You are absolutely spot on, this Forum has a considerably number of people who spend their sad time thinking up what they think are smart remarks and insulting people behind the anomonity of the web.
If you met them face to face they wouldn’t have the gum shone to say boo to anyone "LOSERS"
Very interesting remarks from someone that stated publicly on this forum that he ( assuming you are a he ) would never return to this forum and didn't want to be associated with sad old people

Now lets go back to one of your previous posts where you asked for advice on picking up English TV channels in Cyprus ~ I gave you excellent advice which you chose to ignore with a comment of "can someone give me a serious answer to my question".
I repeated the answer again and expanded it a bit to include other options other than a huge dish and I received abuse back so I would say that the fault lies with you for not being able to understand the written word and appreciate good advice when it's given ~ that sadly your problem not mine.
I would be more than willing for a personal meeting with you to find a solution to your perceived problems and that is meant in a genuine manner and not in the slightest to be regarded as a threat ~ but would you be there or are you hiding behind the keyboard as you seem to imagine others are

I don't work so I'm available most days unless out pursuing one of my many hobbies or it may come as a bit of a shock to you ~ visiting friends

Now to sense of humour ~ obviously you are quite a serious person that doesn't enjoy a smile and a laugh occasionally and that makes me feel sad for you ~ but there are folk on this forum that would insult you and argue with you the likes of which you have ( obviously ) never seen before should you stray into the wrong thread .
Go on have a laugh and lighten up ~ you know you can do it if you try hard .
As for suddenly reappearing to support our newest member ~ the ebay reseller ~ well no comment.
Bill ~ large as life ~ both in person and behind the keyboard