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Our biggest mistake was returning to the UK

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Postby Sega » Sat Feb 02, 2008 4:36 pm

GorillaGal wrote:
Nikitas wrote:Gorrila Gal,

The crime rate is a RATE of crimes per 100 000 people. The total size of the population is totally irrelevant to the RATE. Your very reliable FBI crime statistics prove beyond doubt that your cities are much more violent than most places on earth, and no I do not believe it has anything to do with guns etc. It ties in with Anglosaxon tolerance of crimes against the person, there is no social taboo against it, the same goes for public drunkenness.

The homicide rate for the USA is 5.9, for the UK 1.62 and for Cyprus 0.26. The rates for offences against the person is about the same. Ergo Cyprus is a much safer place to live than the USA.

As for being in a legal tangle, there is not much difference, Cyprus has the exact same legal system as the USA, it is called Common Law and we both got it from the British. Which proves that the difference in crime rate is a cultural thing and not attributable to the legal system.

it depends on how you define "safe." i think i see it in a more global sense than you do. Location is everything. i am much safer in NY. but that's just me.....

Much of Cyprus's crime goes unreported for fear of being published in papers and so forth. I had heared of many crimes go unreported for this reason.
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Postby loving it » Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:34 am

Sega wrote:
GorillaGal wrote:
Nikitas wrote:Gorrila Gal,

Much of Cyprus's crime goes unreported for fear of being published in papers and so forth. I had heared of many crimes go unreported for this reason.

And much of the UK's crime goes unreported as the newspapers could not possible mention it all.

If there was more work available in Cyprus or if I was at retirement age, or better still if I was rich enough not to have to work, then Cyprus would definately be my place to live.
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Postby Nikitas » Sun Feb 03, 2008 2:16 am

Are you suggesting that murders can happen and go unreported, or are you saying that crime reports do not appear in the press? The crime rates quoted above are from the FBI and UN sources.

Aso for global sense GG, I lived in England for most of my teens and twenties. I have also lived in France, Cyprus and Greece and travel extensively in Europe and the Middle East. Feeling safe to me means not having to worry about which areas are safe before you go there, something experienced only in the UK and France so far.

The crime statistics seem to back the subjective feeling. And it is something that impacts on the quality of life which is basic to this thread.
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Postby paliometoxo » Sun Feb 03, 2008 4:13 am

GorillaGal wrote:for one thing, there are far more people in the UK than there are in CY. of course the crime rate will be higher where there are more people.

there are good and bad in all, people, places.... personally, i would rather have chilly or cold weather than hot. at least i can put nice soft warm clothes on and cuddle with the ones i love. if it's too hot, it's just too miserable. there is nothing like a new snow either. so pretty and clean, and fun to play in. i adore the change of seasons here in new york.

healthy fresh food you can get in any country. and if you miss the ways of the evil westerners, there is a KFC, McDonalds, or Starbucks nearby.

people may be friendlier in CY, but they are just gaining information that they can gossip to their neighbors about.

the medical care is better in the UK or the USA (IF you have the money to pay for it!).

if i had to have a run in with any police/legal systems, i sure would hope it would be in the USA and not in CY.

id eat popeyes chicken every day lol we dont have that here i think only u.s does and maybe canada if im not mistaken?
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Postby Leffette » Sun Feb 03, 2008 6:30 am

You will get used to the life style in the UK are just being homesick for Cyprus, since you adopted to the life style there.

I had the same frustrations, when I moved to Canada, and now I forgot about them, eventhough they are there, they don't seem to bother me any more
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Postby miltiades » Sun Feb 03, 2008 10:08 am

Nikitas wrote:Are you suggesting that murders can happen and go unreported, or are you saying that crime reports do not appear in the press? The crime rates quoted above are from the FBI and UN sources.

Aso for global sense GG, I lived in England for most of my teens and twenties. I have also lived in France, Cyprus and Greece and travel extensively in Europe and the Middle East. Feeling safe to me means not having to worry about which areas are safe before you go there, something experienced only in the UK and France so far.

The crime statistics seem to back the subjective feeling. And it is something that impacts on the quality of life which is basic to this thread.

