’ legal. So we are effectively turning back to todays RoC not 1963 RoC.

For N2 to be acceptable the preamble should clearly state that both TCs and GCs have been acting illegally after 1964, and therefore every action taken by both GCs and TCs since 1964 should be analyzed again from to make it legal.
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Postby Alexandros Lordos » Mon Apr 04, 2005 8:17 pm

Turkcyp, thank you for taking the time to advise me, your comments are most helpful. I will see what I can do to simplify the questions and the response scales. I'd like to particularly comment on two points you raised in particular:

turkcyp wrote:In case of deadlock you have asked ECHR to step in which is completely outside the jurisdiction of ECHR, and which is completely against what it is established for. What makes you think that ECHR would step in and solve our budgetary deadlocks. And do we really want them to solve our deadlocks, I mean each decision in ECHR takes years to reach.

LOL! My suggestion was for the European Commission (i.e. the EU) to adjudicate financial deadlocks, since the EU will be mostly in charge of the Cypriot economy anyway, NOT for the ECHR to adjudicate - that would have been ten times more ridiculous than having the Cyprus Supreme Court adjudicating financial deadlocks. :)

So what do you think of this suggestion?

turkcyp wrote:J1. 3. could have been “4” if the education is further decentralized to more local bodies, where you could have GC School Board managing Greeks schools, and TC school board managing TC schools.

Turkcyp, what you are saying here is very interesting. Could you flesh this out into a workable proposal for decentralised education of the two communities, so that I can include it as an option in the survey?
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Postby turkcyp » Mon Apr 04, 2005 8:47 pm

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Postby MicAtCyp » Mon Apr 04, 2005 9:19 pm

Alexandre, just a proposal for your evaluation system: "On a scale of 0 to 10, zero representing I totally disagree 10 I totally agree 5 neither agree or disagree , what is your grade?" I think this way you will get more precise answers.

Now on the points of our discussion:

On the preface:Ok I understand what you mean and agree.
A1 and A4.Ditto, I withdraw my previous remarks.
B2. On second thought my comment was not on the matter of final secirity but on the matter of demilitarisation until this final security (to which your survey refers) is reached.So my previous comment is irrelevant.

Just for information heres what I meant:
If you work out annex V you will see that for a period of about 19 months (out of those 29) the GCs will be exposed to 2-3 times as many T forces and this is very dangerous for us.For that specific period I wanted special security guarantees.

I agree with what you said about "I'll try to improve the wording of the relevant questions to make the above obvious.".

You know I personally don't agree with the property committe handling anything more than exchanging of equal to equal properties. In my opinion the majority of TCs hold much more expensive and much more land they left behind and if we leave everything on the committe then they will do everything to keep that surplus and "who cares about the committe". Whereas if they know that any surplus will be paid from their own pocket, then we will certainly have a more fair outcome, plus we will avoid compensating ourselves, or causing the rejection of the plan just because of the bonds system.

Anyway I am glad you put the free will option in your questionaire in C3 but I think that option should be enriched to account what will happen to properties on which there is investment.

E.settlers> I don't think anything else is needed because nothing else can be applied anyway.It is the same like the matter of the properties.I respect your survey but in my opinion what the people will vote is irrelevant unless the option given to them is fully in accordance with basic human rights.
This matter is also linked with items N1 and N3 (virgin birth or sovereign people).If any of the 2 is agreed then automatically all settlers who got Trnc citizenship stay, the rest go. If we go with Eu laws plus human rights then we will have those who got married staying, those adults who were born here staying together with their spuces and decendants, plus a list of criteria based on human rights concerning the age of the person, what part of his life or how many years he is being living here as well as his blood relation with others who will be staying. I admit I don't know the exact criteria concerning these human rights, but I am sure some lawyers will know.

M-b) Ok...

K1,K2 and K3. Woops the fact is I took handwritten notes, and as usual,in the end I couldn’t understand my own handwritting....
Well let me correct. I like K1 is fact thats one of the few things I liked in Anan Plan. I also like K2 and K3, but yes you are correct K2 and K3 should get mixed into one option.

PS.1) I understand your post was intended for us to comment or help you on your draft. I mean shall we vote also?
2)Apologies for not commenting anything on the sharing of power but you know I am too weak on that because I never really cared.
3)Surveys are very difficult to design, especially for such a huge subject, I admire your courage to do a third one in such a short time....

Anyway good luck file mou.
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Postby MicAtCyp » Tue Apr 05, 2005 8:58 pm

Turkcyp wrote: I guess only you can deduct from my answers that Annan
plan was designed for TCs.

Isn’t it a fact that with only a few exceptions your number one choice was what Anan Plan said?

C3. Completely makes the property solution a mess. And
it has a huge potential of killing bizonality, then why
are we giving up our rights from 1960 constitution for
an agreement where we are not even getting bizonality.

