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Postby Filitsa » Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:28 pm

FreeSpirit wrote:
Filitsa wrote:As a noun, ransom is consideration demanded for the release of someone or something held captive. As a verb, it is to pay consideration demanded for the release of someone or something held captive. Are you sure you don't mean "holding the world hostage? Nevertheless, I as much believe that Sadam was able to hold the world hostage over oil as I believe your use of the word "ransome" is syntactically correct (or spelled correctly for that matter).

Filitsa my Daughter has an honours degree in English; she teaches 'A' level English to students where English is a second language, I; on the other hand went to school where if you failed your 11+ you got an average education.
My daughter were she here would no doubt find much to correct in you responses.
When you have to resort to nittpicking it shows you are running low on ammunition.

FreeSpirit, I wrote the above in haste. Now, after re-reading it, I realize that it is indeed unecessarily offensive. I apologize.

Suffice it to say that I believe you give undue credit to the impact Sadam had on the oil industry.
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Postby FreeSpirit » Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:05 pm

Thank you Filitsa I withdraw my comments as well.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:42 pm

Eliko wrote:
miltiades wrote:Eliko wrote ::
""""I wonder if THAT could be the reason for why there is so much mayhem in that nation, subsequent to the unlawful murderous attack upon it. """
THAT COULD BE THE REASON , Eliko says !! By that of course he means the overthrow of a murderous tyrant and the democratic elections that took place in Iraq.
Are you brain dead Eliko , the savages are mostly Sunni Muslims who consider the Shiites as worst than Infidels. These savages will not hesitate to kill little babies days old if they were Shiites .Get a hold of your self mate, the killers are not fighting an aggressor , they are fucking lunatics mostly illiterate scum who would cant wait to get their hands on those luscious bloody !! virgins.

miltiades, IF I may say so, this latest contribution is beneath you. :wink:

Eliko , I do not tolerate absurd and ludicrous assumptions or points of view. All have a right to voice their views and I say of course they have regardless of how stupid those views might be. Any one that fails to see that the thousands upon thousands of Iraqis would would give their right hand for an American Green card , they would risk life and limb to get out of the shit hole created by the savages and join the 21st century in the land of opportunity , the land that even today thousands of Latinos are illegally entering risking their lives , in fact many thousands perish trying to get to the USA. The Iraqis have a chance to create a democracy that works and becomes the envy of the M.East , but the savages , allahoahbar illiterates wont give them a chance. Murdering them daily in public places and all for what , a few bloody virgins !!! What a bunch of uncivilized barbarians !!
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Postby Eliko » Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:26 pm

miltiades, if you could dispense with the need to constantly elaborate on your already well known views, you may come to understand that their are more serious considerations for discussion in Iraq than the prospect of securing the favours of a few virgins, providing one is prepared for martyrdom.

Obviously there are those who would prefer to live in (what they perceive to be) a richer and more comfortable environment than they presently have, particularly now that their homes have been destroyed and they themselves are left homeless and destitute.

The same would apply to 'Latinos' or any other nationality which had similar intentions, good luck to them, nobody should blame any person who seeks to improve their lot, (particularly if they have families).

The problems lie with the fact that 'Democracy' is being forced upon a nation that DOES NOT WANT IT.

The examples of 'Democracy' are nothing to be envied (as far as those who oppose it are concerned) since it will require them to adopt principles and standards of behaviour which they DO NOT WANT.

It is very easy for WE of the West to insist that OUR standards are superior to theirs but where is the evidence when those people (who have and are entitled to have) their OWN standards, do not WANT ours.

It is pointless to continually highlight the fact that the 'Savages Strike Again' since those you have labelled so, view our society with disdain, they are prepared to die rather than join us and, YES, they are prepared to commit the most horrendous acts in order to emphasize the fact.

I do not agree with their actions, I understand the reasons for them, that does not make me a sympathizer nor does it mean that I condone them, it means I THINK about them, with repect to you miltiades, I wish you would do likewise. :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:19 am

Eliko says these barbies would rather die than join us !!!!
"""It is pointless to continually highlight the fact that the 'Savages Strike Again' since those you have labelled so, view our society with disdain, they are prepared to die rather than join us and, YES, they are prepared to commit the most horrendous acts in order to emphasize the fact. """

Shut up stupid , they are dying in their thousands trying to join us , Europe is full of them , they love our way of life so much so that they risk life and limb to join us. Poor bastards .
I understand them too well Eliko , I understand their murdering psychopathic tendencies , I understand that dying while killing innocent men women and children is an honour for these savage barbarians. I understand that abducting a Westerner and sticking a knife into his neck while screaming Allah Oh ahbar is . to these animals , a courageous acts but to the civilized society an abhorent act carried out by cold blooded murdering barbarians.
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Postby Eliko » Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:30 am

miltiades, WHY do you not READ what is written?
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Postby Filitsa » Sat Feb 16, 2008 3:16 am

For you, FreeSpirit. Miltiades and Eliko may find this interesting as well. In the States, the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) like NPR (National Public Radio) is more forthright than mainstream media in their efforts to report the news.
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Re: Liar Get Real the village idiot

Postby Eliko » Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:28 am

FreeSpirit wrote: We used to put the heads of cretins like him down the toilet and pull the flush.

