by vintagechick » Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:08 pm
it's funny how people's perception of uk vs. cyprus differs. having spent almost two years in england, london, and more or less a year here, i'd most definitely pick up england as a place where to stay permanently.
i find people in england way more polite!, nicer in general, they have manners, everything is more accesible there, much wider range of goods, services, the services are actually functional, unlike here, lol. there sure is a higher crime rate in engl., but hey what's the difference really if you get killed in uk by a psycho on the street, or here by a loser who cannot drive, cuz hello, forget a little safety on the roads, there is NO safety whatsoever. also myself, i find cyprus and living here as expensive as in london. everything takes ages to be done here, not even mentioning the way the cypriots treat women...and i admit, this is one of the crucial parts for me, cuz yeah, i find the behavior nothing but disgusting. of course, the big, and for me the only plus is the weather, nature, but that's it about it. if it wasn't for my boyfriend still working here, i'd be gone by now!
oh hello, when you ask me, you cannot even compare these two countries!