Suffice it to say that their adopted stance over a dispute was to get me to do as they had decided was the right course of action. I refused knowing full well that by English Law (and hence Cypriot Law) they were clearly in the wrong and I was indisputably right.

I did not like their imposition of male dominance... so I called the police.
They laughed ... as it soon surmised, with the rapid response of the local (very handsome, but too young policeman

Undaunted and spurred on with my usual fight for the right ... I talked the policeman into seeing reason after he spent an unnecessarily long time trying to convince me that as the female, I should back down, give way through lack of witnesses, abort due to hassles of pursuing further etc.
To cut a long story short ... .... I bombarded the otherwise dishy cop with a (meagre) knowledge of the Law he was supposed to be upholding, the fact that I had the freedom and strength to follow this through to full justice, though petty, out of principle!
And would you believe it ... after asking me to be left alone with the three "amigos" they all came back, apologized in a manner that almost reduced me to tears, declared how wrong they had been, that they would never allow a situation to develop in that way again and with full assurances from the policeman ....... not only was I given full permission to carry on with what I was intending to do, but his three friends where ordered to complete the job for me ......

Well .... Cypriot men ... they are used to getting their own way because the women love them too much and never say boo....
As always, justice, truth, rights are my concerns and they will be applied wherever and whenever I see them being ignored.... I am not biased ... no matter how much I love Cypriots ...
To all those that whinge about nepotism in Cyprus ... NOT TRUE ... they are as likely to follow the rule of Law as anywhere else... you just have to point it out to them.
Surely others have been pleasantly surprised in this way?