Excellent post .
Here are some statistics on the number of prisoners per 100000 :
The US tops the list with 686 followed by the Cayman Islands !! 664, Russia with 603 and
Virgin Islands , Belize , Bermuda South Africa all in excess of 400 !!
Cyprus has 56 , Greece 79 and Turkey 93 all low figures but compared to India , 28 makes the Cyprus figures quite high .The UK has 139 .
Cyprus has one oth lowest prisoner figures , remember is per 100 thousand of the population.
Take some figures with a large pinch of salt , for instance the Nigerian figure is 34 !!! Get in a taxi and the chances are you will be robbed before arriving at your hotel !! There are not enough prisons to house inmates and most criminals out there are in high positions , corruption is perhaps the highest in the world.
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Postby Sega » Sun Feb 03, 2008 10:10 am

Nikitas wrote:Are you suggesting that murders can happen and go unreported, or are you saying that crime reports do not appear in the press? The crime rates quoted above are from the FBI and UN sources.

Aso for global sense GG, I lived in England for most of my teens and twenties. I have also lived in France, Cyprus and Greece and travel extensively in Europe and the Middle East. Feeling safe to me means not having to worry about which areas are safe before you go there, something experienced only in the UK and France so far.

The crime statistics seem to back the subjective feeling. And it is something that impacts on the quality of life which is basic to this thread.

I was not suggesting Cyprus has a higher crime rate, nor was I insinuating that the UK is a safer place to live. In circumstances however when people would normally go to the police I have witnessed many not bother for fear of publication, more so in Cyprus that the UK. I can only speak from personal experience.
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Postby Johnson&Johnson » Sun Feb 03, 2008 12:54 pm

I know 4 coupes who left cyprus in the last few years, all citing financial reasons, accompanied by the usual whining about how cyprus is no good, cypriots are rude, it's boring here, blah blah blah

all 4 are now making plans to return

they are far worse off abraod than they were here, and all of them miss the safety, friendliness of the pople and general lifestyle

work in cyprus is easy to find. although not well paid, if you stick to foreign and offshore companies you should do ok. and remember, you get what you give. work hard and show some commitment and the money will find you. if you are an over-educated prima donna who expects a hgh salary just because you boozed your way through eight years of university, then you might be in for a shock.

red tape for small businesses is minimal, so entrepreuners thrive out here. if you have a good idea, great execution and are competetive, you can do well

health care is OK. better than the US by far, and out here you are not one illness away from the poorhouse as you are in the states

lifestyle is second to none. i dont care what anyone says, and ive been all over the world
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Postby Sega » Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:45 pm

Johnson&Johnson wrote:I know 4 coupes who left cyprus in the last few years, all citing financial reasons, accompanied by the usual whining about how cyprus is no good, cypriots are rude, it's boring here, blah blah blah

all 4 are now making plans to return

they are far worse off abraod than they were here, and all of them miss the safety, friendliness of the pople and general lifestyle

work in cyprus is easy to find. although not well paid, if you stick to foreign and offshore companies you should do ok. and remember, you get what you give. work hard and show some commitment and the money will find you. if you are an over-educated prima donna who expects a hgh salary just because you boozed your way through eight years of university, then you might be in for a shock.

red tape for small businesses is minimal, so entrepreuners thrive out here. if you have a good idea, great execution and are competetive, you can do well

health care is OK. better than the US by far, and out here you are not one illness away from the poorhouse as you are in the states

lifestyle is second to none. i dont care what anyone says, and ive been all over the world

Well said... your spot on in every point.
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Postby Bill » Sun Feb 03, 2008 2:19 pm

miltiades wrote:I know of quite a few Brits returning back to the UK , but all are Cypriots or UK born Cypriots that some how have difficulty in adjusting to Cyprus life .

Hmm ~ sadly my wife is one of them ~~

I moved to the UK at the age of eight ( not from Cyprus ) so I don't really associate with the country I first grew up in ~ except for a few distant memories as I've spent 52 years in the UK plus 1 year now in Cyprus.

My Cypriot wife who grew up in Cyprus talks most days of returning back to the UK her adopted home for thirty plus years which is very sad really .

I'm quite happy here though and hopefully here is where we will stay .

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