How does it make the property solution a mess? It is the only solution that gives everyone freedom of choice ithout violating anyones rights.Of course you are right we can enforce whatever we like as fascist regimes do to have a complete tide up.Yes it endangers bizonality. Tell that to those GCs who think we can have bizonality without a hell of violations of human rights, and to those TCs who think we can have a quaranteed bizonal system. I said in the past that if the TCs insist on bizonality they must be ready to undertake the risks involved that this system might eventually prove to be unstable. Everybody talks about bizonality assuming that almost no TC will return... Well I am not sure about that AT ALL for the long run

[quote=" " C4. Is acceptable. But it is no different than Annan
Plan in my eyes but comes with an extra requirements. So
that is why I have said I can accept it if it comes down
to that. (2 – tolerable if it is necessary [/quote]

The major difference with the Anan Plan is the 1/3 compared to all. But on the other hand I am really wondering whether there is any unused house in the occupied to make that option worth anything to the GCs. The only way I see it applying (the way it is described) is only for empty building plots (it can not even apply for used agricultural land).

I am afraid Alex has to either write very detailed answers since people will certainly reject many options for missing information. Me personally I would reject item C4 as it stands.

[quote=" "] Because N2 does not mean TCs would be turning to 1960
constitution but would be TCs turning to current day
RoC. [/quote]

Well I disagree with that.It was clear in the question that we are returning back to the period before 1963 and the new agreement is (supposed to be) the bridge that brings us from that date to today.It does not give legality to neither Roc from 63 to 05 nor to the Trnc but rather assumes legality to the agreement it self.

The only way to justify what you said is that the agreement itself legalises all the actions of RoC from 1963 to today whereas it illegalises those of the northern administration.

The way I see any possible agreement however is that although the majority of the actions of RoC from 1963 to today can easily be legalised (through your acceptance), the actions of the northern administration cannot, in fact in a way we are trying to legalise the results of the Invasion.
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Postby MicAtCyp » Tue Apr 05, 2005 9:00 pm

study what me and Alex is voting and compare it with your and Turkcyps voting.Then you will get your answer.



Heres my voting. I don't know how Turkcyp managed to do it within 20 minutes, it took me 70 minutes and this is the 3rd time I am actually reading the questionaire. In fact to many questions I even had the chance to think of earlier and have my answers ready! Alexandre my opinion is that each interview will take you at least 2 hours. I noticed that both your answers and mine prove that most of the provisions of the Anan Plan were totally unacceptabkle to us in comparison with Turkcyps voting.
I would like to say that by the 50th minute I started getting very dizzy and wanted to quit. Then when I came to M I lost track and was writting down my answers for L in place of M. When I realised something was going wrong I started all over from J again.

A1 - 4
A2 - 5
A3 - 1
A4 - 5
A5 - 5
A6 - 5
A7 - 4
A8 - 2
A9 - 5
A10 - 5
A11 - 3
A12 - 4
A13 - 1

A14 - 3
A15 - 3
A16 - 1
A17 - 2
A18 - 1
A19 - 2
A20 - 2
A21 - 2
A22 - 3
A23 - 1

A24 - 1
A25 - 1
A26 - 1
A27 - 1
A28 - 1
A29 - 3
A30 - 1
A31 - 2

B1 - 1
B2 - 2
B3 - 1
B4 - 2

C1 - 1
C2 - 3
C3 - 4
C4 - 1

D1 - 1
D2 - 3
D3 - 4
D4 - 1

E1 - 1
E2 - 2
E3 - 2
E4 - 2

F1 - 1
F2 - 2
F3 - 3
F4 - 1

G1 - 2
G2 - 3
G3 - 4

H1 - 2
H2 - 4
H3 - 3
H4 - 3

I1 - 1
I2 - 2
I3 - 4
I4 - 3

J1 - 3
J2 - 3
J3 - 4

K1 - 3
K2 - 3
K3 - 3

L1 - 1
L2 - 3
L3 - 3

M1 - 1
M2 - 1
M3 - 1

N1 - 1
N2 - 3
N3 - 1

O1 - 2
O2 - 3
O3 - 4

P1 - 1
P2 - 2
P3 - 3

Q10 Nullified my voting slip
Q11 Nullified my voting slip
Q12. A huge Nooo.

In fact this is the only time I did not nullify my voting slip. I once even wrote them "Denktash", and when people were asking me who did I vote for I was telling them "Denktash". I liked the way they were getting shocked asking me "Denktash????"
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Postby turkcyp » Tue Apr 05, 2005 9:32 pm

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Postby brother » Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:59 am

This is my stab at tis questionaire:

A1 - 4
A2 - 2
A3 - 1
A4 - 2
A5 - 5
A6 - 3
A7 - 3
A8 - 2
A9 - 1
A10 - 5
A11 - 4
A12 - 4
A13 - 1

A14 - 1
A15 - 2
A16 - 1
A17 - 2
A18 - 2
A19 - 1
A20 - 1
A21 - 2
A22 - 2
A23 - 1

A24 - 1
A25 - 1
A26 - 1
A27 - 1
A28 - 1
A29 - 2
A30 - 1
A31 - 1

B1 - 1
B2 - 2
B3 - 3
B4 - 1

C1 - 2
C2 - 2
C3 - 3
C4 - 3

D1 - 1
D2 - 2
D3 - 1
D4 - 3

E1 - 1
E2 - 2
E3 - 2
E4 - 4

F1 - 1
F2 - 2
F3 - 2
F4 - 2

G1 - 2
G2 - 2
G3 - 3

H1 - 3
H2 - 3
H3 - 3
H4 - 4

I1 - 2
I2 - 3
I3 - 2
I4 - 2

J1 - 1
J2 - 2
J3 - 2

K1 - 1
K2 - 1
K3 - 1

L1 - 3
L2 - 1
L3 - 1

M1 - 3
M2 - 3
M3 - 3

N1 - 2
N2 - 3
N3 - 2

O1 - 2
O2 - 2
O3 - 2

P1 - 2
P2 - 1
P3 - 3

O.k my head hurts after that and i never want to answer another questionaire, got lost at some points as staring into my computer for so many hours was tough but i think i have given a nearly decent enough shot at it.
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Re: New bicommunal survey

Postby Alexandros Lordos » Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:20 pm

I am copying the questionnaire here,so we can more easily compare answers to questions ...

