FreeSpirit wrote:Filitsa wrote:I understand your point, FreeSpirit, but how liberating to the Iraqi people is the current state of affairs? The Cheny-Rumsfeldt-Bush triumverate in its "infinite wisdom" must own responsibility for opening "Pandora's Box." The consequences America suffers are bad enough; those suffered by Iraq are far worse.
These aren't iraqis behind this, look what happened to Japan and Germany after the war ended
They were bombed far worse than iraq, the bombings on Germany makes the iraq skirmish look like a garden firework display.
Look how well those two countries fared under allied control; the reason, no scummbag muslims around stirring up trouble.
When will you people wake up and give over with this anti western garbage.
There is a plague sweeping the world today; that plague is islam.
I could show you how much my city was bombed during the WWII blitz, far worse than anything iraq suffered, I was born at a time when my city was being bombed regularly by the Germans, our playgrounds were the bombed building sites and disused air raid shelters, only in recent years were the air raid shelters at my old school demolished, my father worked in a factory during the daytime and was a fireman at night, my grandfather was fetched out of retirement to drive trains and help with the war effort.
Just remember WWII lasted 6 years not 6 weeks
How many German soldiers are still walking about then???????