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Spam Problem

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Postby Sega » Sun Feb 03, 2008 3:42 pm

Bill wrote:To be honest sega even if you change your email it won't be long before the spam catches up with you eventually and you will be back to square one .

I'm firmly convinced that a greater proportion of my spam started after ordering something from ~ if it wasn't it was a hell of a coincidence.

As I said before I just ignore it and empty the trash at the end of the week .

At least I know my emails working :lol:


You can put it that way.

Smiler Brian wrote:
Formatting your HD will not cut down on spam as they are just using your email addy to send them. Get yourself a junk email address, just send your real one to folk you trust. In your real email addy put something in the middle which a human will know is crap and delete, eg [email protected] (sorry if there is a jim button at aol).

Your right, I am going to do that. Most of the sites I trust. I do know where spams main source is from. There are programs you can download which search the internet for emails and then you can save them to a format which allows you to mass send outwards.

If you want your email on a site you should put myname*at* instead of using [email protected]. This should solve that problem.

What I have done is put white email on, which blocks all spam from the domain provider, I report all spam to spamcop. Blocking them would not do it. There forced to change their email address every-so-often anyway. I think they must have found a site which contains my email on it. But which one?
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Postby michalis5354 » Sun Feb 03, 2008 3:43 pm

Create 3 email accounts if this is ok with you. I have 3 email accounts (a) professional (b) personal and (c) for purchases online , each for different purposes. The one that receives the greater ampount of spam is (c) the one I use when I order something online or i use it to get information but I rarely open this one so i dont care.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Feb 03, 2008 5:20 pm

My company has a busy on line site and every couple of months the site's e mail address has to change, ie sales @ becomes salesdesk@ then salesteam@ , very time consuming but there is no effective way to stop spam , put in as much anti spam tools but they will get through.We just changed our line contact email because the level of spam reached about 600 per day and when you are dealing with orders on net , queries , customer service matters , it is very stressful.
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:31 am

I wish someone would catch these spammers and those people who try to spread virus' They need some form of psyciatric help, I used to get a lot until they caught that guy in the states, it stopped for a while and now I must get about 6-10 a day. Why do they do it , Pointless. !!
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Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:49 am

Cheshire Cat wrote:I wish someone would catch these spammers and those people who try to spread virus' They need some form of psyciatric help, I used to get a lot until they caught that guy in the states, it stopped for a while and now I must get about 6-10 a day. Why do they do it , Pointless. !!

Unfortunately a small number of people do apparently buy their wares. Given that they can send out millions of e-mails at little cost by using other people’s resources it works out to be a good business proposition.

Spam will only stop when people stop responding and purchasing from them.
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:35 pm

One of our friends who used to work with computers, he was not someone who did it for amusment he installed them for the military etc.

He believes that there is some sort of game with these people, they all want to be the one to bring down the system. Weird I know, but if you think of the mayhem they could cause with the emergency services. Personally I would like to take one apart and see what makes them tick.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:44 pm

Cheshire Cat wrote:One of our friends who used to work with computers, he was not someone who did it for amusment he installed them for the military etc.

He believes that there is some sort of game with these people, they all want to be the one to bring down the system. Weird I know, but if you think of the mayhem they could cause with the emergency services. Personally I would like to take one apart and see what makes them tick.

As I said, it is money…

There are people – hackers I suppose – that want to bring systems down but if you look at your spam, 99% is trying to sell you viagra, fake watches, fake software or up the price of ‘penny shares’…

They can send these out to millions and millions of e-mail addresses at little or no cost to themselves so it only takes one or two nutjobs to actually purchase from them to make it worthwhile…
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Postby Cheshire Cat » Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:55 pm

I would never personally buy anything that was advertised , that is the only word I can think of for it. like that I am very suspicious of any websites and only use a couple and both of those are massive companies.

I wonder how they get hold of addresses, do you think that they just type them in , hoping that they will strike lucky.? I was warned about using our name in email addresses and you can be tracked that way.
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Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:01 pm

Cheshire Cat wrote:I would never personally buy anything that was advertised , that is the only word I can think of for it. like that I am very suspicious of any websites and only use a couple and both of those are massive companies.

I wonder how they get hold of addresses, do you think that they just type them in , hoping that they will strike lucky.? I was warned about using our name in email addresses and you can be tracked that way.

A number of ways…

From websites if you are silly enough to give your address away.

From idiots that forward e-mails along the lines of ‘send this to everybody in your contact book within two days and you will get rich’ to, um everybody in their contact book.

From people that leave their PC’s open to viruses which can ‘farm’ e-maill addresses from them

From unscrupulous companies that sell your e-mail address on.
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Postby observer » Mon Feb 04, 2008 1:42 pm

I was told that spammers have computer programs that automatically run through letter combinations The program sends emails to an endless number of addresses, discarding those that replies saying 'are not in use', and keeping for future spam those where no message comes back.

If this is true (and I really don't know if it is, though it sounds credible), it's pointless changing your address as they'll find you. You can make them slow in finding you if you adopt a very long name I suppose.

Like others, I just find them a fact of life and delete thm without opening them.
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