Alexandros Lordos wrote:
Good afternoon, we are from ... , and we would like to ask you a few questions and hear your views regarding the Cyprus Problem.

A. Underlying Attitudes

To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? (Words in brackets relate to the Greek Cypriot questionnaire)

(1- Totally disagree, 2- Partly disagree, 3- Neither agree nor disagree, 4- Partly agree, 5- Totally agree)

A1. To achieve a Comprehensive Settlement, both sides must be willing to make some compromises.
A2. We have much in common with the Greek Cypriots (/ Turkish Cypriots).
A3. The only way to solve the Cyprus Problem is through an armed struggle.
A4. To achieve a Comprehensive Settlement, we have to understand and seek to alleviate the concerns of the Greek Cypriots (/ Turkish Cypriots), as well as our own concerns.
A5. I would welcome having Greek Cypriot (/ Turkish Cypriot) neighbours.
A6. We should all strive, from now on, to be Cypriot first, and Greek or Turkish second.
A7. If my cultural rights and my security can be guaranteed, I can imagine myself living under a local administration that is primarily Greek Cypriot (/ Turkish Cypriot).
A8. The Greek Cypriots (/ Turkish Cypriots) cannot be trusted to adhere to an agreement we might make with them.
A9. Religion is important in my life.
A10. Our side is also to blame for the current situation of the Cyprus Problem.
A11. The two communities, Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot, should go their separate ways from now on.
A12. I would find it natural and acceptable if someone in my family chose to marry a Greek Cypriot (/ Turkish Cypriot).
A13. Cyprus should really be considered a Turkish (/ Greek) island.

What are your motives for wanting a solution of the Cyprus Problem? (Words in brackets relate to the Turkish Cypriot questionnaire)

(1 – Not at all a motive, 2 – A secondary motive, 3 – A primary motive)

A14. To have an integrated Cypriot state.
A15. To allow refugees to return to their ancestral homes.
A16. To have our own Greek Cypriot (/ Turkish Cypriot) state.
A17. To avoid the risk of another war.
A18. To improve our economic condition.
A19. To be able to live anywhere in Cyprus.
A20. To be able to enjoy the benefits of EU membership.
A21. To be re-united with the Turkish Cypriots (/ Greek Cypriots).
A22. To put an end to the presence of the Turkish Army.
A23. To put an end to the existence of the Greek Cypriot National Guard.

To what extent do you trust the involvement of the following countries and organisations in the affairs of Cyprus?

(1 – Not at all, 2 – A little, 3 – Substantially, 4 – Very much)

A24. Greece
A25. Turkey
A26. United Kingdom
A27. United States of America
A28. Russian Federation
A29. European Union
A30. Organisation of Islamic Countries
A31. United Nations Organisation

B. Security

B1. On the issue of Security, the Annan Plan provided for the continuation of the Treaty of Guarantee between Greece, Turkey and the UK, which means that each one of those three countries will be allowed to intervene militarily anywhere in Cyprus, not just for Security but also in case the constitutional order has been violated. Furthermore, Greece and Turkey will each maintain troops in Cyprus, 6000 each for the first 18 years after the agreement, while after that, 950 Greek soldiers and 650 Turkish soldiers will remain indefinitely.

How acceptable do you consider the above security arrangements, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

B2. One alternative Security System is as follows: The Treaty of Guarantee will be maintained, but with various amendments. On the issue of troops, the Greek and Turkish contingents will depart within 9 or 10 years, after which time Cyprus will be totally demilitarised except for a multinational UN force paid for by Cyprus and overseeing the implementation of the solution. As for intervention rights, Greece will have the right to intervene in order to protect the security of the Greek Cypriot constituent state only, while Turkey will have the right to intervene in order to protect the security of the Turkish Cypriot constituent state only – but without the right to intervene in constitutional matters as well. If Cyprus comes under attack from any other country, it will not have the means for its own protection, but the guarantor powers – Greece, Turkey and Britain – will each be expected to come immediately to Cyprus’ defence.

How acceptable do you consider the above security arrangements, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

B3. Another alternative for security, is the development of a Cypriot-European security system as follows: The Treaty of Guarantee will cease to apply after the settlement, and instead the European Union will undertake to assist Cyprus in developing its own Security System. Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots will be sent to other EU countries in order to together receive military training, while soldiers from European countries and a European commander will be sent to Cyprus in order to replace the Greek and Turkish troops which will gradually be withdrawing and to also take over Cyprus’ air defences. This new security force, comprised of other Europeans, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots – in equal numbers at all levels of command - will be responsible to deal with all threats, including a possible violation of the constitutional order, but in the extreme scenario where this Security system fails to operate properly, Greece and Turkey will each have a “last resort” intervention right in order to protect the security of the Greek Cypriot constituent state and of the Turkish Cypriot constituent state respectively.

