you do make me laugh. Can't you come up with something a little more original? maybe go to careforre and buy a packet of wit? your name should be Aphid; To my knowledge they are so stupid they dn't even know they exist..... (as it states, the lettuce aphid spread from new zealand) which I believe is more suiting than Aiden or Nadia.....
Yawn... tell me Aiden/Nadia/Aphid, how old are you.... 12? my 18 mnth old niece has a wider vocablery than you.
on what grounds exactly do you name me faggot? and quoting that I must pull on off every night? I mearly stated that you cou do with some coffee to calm you down a bit with all your offending name calling.
IQ of 142 actually. yours? whats the point of giving a 10 year span? that tells us what exactly.... regardless, your like a case of crabs, nipping at everyone, living on crap and quite irritating, with your amazingly boring word "tosser", go and have a five knuckle shuffle...