If there is nothing that can be achieved through dialogue then what future is being offered apart from more of the same?
In what way does the Annan plan not offer for the Turkish Cypriots the opportunity to live in a federal state within the EU?
I wont comment on the suggestion that the people in the north are not represented by an elected government. I am surprised also by the notion that the Turkish republic controls things, are you not aware that Turkish Cypriots welcomed the presence of the Turkish army in 1974 and the support it has offered since?
Piratis wrote:The solution should be good for both sides.
I am aware that most TC offer the support to the invasion and occupation of Cyprus. Still we are willing to leave the past behind if an OK solution is found.
If you do what you always did you will always get what you always had
Piratis wrote:The problem is that what we always had is more than what we will have if we accept the Annan plan. So the bad will become worst. Why should we want that?
It's not so great to belong to an ethnic minority, many people living in the UK will tell you the same? Did not Greek Cypriots leave Cyprus to become members of an ethnic minority for economic reasons?
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