How acceptable do you consider the above security arrangements, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

B4. A final alternative for Security is as follows: The Treaty of Guarantee will cease to apply after the settlement, and instead Cyprus will become a member of NATO which will also take over Cyprus’ air defences. All Greek and Turkish troops will gradually depart, to be replaced by a NATO force comprised of soldiers from various NATO countries. Greece and Turkey will not have any unilateral intervention rights, other than their input in the decision making of NATO command – which NATO command will be making all the decisions that relate to the Security of Cyprus.

How acceptable do you consider the above security arrangements, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

C. Property rights

C1. On the issue of Property rights, the Annan Plan provided for the return of some territory to Greek Cypriot administration – making the Turkish Cypriot state 29% of Cyprus – and in that area which will come under Greek Cypriot administration all property will be returned to original owners, while current occupants will be re-housed elsewhere. As for Greek Cypriot property that will fall within the Turkish Cypriot state and Turkish Cypriot property that will fall within the Greek Cypriot state, original individual owners will be entitled to 1/3rd of their property, but current occupants will have priority control of a particular property they are using if they are themselves refugees or if they have made a major investment on the property in question.

How acceptable do you consider the above property arrangements, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

C2. One alternative approach on the issue of property rights is as follows: More territory will be returned to Greek Cypriot administration, making the Turkish Cypriot state 18% - 20% of Cyprus, but in return no Greek Cypriot will be able to reclaim property in the Turkish Cypriot state – all such property will be compensated.

How acceptable do you consider the above property arrangements, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

C3. Another alternative approach on the issue of property rights is as follows: Original owners will retain ownership of all their property, but current occupants will be entitled to stay in the properties they are currently using by paying rent for them, and this right to remain in a property by paying rent will apply for 15 years. At the same time, individual owners and individual current occupants will be encouraged to make their own private deals, if they so wish, to exchange, purchase or sell the property in question.

How acceptable do you consider the above property arrangements, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

C4. A final alternative on the issue of property rights is as follows: Original owners will be able to reclaim and use all their property, except that in which refugees live or that on which there has been major investment – and for such properties they will be compensated. In case an original owner is not entitled to receive his actual home, then he will be entitled to a new home built for him in the same town or village.

How acceptable do you consider the above property arrangements, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

D. Residence and Voting Rights

D1. On the issue of residence and voting rights in the other constituent state, the Annan Plan provided for the following arrangements. For the first six years, up to 6% of the Turkish Cypriot constituent state residents could be Greek Cypriot, while for six years after that up to 12% of the Turkish Cypriot constituent state residents could be Greek Cypriot. From years 12 to 18, up to 18% of the Turkish Cypriot constituent state residents could be Greek Cypriot, while after the 18th year a permanent limit of 33% would apply as the maximum percent of Greek Cypriot residents of the Turkish Cypriot constituent state. These Greek Cypriots would have the right to vote in all elections as residents of the Turkish Cypriot state, except for the Federal Senate where Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots will vote separately according to ethnic origin. An unlimited number of Greek Cypriots would be entitled to keep a second home in the north, and live there if they wish, while exercising all their voting rights in the south. The equivalent to the above will of course apply for Turkish Cypriots living in the south.

How acceptable do you consider the above residence and voting rights arrangements, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

D2. An alternative approach on the issue of residence and voting rights, is to reduce the permanent limit for Greek Cypriot residents of the Turkish Cypriot constituent state, from 33% to 30% of the population, but lift the time restrictions so that as many as wish to relocate – within these permanent limits - will be able to do so immediately after the settlement. Voting rights will be as above, in other words this 30% will be able to vote in all Turkish Cypriot elections, except for the Federal Senate where they will vote as Greek Cypriots. Above and beyond this number of Greek Cypriots who may be granted permanent residence in the north, an unlimited number of Greek Cypriots will be entitled to keep a second home, and live there if they wish, while exercising all their voting rights in the south. The equivalent to the above will of course apply for Turkish Cypriots living in the south.

How acceptable do you consider the above residence and voting rights arrangements, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

D3. Another approach on the issue of residence and voting rights, is to have no limit to the number of Greek Cypriots who may choose to reside in the north, but with the following arrangement for voting rights: Such Greek Cypriots will vote for the Greek Cypriot constituent state government, and for the Greek Cypriot members of the Federal Government, while for municipal elections only they will vote at the place where they reside in the north. The equivalent to the above will of course apply for Turkish Cypriots living in the south.

How acceptable do you consider the above residence and voting rights arrangements, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

D4. A final approach on the issue of residence and voting rights, is to institute a system of weighted voting, so that when Greek Cypriots in the north - or Turkish Cypriots in the south – are very few, their vote will be weighted upwards so as to increase their political power, while when they are very many their vote will be weighted downwards in order to place a limit on their political influence. More particularly, if Greek Cypriots in the north are 2% to 3% of the constituent state’s population their vote will be weighted upwards to 5%, if they are 7% or 8% their vote will be weighted upwards to 10%, if they are 13% or 14% their vote will be weighted up to 20%, while 20% will be the maximum level of Greek Cypriot political participation in the north (or Turkish Cypriot political participation in the south) however many the Greek Cypriot residents in the north are.

