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people hiding behind a computer.

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people hiding behind a computer.

Postby smudgert » Sat Feb 02, 2008 7:50 pm

Don't some of you think its strange how some people become aggressive, rude and macho when posting on forums; yet in the real world are cowardly and sad excuses for people; but once they create a false identity on the web, they feel they can say anything. It reminds me of playground stuff from school.
I had some idiot the other day post on a reply to a post of mine, no names, but this loser from a satellite broadband company in pissouri kept writing "shame on you" on my posts. However, when i looked at all his previous posts, a lot of them where aggressive and used swear words; its good that they let these people out into the community for exercise, but not on the internet! What a sad loser!
Have any of you experienced similar things with other forum users?
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Postby Eliko » Sat Feb 02, 2008 7:54 pm

smudgert, welcome to the forum, good luck with your postings and, YES, all the time. :wink:
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Re: people hiding behind a computer.

Postby webbo » Sat Feb 02, 2008 8:00 pm

smudgert wrote:Don't some of you think its strange how some people become aggressive, rude and macho when posting on forums; yet in the real world are cowardly and sad excuses for people; but once they create a false identity on the web, they feel they can say anything. It reminds me of playground stuff from school.
I had some idiot the other day post on a reply to a post of mine, no names, but this loser from a satellite broadband company in pissouri kept writing "shame on you" on my posts. However, when i looked at all his previous posts, a lot of them where aggressive and used swear words; its good that they let these people out into the community for exercise, but not on the internet! What a sad loser!
Have any of you experienced similar things with other forum users?

Think we have all had this experience mate - lots of personal attacks go on, but in the main it is in good fun - I hope!

You could have written his name too - as far as I am aware only one CG in Pissouri!! As far as I can tell he is a kind, considerate and funny man - you sure he was not pulling your leg? :? :?

Bubbles x 8)
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Re: people hiding behind a computer.

Postby Leffette » Sat Feb 02, 2008 8:02 pm

I am new to the forum too
I started well and polite, but because of the few, I had to use the word WEIRDO, SHUT UP...and f.o.

In real life I never use this vocabulary, but here I was forced too.

I for sure regret having used the above language, and I decided, I will take it light and said it very well, they are this way, because they are anonymous!

Stay cool, and ignore the coolest ones....they must be too lonely that is why the attitude.

smudgert wrote:Don't some of you think its strange how some people become aggressive, rude and macho when posting on forums; yet in the real world are cowardly and sad excuses for people; but once they create a false identity on the web, they feel they can say anything. It reminds me of playground stuff from school.
I had some idiot the other day post on a reply to a post of mine, no names, but this loser from a satellite broadband company in pissouri kept writing "shame on you" on my posts. However, when i looked at all his previous posts, a lot of them where aggressive and used swear words; its good that they let these people out into the community for exercise, but not on the internet! What a sad loser!
Have any of you experienced similar things with other forum users?
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Postby bill cobbett » Sat Feb 02, 2008 8:13 pm

Absolutely smudgert.

We have to accept it will happen on this and any other internet forum. My experience is that this forum is pretty civilised and respectful, on the whole.

So put on your thick skin, give as good as you get, treat others as they treat you and keep on posting.
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Postby phoenix » Sat Feb 02, 2008 8:46 pm

I think the most boring people on the forum (as in real life) are the watchers and the critics. The ones that participate, merely to slag others off, and complain about their styles or substance.

In life, there are watchers and there are doers ... and even if people are venting feelings (which they may be too shy to do in life) .... the forum, as their 21st Century medium for expression is fine. Why complain? Why post a paragraph to complain about what and how, people say things?

Don't bother revealing you are a watcher, just join in.

By posting, you are joining in, so how can you be any better? .... especially by showing us that you are a moaner instead of a contributor.

Let people be.
If they can be more expressive behind a keyboard ...... what is the problem?

Some of the world's greatest authors were as timid as mice in real life ...... but given a pen / typewriter their genius flowed (e.g. Leo Tolstoy).

So shut up, let people be expressive in whatever medium suits them.

That includes you ...... just don't moan! It's the only thing I abhor.
Get on with it. :D

BTW ..... I am really aggressive in real life and tend to calm down in front of my PC. :wink: That's when reason and rationality prevail. 8)
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thanks phoenix

Postby smudgert » Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:00 am

thank you, my point proved. You say that people should be allowed to vent, freedom of speech etc. This is what i was doing and you tell me to shut up.
Maybe thinking before you write is a good policy as what you seem to champion, you also seem to want to quash.
Don't tell people to shut up; as you say, let them speak freely. Practice what you preach.
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Re: people hiding behind a computer.

Postby cyprusgrump » Sun Feb 03, 2008 11:38 am

smudgert wrote:Don't some of you think its strange how some people become aggressive, rude and macho when posting on forums; yet in the real world are cowardly and sad excuses for people; but once they create a false identity on the web, they feel they can say anything. It reminds me of playground stuff from school.
I had some idiot the other day post on a reply to a post of mine, no names, but this loser from a satellite broadband company in pissouri kept writing "shame on you" on my posts. However, when i looked at all his previous posts, a lot of them where aggressive and used swear words; its good that they let these people out into the community for exercise, but not on the internet! What a sad loser!
Have any of you experienced similar things with other forum users?

Oh dear oh dear…

Smudgert, I’ve been posting on this forum for a long time and I like to think that I respond in kind.

If someone calls me a wanker or tries to ‘troll up’ the board I will respond in the same manner.

If somebody asks a stupid question that has been asked millions of times before I will tell them to check the old posts on the subject or use the search facility.

And as for you, I quite frankly don’t care if you want to sell illegal products on this forum or try and con people out of their money – that is for the admin to decide if they want to allow it.

However, I do object to people like you that try and insult my intelligence (and that of my long-term friends on the board) by trying to part me from my money with your dodgy goods and con tricks.

I say again, shame on you for selling pirated products on this board and cheap ‘con’ products which clearly cannot perform as you claim. :evil:
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Postby cyprusgrump » Sun Feb 03, 2008 12:02 pm

By the way, my business is a Cypriot limited company which is registered for and pays VAT and corporation tax.

Can you say the same or do you sell your dodgy products from a car boot in a Limassol car park with not a word to the taxman (or the copyright holder)? ;-)
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Re: thanks phoenix

Postby phoenix » Sun Feb 03, 2008 4:08 pm

smudgert wrote:thank you, my point proved. You say that people should be allowed to vent, freedom of speech etc. This is what i was doing and you tell me to shut up.
Maybe thinking before you write is a good policy as what you seem to champion, you also seem to want to quash.
Don't tell people to shut up; as you say, let them speak freely. Practice what you preach.

I think you were being given encouragement to join in with something more interesting than moaning about how others post.
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