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Postby CopperLine » Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:35 pm

Miltiades, there is no doubt that these acts are horrific. I share your outrage. Outrage is only human. Condemnation is the easy bit. Try resolving - by military or political (negotiating) means. Now that is the difficult bit. Here is an excerpt of the script from the Battle of Algiers (the Giles Pontecorvo film). The character Ben M'Hidi is an FLN liberation fighter - what today would be called a 'terrorist - who has been captured by the French and is being interviewed by journalists (and who later becomes an Algerian national hero for leading the Algerians to freedom). I highlight the morally and politically difficult bit for you :


Ben M'Hidi is standing in front of the journalists with handcuffs on
his wrists and ankles. He is without a tie. He is smiling a little, his
glance ironical. There are two paras behind him with machine guns
ready. The picture is still for an instant; Ben M'Hidi's smile is
steady, so too his eyes, his entire face. Flashes, clicking of cameras.

Mr. Ben M'Hidi ... Don't you think it is
a bit cowardly to use your women's baskets
and handbags to carry explosive devices
that kill so many innocent people?

Ben M'Hidi shrugs his shoulders in his usual manner and smiles a

And doesn't it seem to you even more
cowardly to drop napalm bombs on unarmed
villages, so that there are a thousand
times more innocent victims? Of course,
if we had your airplanes it would be a lot
easier for us. Give us your bombers, and
you can have our baskets.

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Postby Get Real! » Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:44 pm

CopperLine wrote:

Ben M'Hidi is standing in front of the journalists with handcuffs on
his wrists and ankles. He is without a tie. He is smiling a little, his
glance ironical. There are two paras behind him with machine guns
ready. The picture is still for an instant; Ben M'Hidi's smile is
steady, so too his eyes, his entire face. Flashes, clicking of cameras.

Mr. Ben M'Hidi ... Don't you think it is
a bit cowardly to use your women's baskets
and handbags to carry explosive devices
that kill so many innocent people?

Ben M'Hidi shrugs his shoulders in his usual manner and smiles a

And doesn't it seem to you even more
cowardly to drop napalm bombs on unarmed
villages, so that there are a thousand
times more innocent victims? Of course,
if we had your airplanes it would be a lot
easier for us. Give us your bombers, and
you can have our baskets.

Nice try but this kind of example doesn't work with Mil! We've tried it before but the point we were missing, and now you seem to be missing, is that he calls them "savages"... (primitive, uncivilized, no manners, etc) in his frame of mind using archaic methods to fight back is bad and not having acquired the knowledge to invent and/or buy technology is also bad!

Either way you look at it the poor savages lose! :lol:
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Postby Eliko » Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:57 pm

miltiades wrote:Eliko wrote:
""""There is little point in attacking their beliefs for a very sound and simple reason, THEY believe in them. """

So did the Nazis , they had beliefs , so do the perverts , they have beliefs , so do murderers , the have beliefs and so do the child molesters , they have beliefs , and SO DO THESE SAVAGES .
mentally disabled children , because Dawns Syndrome sufferers are just children , so naive , so innocent and so sweet , I know them well , they are so innocent and so vulnerable , and the wild beasts , these savages who call them selves religious have used these innocent children to bring death amongst civilians not army personnel but civilians , the lowest form of human degradation .
Such savagery such primitive ferociousness against innocents instigated and carried out by barbarians.
If Iran WAS EVER allowed to develop fully weapons of mass destruction THE CIVILIZED WORLD AS WE KNOW IT MIGHT BECOME EXTINCT ! But they will not be permitted to do so .

miltiades, can you not see that, once again, you follow exactly the same train of thought that you are ever prone to.

We all know what you have once again submitted and I doubt if there are many that would disagree with you, why then can you not address the issue under discussion.

Read the opening post and comment on it please, perhaps then you may be able to assist in understanding that which has developed from it.

I must now retire as it is approaching midnight, good night and God Bless. X Eliko.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:23 am

CopperLine wrote:Miltiades, there is no doubt that these acts are horrific. I share your outrage. Outrage is only human. Condemnation is the easy bit. Try resolving - by military or political (negotiating) means. Now that is the difficult bit. Here is an excerpt of the script from the Battle of Algiers (the Giles Pontecorvo film). The character Ben M'Hidi is an FLN liberation fighter - what today would be called a 'terrorist - who has been captured by the French and is being interviewed by journalists (and who later becomes an Algerian national hero for leading the Algerians to freedom). I highlight the morally and politically difficult bit for you :


Ben M'Hidi is standing in front of the journalists with handcuffs on
his wrists and ankles. He is without a tie. He is smiling a little, his
glance ironical. There are two paras behind him with machine guns
ready. The picture is still for an instant; Ben M'Hidi's smile is
steady, so too his eyes, his entire face. Flashes, clicking of cameras.

