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Postby FreeSpirit » Sun Feb 10, 2008 12:42 am


The poor demented traumatised iraqis have now vented their anger on Children, They have laced cake which was to be given to children with the same poison that Saddam used on his enemys. two children have died as a result with some being treated in Amman Jordan.

Apparently and according to some of this frorums members the iraqi people were so traumatised after being liberated by the coalition that they went on a killing spree, so soothing was the initial effect that it has now become a social pastime.
It is expected that a Brownie League table will soon be in place with points awarded for results obtained, you will it seems get bonus Brownie points for killing iraqi people, a double bonus is awarde for getting disabled people to help you.
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Postby FreeSpirit » Sun Feb 10, 2008 8:44 pm

Get Real! wrote:Afghanistan, and then Pakistan, and then all the other stans! So what do you say?

My uncle Stan was an Engine Driver, why do you want to bomb him?
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Postby FreeSpirit » Sun Feb 10, 2008 8:48 pm

Another 20+ killed in yet another attack on the glorious liberators.
20+ iraqi civillians were killed by a suicide bomber today, the question must be how long can the coalition sustain these losses.
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Postby Filitsa » Sun Feb 10, 2008 9:48 pm


The poor demented traumatised iraqis have now vented their anger on Children, They have laced cake which was to be given to children with the same poison that Saddam used on his enemys. two children have died as a result with some being treated in Amman Jordan.

Apparently and according to some of this frorums members the iraqi people were so traumatised after being liberated by the coalition that they went on a killing spree, so soothing was the initial effect that it has now become a social pastime.
It is expected that a Brownie League table will soon be in place with points awarded for results obtained, you will it seems get bonus Brownie points for killing iraqi people, a double bonus is awarde for getting disabled people to help you.

I understand your point, FreeSpirit, but how liberating to the Iraqi people is the current state of affairs? The Cheny-Rumsfeldt-Bush triumverate in its "infinite wisdom" must own responsibility for opening "Pandora's Box." The consequences America suffers are bad enough; those suffered by Iraq are far worse.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Feb 10, 2008 9:54 pm

No Filitsa , the Iraqis are a liberated people but not as it seems from the Savages who spread death and destruction on a daily basis. There is NO excuse whatsoever for these barbaric acts by these lunatics.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Feb 10, 2008 10:07 pm

miltiades wrote:No Filitsa , the Iraqis are a liberated people but not as it seems from the Savages who spread death and destruction on a daily basis. There is NO excuse whatsoever for these barbaric acts by these lunatics.

The problem is that when you were a little boy you watched too many black & white Tarzan movies where they had "savages" and other make believe characters like "Cheeta" and "Jane" but in real life its a little more complicated than that Millie... there are factions within Islam like Sunni and Shia, and even more factions within those that the US/UK manipulates to get its way.

Divide and conquer is the method used for decades to keep your very own country (Cyprus – in case you forgot) in turmoil by the bigger and nastier powers so it should be no surprise to you that Iraqis are killing Iraqis just as Cypriots were killing Cypriots at one time not too long ago.

I expect a man of your age to know better than to jump to conclusions about what causes inter-communal conflict and it has nothing to do with “savages” I’m afraid to disappoint... :roll:
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Postby Filitsa » Sun Feb 10, 2008 11:46 pm

miltiades wrote:No Filitsa , the Iraqis are a liberated people but not as it seems from the Savages who spread death and destruction on a daily basis. There is NO excuse whatsoever for these barbaric acts by these lunatics.

Then, Miltiades, they are in effect not liberated.

It is a fact that the current state of affairs is a consequence of the invasion of American forces and their take down of the Hussein regime. Consequently, one can postulate one of only two conclusions: 1) the "triumverate" was aware that tribal insurgence would ensue, or 2) the "triumverate" was unaware that tribal insurgence would ensue. To postulate the former, would imply that the "triumverate" had a plan. To postulate the latter, would imply that the "triumverate" was inept. Which one is it?
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Postby FreeSpirit » Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:35 am

Filitsa wrote:
miltiades wrote:No Filitsa , the Iraqis are a liberated people but not as it seems from the Savages who spread death and destruction on a daily basis. There is NO excuse whatsoever for these barbaric acts by these lunatics.

Then, Miltiades, they are in effect not liberated.

It is a fact that the current state of affairs is a consequence of the invasion of American forces and their take down of the Hussein regime. Consequently, one can postulate one of only two conclusions: 1) the "triumverate" was aware that tribal insurgence would ensue, or 2) the "triumverate" was unaware that tribal insurgence would ensue. To postulate the former, would imply that the "triumverate" had a plan. To postulate the latter, would imply that the "triumverate" was inept. Which one is it?

It is a proven fact that most of the terrorists organisers are from outside iraq, mainly Syria and Iran along with a hefty portion from Al Quaeda.
These people are using the iraqi people to further their own ends they don't give a shit about the iraqis.
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Postby FreeSpirit » Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:37 am

Get Real! wrote:[Divide and conquer is the method used for decades to keep your very own country (Cyprus – in case you forgot) in turmoil by the bigger and nastier powers so it should be no surprise to you that Iraqis are killing Iraqis just as Cypriots were killing Cypriots at one time not too long ago.

I expect a man of your age to know better than to jump to conclusions about what causes inter-communal conflict and it has nothing to do with “savages” I’m afraid to disappoint... :roll:

You do talk a lot of crap.
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Postby FreeSpirit » Mon Feb 11, 2008 2:56 am

Filitsa wrote:I understand your point, FreeSpirit, but how liberating to the Iraqi people is the current state of affairs? The Cheny-Rumsfeldt-Bush triumverate in its "infinite wisdom" must own responsibility for opening "Pandora's Box." The consequences America suffers are bad enough; those suffered by Iraq are far worse.

These aren't iraqis behind this, look what happened to Japan and Germany after the war ended
They were bombed far worse than iraq, the bombings on Germany makes the iraq skirmish look like a garden firework display.
Look how well those two countries fared under allied control; the reason, no scummbag muslims around stirring up trouble.
When will you people wake up and give over with this anti western garbage.
There is a plague sweeping the world today; that plague is islam.

I could show you how much my city was bombed during the WWII blitz, far worse than anything iraq suffered, I was born at a time when my city was being bombed regularly by the Germans, our playgrounds were the bombed building sites and disused air raid shelters, only in recent years were the air raid shelters at my old school demolished, my father worked in a factory during the daytime and was a fireman at night, my grandfather was fetched out of retirement to drive trains and help with the war effort.
Just remember WWII lasted 6 years not 6 weeks
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