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Re: Liar Get Real

Postby FreeSpirit » Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:42 pm

Eliko wrote:
FreeSpirit wrote:
phoenix wrote:[Applying the Spirit of the Law: I think the "if" was used as a conjunction, merely joining the two clauses. :D

As I had never said or implied what Get Real put in his response the question must be why did he write it other than to mislead, it is so typical of people such as Eliko, Get Real and now you yourself, you have no argument to put foreward so you either fall back on the good old whipping boys 'The West' or write something that appears on the face of it to quote a person, in other words mischief making.

To get back on topic these savages are from outside of Iraq and in truth a very high and increasing daily percentage of Iraqis are cottoning on to how they are being used by the terrorists, they have set up their own neighbourhood watch system and are succeeding in ousting these infiltrators.

I think you will find that the 'Neighbourhood Watchers' are those that are now being paid vast amounts by the U.S. in order that they (the U.S.) may gain a little credibility for their failures.

Ultimately, the aggressors may even be allowed to withdraw with some semblance of dignity, providing they are allowed to by the (now silent and probably 'Well Paid Off') forces of the South. :wink:

Once again no mention about the proven fact that most of these terrorists are from outside Iraq.
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Barbaric savages

Postby FreeSpirit » Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:50 pm

Eliko wrote:Criticism of their cultural differences is also quite pointless, in fact it is laughable, you would be just as well employed in criticizing an elephant because it has a trunk, their culture is what they ARE. :wink:

Once again no answer, you said that there were no suicide bombers under Saddam, so how is this barbaric savage business of using Downs Syndrome sufferers as bomb carriers suddenly "Their Culture"?
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Re: Liar Get Real the village idiot

Postby Eliko » Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:52 pm

[quote="FreeSpirit] We used to put the heads of cretins like him down the toilet and pull the flush.[/quote]

THAT statement categorizes you as something of a 'Bully' and probably explains the reason for why you are so ready to accept the actions of the U.S. in Iraq, thanks for the additional information, it is now much easier to understand where you are coming from.

Obviously the 'Victim' of your assault would need to be much smaller than yourself (and in all probability your mates) in order for you to engage in such actions.

A classic example of what has happened in Iraq, though on a much smaller scale, I understand similar techniques were used in Guantanamo, I think it is called 'Water-Boarding', not sure though never been a fan of 'Bullying' myself. :wink:
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Re: Liar Get Real

Postby Get Real! » Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:54 pm

Filitsa wrote:Let me help you, fellas. "If" does not establish a query; it establishes a contingency. That said, following the logic established above, GR is not only a "liar," he's an "idiot" too. :wink:

You’ll be lucky to help yourself comprehend the basics of the English language let alone help others!

"IF" is a Boolean query having only two possible outcomes and they are either TRUE or FALSE.

For example, the statement… “If you are over 18 you can vote” ...can only yield a “yes” or “no” and there is no such thing as a MAYBE. The same applies to every other use of the “if” IF (pun intended) you care to research. ... y/entry/if
Last edited by Get Real! on Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Liar Get Real

Postby Get Real! » Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:00 pm

FreeSpirit wrote:You are just a lying mischief maker, you never contribute but just go around making mischief, regardles how you imply things and try to trick people you have never contributed anything but to snipe, in other words a pathetic loner and liar to boot.

IF you ever bother to check you'll find that I've contributed far more to this forum than you will ever manage, or last even, so quit jumping to unfounded conclusions and making a constant fool of yourself.

Notice how the word IF keeps coming back to haunt you... :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:06 pm

Eliko wrote:miltiades, "My Goodness!" :shock: the fact that you can treat Copperline's contribution in such a disparaging manner is proof positive that your knowledge of the events in Iraq are enormously lacking.

I think THAT example of how those who resist aggression think, is absolutely 'Spot On'.

It would not occur to you of course since you are inflexible in your approach to any view that is contrary to your own.

Beware narrow-mindedness my friend, such a condition is unhealthy in debate since it may attract others of the same ilk and destroy the subject under discussion.

You are not alone in your description of the horrors we are all aware of, you become isolated when you constantly make reference to them under the false assumption that we are not.