How acceptable do you consider the above residence and voting rights arrangements, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

E. Territorial adjustment

(Note: The issue of how large each constituent state should be has already been asked about in the discussion of Property rights – responses to the following questions are meant to be independent of the issue of constituent state size)

E1. On the issue of territorial adjustment, the Annan Plan provided for two constituent states, with an irregular boundary between them, with all of the northern part of Cyprus falling within the Turkish Cypriot constituent state and all of the southern part of Cyprus falling within the Greek Cypriot constituent state.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for territorial adjustment, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

E2. One alternative on the issue of territorial adjustment is to also allow cantons – Greek Cypriot in the north and Turkish Cypriot in the south – which will belong to the other constituent state. For instance, Karpasia region could be a part of the Greek Cypriot constituent state, while Kokkina region could be a part of the Turkish Cypriot constituent state.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for territorial adjustment, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

E3. Another alternative on the issue of Territorial adjustment, is to straighten the boundary between the two constituent states so that the Turkish Cypriot constituent state has easier internal access to all its areas, and at the same time allow for more coastline to fall within the territory of the Greek Cypriot constituent state.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for territorial adjustment, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

E4. A final alternative on the issue of territorial adjustment is to allow for the creation of a Federal zone, which will comprise metropolitan Nicosia as well as areas of archaeological or environmental significance, and all these areas will be under direct Federal administration. Within this Federal zone, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots will live together and together elect their administrators.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for territorial adjustment, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

F. Immigrants from Turkey (Settlers)

F1. On the issue of immigrants from Turkey (Settlers), the Annan Plan provided for a list of 45,000 persons that would be given citizenship of Cyprus the day after the settlement, and furthermore, allowed for anyone who has already been in Cyprus for at least five years before the agreement to be able to claim citizenship by naturalisation four years after the settlement. In practice, this would have meant that 70,000 to 90,000 immigrants (Settlers) would have been able to remain in Cyprus and become its citizens.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for Turkish immigrants (settlers), seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

F2. One alternative on the issue of immigrants (Settlers) from Turkey, is to allow the same list of 45,000 persons as per the Annan Plan, but ensure that these are the only ones who will remain. Anyone above that number will be required to return to Turkey within 2 years of the settlement, and will be offered monetary compensation of USD 20,000 per family – paid for by Turkey and International Donors - to help finance their relocation.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for Turkish immigrants (settlers), seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

F3. Another alternative on the issue of immigrants (Settlers) from Turkey, is to create two lists: The first list, composed of 30,000 persons, will be entitled to remain in Cyprus, while the second list, of another 30,000 persons, will be entitled to emigrate to other EU countries or to the USA, unless of course they prefer to return to Turkey. All such emigrants will be entitled to a monetary compensation of USD 20,000 per family, paid for by Turkey and International Donors. Those who have lived in Cyprus the longest will have priority to be on the first list, while everyone else who has been given TRNC citizenship will be on the second list.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for Turkish immigrants (settlers), seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

F4. A final alternative on the issue of immigrants (Settlers) from Turkey is to acknowledge citizenship to those married to Cypriots, born in Cyprus or who arrived there up to the age of 18 and also grant a permanent residence permit to their parents, who would remain citizens and voters of Turkey with the right to live and work in Cyprus. Everyone else will be required to return to Turkey within 2 years of the settlement, and will be compensated USD 20,000 per family, paid for by Turkey and International Donors, to help finance their relocation.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for Turkish immigrants (settlers), seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

G. The Presidency

G1. On the issue of the Presidency, the Annan Plan provided for a Presidential Council, comprised of four Greek Cypriots and two Turkish Cypriots, which would be elected from a common list by the Federal Senate. In other words, the list of six persons will be elected together as one whole by the mixed assembly of 24 Greek Cypriot and 24 Turkish Cypriot senators. The role of President and vice President will rotate amongst the Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, with a Greek Cypriot President for 40 months and a Turkish Cypriot President for 20 months, but neither the President nor the vice President will have any powers to make decisions by themselves: Executive authority will be vested with the Council as a whole, rather than with any one individual.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for the Presidency, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

G2. One partial alternative on the issue of the Presidency, in the particular matter of its method of election, is to provide for Presidential elections whereby the Presidential Council will be elected directly by the people. Lists of six candidates – four Greek Cypriots and two Turkish Cypriots – will go into the election campaign as one group, while in terms of voting such a system will be instituted whereby the Greek Cypriot community will hold 50% of the total vote and the Turkish Cypriot community will hold the other 50% of the total vote.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for the Presidency, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

G3. Another partial alternative on the issue of the Presidency, in the particular matter of the distribution of power and responsibilities, is to allow the President of the Council to have full executive authority as Head of Government, rather than vesting authority in the Council as a collective. The posts of President and vice President will still rotate, so that in each five year term a Greek Cypriot will be President for forty months and a Turkish Cypriot will be President for twenty months. The vice President will also be the Foreign Minister, so that whenever the President is Greek Cypriot the Foreign Minister will be Turkish Cypriot, and vice versa.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for the Presidency, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

