FreeSpirit wrote:Eliko wrote:If the attack was JUSTIFIED, I would be standing in the same position as you have adopted, it is because of the fact that it was NOT, that we find ourselves in opposition.
This is a point that I will keep raising
You have constantly stated that no matter what an elected despot ie (Hitler Saddam Amin Pol Pot) of a country/state etc does is no business of anyone else, you leave the door open for a quick exit by putting "If the attack was justified".
How many million does it take for justification? you'r always quoting figures so surely in your superior mind you must have permanent campaigners league table.
Is it 200,000 for slap, on the wrist, 300,000 for sanctions, 500,000 for a trade embargo, does it have to go platinum before intervention?
Attempting to take the moral high ground is hardly any comfort to the Kurds, Marsh Arabs and hundreds of thousands of other innocent people that Saddam murdered every year.
And using mentaly disabled people to carry out barbaric deeds is disgusting yet you have constantly sanctioned this by playing anti coalition card.
For God's sake man, at least TRY to think about what you write, there is no point in your continual references to events which the entire world is aware of, your 'league table' is quite juvenile and it's contents meaningless in connection with what is under the spotlight here.
If you spent less time in spouting the horrors of the past (which once again I would like to point out is well known to ALL of us) you might discover the fact that we are concerned with what the current situation is in Iraq and HOW it evolved.
Even Saddam himself is now of no consequence since the man has been hanged and the answers to many questions with him.
If you are in agreement with the actions of the US/UK and others, if you are contented to live under the rule of leaders which lie to you in order to destroy others.
If you are content to absorb (sponge-like) all the information you receive from politically controlled newspapers, FINE, just keep one thing on your mind, there are others who prefer to THINK about what is taking place in the world, lest WE should be next on the list.
I think you may have seriously misinterpreted my comments about the leaders of other nations if you are implying that I am in agreement with harsh and unjust policies, perhaps you would benefit from a little THOUGHT on those issues also.