Read of Copperline's contribution again, try to imagine yourself in the position of the Algerian, maybe the significance of what he states may dawn on you also, it certainly made sense to me. :wink:

Eliko , we were not comparing this vile act to anything , not Algerian , EOKA or any other act of violoence.Coppeline in his usual utterly absurd comparisons , such as the one that he likened Cuban boat people to Brits emigrating from the UK.The guy is an educated , like millions of others , but has no perception what so ever of something commonly known as logic or common sense.How can anyone make any intelligent comparison of any acts of violence with this ACT OF BARBARISM .
This is what you say """I think THAT example of how those who resist aggression think, is absolutely 'Spot On'. "" Eliko , my dear young educated but totally illogical chap , how can anyone seriously suggest that this savage act had the slightest connection with "resisting aggression !!!
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:14 pm

miltiades wrote:
Filitsa wrote:Correct, Pheonix, however, GR was talking content and not mechanics. :)

GR was in this instance talking absolute nonsense. The question was that two DAWN SYNDROME innocent girls...

That sounds more like the syndrome you get Miltiades first thing in the morning because you couldn't get it up in the evening... :lol:
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Re: Liar Get Real the village idiot

Postby Eliko » Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:21 pm

Eliko wrote:[quote="FreeSpirit] We used to put the heads of cretins like him down the toilet and pull the flush.[/quote]

THAT statement categorizes you as something of a 'Bully' and probably explains the reason for why you are so ready to accept the actions of the U.S. in Iraq, thanks for the additional information, it is now much easier to understand where you are coming from.

Obviously the 'Victim' of your assault would need to be much smaller than yourself (and in all probability your mates) in order for you to engage in such actions.

A classic example of what has happened in Iraq, though on a much smaller scale, I understand similar techniques were used in Guantanamo, I think it is called 'Water-Boarding', not sure though never been a fan of 'Bullying' myself. :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:22 pm

Eliko , this is how the Times of London reports this attrocity , it offers a reason why the these savages carried out this despicable act.You will no no mention of Algerian or other" resistance " attacks. They simply consider the selling of pets as haram !!!!
Baghdad’s fragile peace was shattered yesterday when explosives strapped to two women with Down’s syndrome were detonated by remote control in crowded pet markets, killing at least 91 people in the worst attacks that the capital had experienced for almost a year.

Iraqi and American officials blamed al-Qaeda, and accused the terrorist organisation of plumbing new depths of depravity. Condoleezza Rice, the US Secretary of State, said that al-Qaeda’s use of mentally-handicapped women as bombers showed that it had “no political programme here that is acceptable to a civilised society and that this is the most brutal and the most bankrupt of movements”.

Ryan Crocker, the US Ambassador, said: “There is nothing they won’t do if they think it will work in creating carnage and the political fallout that comes from that.”
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Al-Qaeda has increasingly used women as suicide bombers in recent weeks but this would be the first known case of its triggering their explosives through remote control. “We found the mobiles used to detonate the women,” Major-General Qassim Moussawi, an Iraqi military spokesman, said. He said that both women had Down’s syndrome.

The first woman was blown up in the bird section of the popular al-Ghazl pet market in central Baghdad soon after 10am, killing at least 50 people, injuring scores more and leaving the ground covered in body parts, blood and the scorched carcasses of birds.

A mobile phone rang incessantly amid the shoes, prayer beads, identity cards and other debris. Sunni fundamentalists consider the selling of pets to be haram — forbidden on religious grounds.

The woman’s head was found nearby. Colonel Mounim Hashim Fahad, an Iraqi army officer, said that she looked foreign. There were reports that she had blonde hair.

Ahmed Dabab, 36, a bird seller, said: “People were gathering around where most of the bird cages were and then this woman walked into the middle of the crowd. Then I saw a big flame and heard a loud bang. I saw bodies flying through the air. Most of the dead were young.”

Ali Ahmed, a pigeon seller, said: “I just remember the horrible scenes of the bodies of dead and wounded people mixed with the blood of animals and birds, and then I found myself lying in a hospital bed.”

The market, which opens only on Fridays, sells everything from dogs to snakes and exotic fish. It was bombed three times last year, most recently on November 23 when a bomb hidden in an animal container killed 13 people. It has revived in recent weeks, especially since the Friday driving ban was lifted, and yesterday was packed with visitors.

The second attack took place in another bird market in a predominantly Shia area of southeast Baghdad about 20 minutes later, soon before the Islamic call to prayer. That blast killed dozens more.
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Liar now in a hole and still digging

Postby FreeSpirit » Sat Feb 02, 2008 2:33 pm

Get Real! wrote:[That you're an idiot if you think that Iraqis killing Iraqis is bad but Americans or Brits killing Iraqis is Ok.

Where did I imply or say anything remotely related to the above?
This is going to come back and haunt for a long time, you'r in a hole my advice is "Stop Digging".

Any scurrilous, devious method to distract from the original subject regarding the evil savages who used poor disadvantaged women for such a disgusting deed.
It would be very easy to form the opinion that you actualy support this act of barbarism with the your constant failed attempts to shift the blame onto the Coalition.
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