Mr. Ben M'Hidi ... Don't you think it is
a bit cowardly to use your women's baskets
and handbags to carry explosive devices
that kill so many innocent people?

Ben M'Hidi shrugs his shoulders in his usual manner and smiles a

And doesn't it seem to you even more
cowardly to drop napalm bombs on unarmed
villages, so that there are a thousand
times more innocent victims? Of course,
if we had your airplanes it would be a lot
easier for us. Give us your bombers, and
you can have our baskets.

Einstein , what the fuck has this got to do with barbarians using vulnerable , innocent , mentally disabled girls to spread death and distruction to other innocent people .
You are infuriadingly bloody stupid man , the fact that you posses some spurious education doesnt justify your stupidity.Tell me Einstein , what the hell does the rubbish you posted have to do with two innocent mentally disadvantaged girls being used by a sick ideology to spread death and destruction.
I do not , Sir , tolerate fools easily and you are a first class bloody fool !
Do not hide behind some self perceived intelligence and post crap !
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Postby FreeSpirit » Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:04 am

Eliko wrote:The first step in our quest for the TRUTH of all matters pertaining to the above is quite a simple one.

Were we justified in attacking Iraq KNOWING that the reasons for so doing were based on LIES ?.:

So you attacked Iraq did you ("Were we justified in attacking Iraq")

What the hell as that got to do with strapping remote controled bombs to what are no more than chidren, getting them to walk amongst civillians who are their own country people until some coward from another country detonates the bombs from a safe position.

As I said in my previous response :-Anyone who justifies this disgusting act by putting the blame anywhere other than the perpetraters is equaly as evil themselves.
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Postby FreeSpirit » Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:10 am

Eliko wrote:There is little point in attacking their beliefs for a very sound and simple reason, THEY believe in them.

Criticism of their cultural differences is also quite pointless, in fact it is laughable, you would be just as well employed in criticizing an elephant because it has a trunk, their culture is what they ARE.

But you have previously denied that it is their culture, you have continuously stated that these vile happenings are very recent.

You have repeatedly stated that these things never happened before the deposing of Saddam Hussain

A person who bases their arguments on flawed details always trips themselves up later.
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Postby FreeSpirit » Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:13 am

CopperLine wrote:Miltiades, there is no doubt that these acts are horrific. I share your outrage. Outrage is only human. Condemnation is the easy bit. Try resolving - by military or political (negotiating) means. Now that is the difficult bit. Here is an excerpt of the script from the Battle of Algiers (the Giles Pontecorvo film). The character Ben M'Hidi is an FLN liberation fighter - what today would be called a 'terrorist - who has been captured by the French and is being interviewed by journalists (and who later becomes an Algerian national hero for leading the Algerians to freedom). I highlight the morally and politically difficult bit for you :


Ben M'Hidi is standing in front of the journalists with handcuffs on
his wrists and ankles. He is without a tie. He is smiling a little, his
glance ironical. There are two paras behind him with machine guns
ready. The picture is still for an instant; Ben M'Hidi's smile is
steady, so too his eyes, his entire face. Flashes, clicking of cameras.

Mr. Ben M'Hidi ... Don't you think it is
a bit cowardly to use your women's baskets
and handbags to carry explosive devices
that kill so many innocent people?

Ben M'Hidi shrugs his shoulders in his usual manner and smiles a

And doesn't it seem to you even more
cowardly to drop napalm bombs on unarmed
villages, so that there are a thousand
times more innocent victims? Of course,
if we had your airplanes it would be a lot
easier for us. Give us your bombers, and
you can have our baskets.

What the hell has that got to do with two Downs Syndrome women being used as suicide bombers by none Iraqis?
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:15 am

FreeSpirit wrote:A person who bases their arguments on flawed details always trips themselves up later.

Hmm, Bush & Blair come to mind...
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Postby FreeSpirit » Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:20 am

Eliko wrote:What we should concern ourselves with is WHY are they so averse to adopting the dominance of those who have acted so aggressively against them.:

Which part of they are not attacking the so called agressors don't you understand?
let me put it in Janet & John Book (books that primary school children read) language. THEY ARE KILLING THEIR OWN PEOPLE
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:25 am


Right, so what's the difference between killing one's "own people" and killing some other country's people?
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