H. Decision making mechanisms

(Note: The issue of deadlock resolution and which body will be responsible to resolve such deadlocks will be examined in the next set of questions - responses here are meant to be independent of the issue of deadlock resolution)

H1. On the issue of decision making mechanisms in the Federal Government, the Annan Plan provided for a system whereby all decisions would require the positive participation of both communities. For instance in the Senate, for a law to be passed it would be necessary for at least one quarter of Turkish Cypriot senators and one quarter of Greek Cypriot Senators to agree with it, as well as the requirement that at least half of the overall number of Senators must be in favour of the proposal. Similarly in the Presidential Council, at least one member from each community must be in favour of an executive decision, before it can take effect.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for decision making mechanisms, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

H2. One alternative on the issue of decision making mechanisms of the Federal Government, is to have a list of particularly critical issues for which positive participation, as described above, will be required, while for other, less important issues, a simple majority in favour will be sufficient.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for decision making mechanisms, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

H3. Another alternative on the issue of decision making for the Federal Government, is to remove the requirement for positive participation, but to give each community a right of appeal in case it believes that a decision is unconstitutional or that it hurts the fundamental interests of the community. In the case of such an appeal, the issue will be forwarded to a neutral adjudicating body (different options for adjudicating bodies will be presented in the next set of questions), which body will make the final decision.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for decision making mechanisms, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

H4. A final alternative on the issue of decision making mechanisms of the Federal Government, is to maintain the requirement for positive participation in decision making, but to institute such an election system whereby the politicians will have a political motive to be co-operative. More particularly, cross voting will be instituted for the Senate as follows: Greek Cypriots will also vote for Turkish Cypriot Senators, but their vote will be weighted to 25% of the total vote, while Turkish Cypriots will also vote for Greek Cypriot Senators, and their vote will be weighted to 25% of the total vote. In this way, a politician will still have to satisfy his own community’s fundamental needs in order to be elected, but he will also have to convince the other community’s voters that he is open minded, respectful and co-operative.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for decision making mechanisms, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

I. Deadlock Resolution Mechanisms

I1. On the issue of deadlock resolution, the Annan Plan provided that in case the Legislative or Executive branch of the Government could not reach an agreed decision on a matter that is essential to the functioning of the state, then the Supreme Court would step in to make the decision instead. The Supreme Court would be composed of three Greek Cypriots, three Turkish Cypriots, and three non-Cypriot judges, but the non-Cypriot judges would only have the right to vote if the Cypriot judges cannot reach a majority decision by themselves.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for deadlock resolution mechanisms, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

I2. One partial alternative on the issue of deadlock resolution, in the particular area of administrative issues, is to appoint a “Council of Political Advisors”, which will be comprised of Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot veteran politicians in equal numbers, as well as non-Cypriot expert advisors on various issues (e.g. economics, federal governance), who will however not have a voting right in the council. The members of the Council of Advisors will be appointed by the Presidential Council, for a seven year term each, and will not be eligible for re-election. The only responsibility of the Council of Advisors will be to resolve deadlocks that might occur in the legislative or executive branch, and the criteria for selecting its members shall be political experience and the capacity for dialogue and co-operation.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for deadlock resolution mechanisms, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

I3. Another partial alternative for deadlock resolution, in the particular area of financial issues, is to rely on the European Commission, which will appoint for this task a sub-committee of European experts (Cypriots, Greeks and Turks excluded). This sub-committee would be responsible to examine the nature of financial deadlocks that occur and report to the European Commission, which will make the final decision, on a political level, as to how the deadlock should be resolved.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for deadlock resolution mechanisms, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

I4. A final approach for deadlock resolution is, simply, to not do anything about it: If a decision cannot be reached on a particular issue, then a decision will simply not be made. If the decision that cannot be reached is essential to the functioning of the state (for instance the annual approval of the Federal Budget), then the Presidential Council will resign and the country will be led to new elections, in the hope that a new government will be more successful in reaching a decision.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for deadlock resolution mechanisms, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

J. Education

J1. On the issue of Education, the Annan Plan provided that all Education would be under the control of the Constituent States. For instance, a Greek Cypriot living in the north would receive education through the Turkish Cypriot Ministry of Education, just like the Turkish Cypriots, while a Turkish Cypriot living in the south would receive education through the Greek Cypriot Ministry of Education, just like the Greek Cypriots. In some particular Greek Cypriot villages in the north, and Turkish Cypriot villages in the south, the residents would have autonomy over their cultural affairs, including education.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for education, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

J2. One alternative on the issue of education is to also institute a Federal Ministry of Education, which will have the particular responsibility for the education of Greek Cypriots living in the north and Turkish Cypriots living in the south. Furthermore, this Federal Ministry of Education would be responsible for the creation of mixed Greek Cypriot – Turkish Cypriot schools, for parents who might voluntarily choose to send their children there. The education of Greek Cypriots living in the south, and Turkish Cypriots living in the north, would still remain the responsibility of the Constituent States, except for the teaching of History and the teaching of Civics, for which two lessons the curriculum will be prepared by the Federal Ministry of Education.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for education, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