My Goodness ! :shock: :shock: :shock: , I have just realized (whilst in the process of some research into FreeSpirits's fondness for addressing other members as LIARS) that the shocking incident of bullying helpless young schoolboys, (described in some detail above) was NOT confined to a single incident, it would appear that he engaged in the tortuous practice quite frequently (by his own admission !). :twisted:

It is also noteworthy that he was accompanied by others (possibly a gang) of similarly inclined bullies who probably dragged those hapless and certainly helpless screaming unfortunate victims into the toilets to execute their foul deeds, altogether cowardly and unacceptable behaviour. :twisted:

I believe the word 'Abuse' is the correct word to describe these actions, psychologists often theorize that individuals that participate in the performance of such activities derive a certain 'Sexual Gratification' as a result of it. :twisted:

Such actions could also be described as 'Sadistic' (although it would be rare to find a 'Gang' with such tendencies) it is possible that one or two might personify such. :twisted:

The prisoners of 'Guantanamo' were (or still are) subjected to a novel torture 'Water-Boarding', I suspect the treatment suffered by the victim of such would be 'on a par' with that of a young schoolboy under the oppressive power of a gang of bullies. :twisted:

Hopefully a spell in the 'Army' may have knocked some of the enthusiasm for such outrageous patterns of behaviour out of him, certainly, if I found such a chap under MY command, I would have ensured that his only dealings with 'Toilets', would be his consignment to them as a fatiguesman. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am sure that such activities (as described) are not only quite dangerous but also particularly stupid, the actions of a 'Cretin', which brings us nicely in line with an earlier contact I had with this 'Cretinous' individual when 'Pots and Kettles' came into the equation. :wink:

And the moral of the story is :- " A good kick in the arse is the best way to treat a 'Bully', (particularly an insulting one). :wink:
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Re: Liar Get Real the village idiot

Postby FreeSpirit » Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:08 pm

Eliko wrote:My Goodness ! , I have just realized (whilst in the process of some research into FreeSpirits's fondness for addressing other members as LIARS) that the shocking incident of bullying helpless young schoolboys, (described in some detail above) was NOT confined to a single incident, it would appear that he engaged in the tortuous practice quite frequently (by his own admission !).

It is also noteworthy that he was accompanied by others (possibly a gang) of similarly inclined bullies who probably dragged those hapless and certainly helpless screaming unfortunate victims into the toilets to execute their foul deeds, altogether cowardly and unacceptable behaviour.

Once again a msiconstrued version of events, the person I refered to was a persistent trouble causer amongst his fellow pupils and deserved the punishment he received, had we bullied him he would have had to have been some pefectly well behaved pupil causing no trouble but still picked on, that would be my definition of bullying.
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Re: Liar Get Real the village idiot

Postby Eliko » Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:28 pm

FreeSpirit wrote:
Eliko wrote:My Goodness ! , I have just realized (whilst in the process of some research into FreeSpirits's fondness for addressing other members as LIARS) that the shocking incident of bullying helpless young schoolboys, (described in some detail above) was NOT confined to a single incident, it would appear that he engaged in the tortuous practice quite frequently (by his own admission !).

It is also noteworthy that he was accompanied by others (possibly a gang) of similarly inclined bullies who probably dragged those hapless and certainly helpless screaming unfortunate victims into the toilets to execute their foul deeds, altogether cowardly and unacceptable behaviour.

Once again a msiconstrued version of events, the person I refered to was a persistent trouble causer amongst his fellow pupils and deserved the punishment he received, had we bullied him he would have had to have been some pefectly well behaved pupil causing no trouble but still picked on, that would be my definition of bullying.

Oh I'm so sorry FreeSpirit, it certainly was not my intention to misconstrue the events you described. :oops:

I naturally assumed (due to the fact that you DID state that you and others (WE) used to put the HEADS of CRETINS down the toilet and pull the chain) that there was more than one occasion. :roll:

So sorry for my failure to have anticipated the fact that you would change your story subsequent to it being brought to everyones notice. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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