J3. A final alternative on the issue of education is to allow education as a whole to be the responsibility of the Federal Government, which would oversee all schools all over Cyprus, whether they are Greek speaking schools, Turkish speaking schools, or mixed-integrated schools.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for education, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

K. Official Languages

K1. On the issue of official languages, the Annan Plan provided that both Greek and Turkish will be official languages of the Federal Government, while Greek would be the official language of the Greek Cypriot constituent state and Turkish would be the official language of the Turkish Cypriot constituent state. All children in secondary schools would be obliged to take language classes, to learn Greek if they are Turkish Cypriot, or to learn Turkish if they are Greek Cypriot.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for official languages, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

K2. One partial alternative, on the particular issue of which languages will be official, is as follows: Greek and Turkish would be the official languages everywhere in Cyprus, but for a transitional period of ten years, only Greek will be used in the Greek Cypriot constituent state and only Turkish will be used in the Turkish Cypriot constituent state. After this transitional period, both languages will be official in both constituent states.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for official languages, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

K3. Another partial alternative, on the particular issue of language teaching, is as follows: All children in secondary schools would have the free option to take language classes, to learn Greek if they are Turkish Cypriot, or to learn Turkish if they are Greek Cypriot. However, all adults will also have the same option, to take free language classes in the other official language, paid through a special development fund of the European Union.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for official languages, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

L. The Economy

L1. On the issue of the Economy, the Annan Plan provided for monetary policy, which includes the currency and interest rates, to be the responsibility of the Federal Government, while industry and tourism policy would be the responsibility of the two constituent states. In terms of government spending, the Federal Government and the two constituent states will each have their own budget, and the Federal Government will not have any rights to limit the public borrowing of the constituent states. On the matter of Economic Freedoms, for the first fifteen years there would be limitations on the right of Greek Cypriots, but also European Citizens in general, to invest in the Turkish Cypriot constituent state (precise limitations to be decided by the Turkish Cypriot constituent state government), while after that fifteen year period has elapsed, there will be no limitations to economic activity anywhere in Cyprus.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for the economy, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

L2. One partial alternative, on the particular issue of distribution of financial responsibilities, is to allow industry and tourism policy to be decided centrally for all of Cyprus, by the Federal Government, along with monetary policy. Furthermore, the Federal Government would have the right to place limits on the public borrowing of constituent states, but without otherwise interfering in their budget.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for the economy, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

L3. Another partial alternative, on the particular issue of Economic Freedoms, is to relax the limitations for investment in the Turkish Cypriot constituent state as follows: Greek Cypriots and European Citizens in general to be allowed to invest in the Turkish Cypriot constituent state from day one after the settlement, so long as they do so through companies which have at least 30% Turkish Cypriot ownership. Furthermore, Turkish Cypriot property companies to be allowed to sell residential properties (i.e. houses and flats) which have legal and undisputed title deeds, to Greek Cypriots and other European Citizens, for second home purposes, also from day one after the settlement.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for the economy, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

M. Compensation

M1. On the issue of compensation, the Annan Plan provided that compensation for the value of property that will be exchanged shall be paid by a Property Board, which will be instituted especially to oversee all property related concerns, but payment will be in bonds and shares rather than cash. The Property Board will partly be self-financed, through the sale of exchanged properties in the free market, but if any financial deficits remain at the end of the process, the Federal Government will be responsible to cover them through its budget. Furthermore, compensation for loss of use over the previous decades, as an issue separate from compensation for the actual value of the property, will be paid by the constituent state of which one is a citizen. For instance, a Greek Cypriot refugee will receive compensation for loss of use by the Greek Cypriot constituent state, and a Turkish Cypriot refugee will receive compensation for loss of use by the Turkish Cypriot constituent state.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for compensation, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

M2. One partial alternative, on the issue of Compensation for the value of property, is to still have a Property Board which will oversee any property exchanges that need to be made, but all compensation for the value of properties will be paid in cash instalments over a period of five years. The Property Board will partly be self-financed through the sale of exchanged properties in the free market, and partly financed by international donors to cover any deficit that might occur in the process.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for compensation, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

M3. Another partial alternative, on the issue of Compensation for loss of use, is to transfer the responsibility for compensation for loss of use as follows: For the Greek Cypriot refugees, compensation for loss of use will be paid by Turkey, while for the Turkish Cypriot refugees, compensation for loss of use will be paid by Greece and the Greek Cypriot constituent state in collaboration. Compensation for loss of use will include a bulk sum per refugee for emotional damages, as well as the annual rental value of the property times the number of years for which use of the property was denied.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for compensation, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

N. Legal Status

N1. On the issue of Legal Status, the Annan Plan approach was that the two sides would not be required to agree about the previous legal status of the two sides’ administration, and instead a “virgin birth” would take place, leading to a “new state of affairs”. The two sides would be asked “to agree about their future without necessarily agreeing on their past”.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for legal status, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

N2. One alternative, on the issue of Legal Status, is a formula that will be included in the preamble of the constitution as follows: First, it will be affirmed that the Republic of Cyprus was founded in 1960 as a Bicommunal Republic, to be jointly administered by the Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots according to the constitution. After the unrest of 1963-4, the Republic of Cyprus entered a period of constitutional crisis. During this period, and up until the present day, the Greek Cypriots maintained a temporary caretaker government of the Republic of Cyprus, out of the necessity to maintain the continuity of the Republic, while in the same period the Turkish Cypriots formed a temporary Turkish Cypriot administration, out of the necessity to manage their everyday affairs on an interim basis. And now, with the acceptance of the Comprehensive Settlement agreement, the Republic of Cyprus is overcoming its constitutional crisis and returning to normal Bicommunal control, while evolving into a Bizonal – Bicommunal Federation through the approval of a new constitution.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for legal status, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

N3. Another alternative on the issue of legal status, is to clearly establish in the preamble of the constitution that each of the two communities has separate sovereignty, and that they freely enter into an agreement to form a Bizonal Bicommunal Federation, on the strength of the popular mandate of the two sovereign communities. Each community will then have the right to secede from the Federation if such a course of action is approved by a referendum of the community, and in such a case each side will have the right to apply for separate international recognition. Before recognition can be granted, however, all territorial obligations that arise from the Comprehensive Settlement agreement must first be fulfilled.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for legal status, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

O. Names and Symbols

O1. On the issue of names and symbols, the Annan Plan provides that the State as a whole will be called “the United Cyprus Republic”, while the two constituent states will be called “the Greek Cypriot State” and “the Turkish Cypriot State”. The flag of the 1960 Republic of Cyprus will be abolished, and replaced by a new flag to be chosen through a competition, while the two constituent states will have their own flags as well.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for names and symbols, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

O2. One partial alternative, on the particular issue of state names, is to maintain the name United Cyprus Republic for the State as a whole, but the two constituent states will be called “the Southern State” and “the Northern State” respectively.
How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for state names, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

O3. Another partial alternative, on the particular issue of flags, is as follows: A new flag for the United Cyprus Republic will still be chosen through competition, but the two Constituent States will not have their own flags as well – the only flag that will be flown throughout Cyprus will be the United Cyprus Republic flag.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for flags, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

P. Implementation Guarantees

P1. On the issue of implementation guarantees, the Annan Plan provided for guarantees to be given by the three guarantor powers, Greece, Turkey and the United Kingdom, that in case the constitutional order was not upheld then each of them would have the right to intervene in order to re-establish the constitutional order. Also, a multinational force under UN mandate would be stationed in Cyprus, with its mission being to oversee the implementation of the solution. This UN force would act to encourage the two sides to be co-operative and keep their word, but it would not have any authority to actually enforce the agreement.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for implementation guarantees, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

P2. One alternative approach on the issue of implementation guarantees, is to guarantee implementation through a Security Council resolution under article 7 of the UN Chapter, which means that if any side does not keep its part of the agreement, other countries will have the right to use force, in collaboration with the UN Security Council, against the responsible party. This resolution would cover the responsibilities of the Greek Cypriots, the Turkish Cypriots, Turkey and Greece, so whichever of these sides fails to keep up to its part of the bargain will face the possibility of serious consequences.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for implementation guarantees, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

P3. Another alternative approach on the issue of implementation guarantees, is to explicitly allow recourse to the European Court of Human Rights in case any side fails to live up to its part of the agreement. The European Court of Human Rights would then be authorised to impose large fines on the guilty party.

How acceptable do you consider the above arrangements for implementation guarantees, seen as a whole package?

(1 – totally unacceptable, 2 – tolerable if it is necessary, 3 – acceptable arrangement, 4 – very positive arrangement, 8 – I do not fully understand this proposal, 9 – I am undecided about this proposal)

Q. Demographics

Q1. Age
Q2. Gender
Q3. Level of Education
Q4. Level of Income
Q5. Area of Residence
Q6. Rural / Urban
Q7. Refugee Status
Q8. Parents’ country of birth
Q9. Own country of birth
Q10. Vote in last parliamentary election
Q11. Vote in last presidential election
Q12. Vote in last April’s referendum
Alexandros Lordos
Posts: 987
Joined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 8:41 pm

Postby Alexandros Lordos » Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:36 pm

brother wrote:This is my stab at tis questionaire:.

Wow! Most of your responses are identical to mine! :shock: Are you sure we come from "different communities"? :D

Just a few questions I wanted to ask you:

brother wrote:A14 - 1
A15 - 2
A16 - 1
A17 - 2
A18 - 2
A19 - 1
A20 - 1
A21 - 2
A22 - 2
A23 - 1

These are the "motives" questions. You didn't record any primary motives, only secondary. Are there any options I forgot to include?

brother wrote:K1 - 1
K2 - 1
K3 - 1

These are the "official languages" questions. You reject both the Annan Plan and the alternative proposals I put forwrd. Is there another alternative you would like to suggest?

brother wrote:L1 - 3
L2 - 1
L3 - 1

These are the economy questions. You found the alternatives I suggested unacceptable. Could you explain your reasoning on this, I would be curious to know.

brother wrote:O.k my head hurts after that and i never want to answer another questionaire, got lost at some points as staring into my computer for so many hours was tough but i think i have given a nearly decent enough shot at it.

Ooops, sorry for doing this to you ... :(

Do you have any suggestions as to how I can make it less tiring?

By the way, how long did it take you to respond?
Alexandros Lordos
Posts: 987
Joined: Sun Nov 28, 2004 8:41 pm


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